Read Another Believer Online

Authors: Stephanie Vaughan

Another Believer (7 page)

BOOK: Another Believer
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David stood silent, looking vaguely uncomfortable, and Jonah wondered if he was coming on too strong again. The man was just so… changeable. Elusive. One minute arrogant and superior, the next as shy as a--

Oh, no. It couldn’t be. Like, seriously, the man had to have
experience… Didn’t he?

No need to panic. He’d just have to keep a tight rein on himself and not get too carried away. But, damnit, David was nearly irresistible, with that cocky attitude and sweet body.

Jonah closed his eyes and drew in a long, controlled breath. He was just exhaling when David’s voice intruded, but closer this time. “Are you all right? Is it your head? Are you dizzy?”

“No, I’m-- Well, maybe a little. I should probably lie flat. On my back, you know?” A little white lie. A gentle exaggeration of the truth, wouldn’t land him in the seventh circle of Hell. Exactly.

“Here, let me help.” Standing next to the bed, David’s face was a picture of worry.

Jonah let David take him by the shoulders and ease him gently backward. Glancing up into David’s eyes, Jonah winced and closed his own eyes again. “That hurts. Maybe you should lie down next to me.”


“Um… because I might open them again when I talk to you, and just looking up could make me dizzy. I hate throwing up.” Not his best effort ever, but he’d never been much good at improvising.

“Uh, okay.”


David climbed onto the single bed, pausing probably to work out logistics, while Jonah rolled onto his side and tried to make room by squeezing up against the outside wall of the train. It took a fair amount of jostling and adjusting to get them both wedged into the same space, but it was all worth it when David rested one hand tentatively on Jonah’s hip.

Jonah opened his eyes and smiled at David’s closeness. “I like your eyes.” It was true. Dark, dark brown, with the perfect touch of exotic Asian ancestry to push all of Jonah’s buttons in exactly the ways he liked them pushed.

“Thanks.” David flinched and looked away, and Jonah wondered what that simple thank you cost him in response to a compliment. “They’re nothing special, though. Just brown.”

Bingo. Jonah’s smile broadened at the qualifier. If he’d worn one, he could have set his watch by it.

“I like brown eyes. I
your brown eyes.” Jonah couldn’t hold back any more. He had to kiss David, so he leaned in, closing his eyes a little but waiting to see what David would do. When David’s gaze dropped to Jonah’s lips, after the briefest pause, David’s lips parted a bit and his tongue flicked out to lick at his upper lip briefly.

Oh, yeah.

Closing the distance, Jonah pressed his lips to David’s, pressing lightly at first, until David made a happy little noise in the back of his throat and Jonah took it deeper. David responded by sucking on Jonah’s tongue and pressing closer, hooking a finger in the pocket of Jonah’s shorts and tugging. Jonah’s happiness bubbled up in the form of a moan when David lifted his leg and rested it atop Jonah’s, letting their cocks find each other and bump enthusiastically.


They needed more room.

Jonah slid an arm under David’s and slowly eased down onto his back. David didn’t waste any time in shifting over, climbing on top of Jonah and kissing back enthusiastically.

The shirt had to go, though. Jonah slipped his hands under David’s shirt, moaning a little at the slide of smooth, warm skin under his fingertips. He circled his hands a bit, delighting in the feel of David’s body, eventually catching the shirt and sliding it up.

Jonah was happy when David fought breaking the kiss even long enough to get his shirt off. “Shirt. Can you…?

“Yeah.” David nodded breathlessly and helped the maneuver along. “You, too.”

“Absolutely.” Grinning as David sat back to give him room to work, Jonah shimmied out of his shirt with David’s enthusiastic help.

“Oh. Oh, wow.”

Jonah tended to take his looks for granted, especially since his body was in the shape it was more due to genetics and playing sports than to any attempt at body-building on his part. He had to admit, though, that it might be worth a little more of an effort if the results made David’s reaction so spectacular. The look in David’s eyes and the slight quiver in his hands as he held them hesitantly a couple of inches away from Jonah’s chest were worth a few extra hours spent in the weight room, definitely.

Cupping his hands, David caressed Jonah’s chest, molding Jonah’s flesh and pushing at the muscles beneath the skin. It was amazing, the way something so simple could send electrical impulses licking down Jonah’s spine, hardening his dick even more, if that was possible. Jonah put his hands on David’s thighs, running them up under the edges of David’s shorts. “How about taking these off?”

“Uh…” David’s eyes went wide for a moment, his hands going motionless where they’d been massaging Jonah’s pecs, seconds away from doing wonderful things to Jonah’s nipples.

Jonah willed himself to keep breathing, waiting for David’s next move. This had to work. He wouldn’t let the possibility of failure so much as enter his mind, so instead he imagined David’s hands working the snap and, like mental telepathy or remote control, David reached for the opening of his shorts.


Take your hands off the jock and move slowly away from the bed. You’re about to make a
fool of yourself, and there’ll be no pretending this rejection away.

Maybe not. But there’s no one else here to see or laugh, is there? The hot guy wants you, so shut up and get naked before he changes his mind.

While David’s two sides argued internally, his body just kept going, his hands moving from the warm smoothness of Jonah’s chest to his own shorts--unsnapping with his left hand while his right reached for the zipper. Jonah was smiling at him, and he’d do anything to keep that hot gaze fixed on him. 

“All right.”

Jonah closed his eyes momentarily, his nostrils flaring with each intake of breath. When Jonah opened them again, they were smokier than ever. “Show me your dick.”

Responding automatically, David pulled his briefs down and to one side, his erect cock springing eagerly toward Jonah.


The weird part was, David actually believed him. In that moment, with Jonah gazing at him so intently, he was happy to show off his body because everything he saw on Jonah’s face told him that Jonah meant what he said.

So he wrapped the fingers of one hand around his erection and pumped it a little bit, enjoying the sharp intake of breath from Jonah that resulted.

“Oh, sweet.” Jonah’s tongue darted out, swept quickly across his lips, wetting them, then retreated. “Come closer.”

Oh, yeah.

The heated gaze directed steadily at his dick had David rising to his knees, angling closer until he had to hang onto the bed’s backrest to balance himself. Just the thought of that hot mouth swallowing him down again was--

“Closer. Just--yeah, like that.”

Close enough now that Jonah put his hand over David’s, where it still clutched at his dick, and directed it to Jonah’s mouth. That magic combination of lips and tongue caressed him again, rubbing around the head, now slippery with pre-come and Jonah’s saliva.

Heat and warmth enveloped him for the second time that day and, holy crap, that was amazing. Big hands gripped his ass, first pulling him closer, then pushing him away. Working him down, moving him back and forth like a… like a…

He couldn’t think while Jonah was doing that to him, sucking him hard, then backing off and using that tongue to play with David’s cock. Flicking around the head, teasing at his hole, all the time squeezing David’s ass and controlling his every move.

Sweet and oh, so hot, it spun David’s head to see his dick disappearing into that mouth, the visual more perfect than any fantasy he’d ever jerked off to. He gave up trying to hold a thought, much less analyze or commit to memory. Jonah was working him and David let go, gave himself up to the intense pleasure of being taken.

Losing himself in how good it all felt, David’s head fell back and that tingle, that unmistakable urgency, began to take over as David chased his orgasm. He pushed at Jonah’s mouth, but Jonah had a firm grip on him and pulled him back.

“Wait. David, wait.” Holding David firmly by the hips, Jonah licked his lips and panted, catching his breath.

Don’t whine, idiot. He might stop completely.

“I know, I could do that all day. But I really want to be inside you when you come. Can I fuck you?”

“Of course you may.” It came out stilted and stupidly formal to David’s ears, but it was undeniably sincere. He’d unquestionably be Jonah Simpson’s fuck toy if that was what was being offered.

“Oh, sweet.” Jonah let go of David’s hips and unsnapped his own shorts, urging David upward for a moment so that he could wriggle out of them.


Of course!

Excellent idea!

David scrambled quickly off the bed and shed his own, climbing back up before either one of them could change his mind. As he was doing it, Jonah was fishing in the pocket of his shorts and came up with a condom and a little packet of what David hoped was lube of some sort.

Jonah smiled crookedly and handed the condom to David. “Put it on me?”

Not trusting himself to speak and not say something stupid, David only nodded and took the proffered packet. He was tearing it open with his teeth when he caught an appraising look from Jonah, skimming up and down his body as Jonah fingered the clear gel he’d squirted onto the palm of one hand.

David was too far gone to do much analyzing, especially when Jonah leaned over and took his mouth in an urgent kiss, all tongue and teeth and hot suction. He got lost in the kiss—at how natural and right it seemed. How could he have lived this long without Jonah to kiss him, hold him, fuck him?

“Sorry. I can’t help it. You’re just so hot.” Jonah’s voice was slow and a little raspy, and it rolled over David’s nerves like fingernails down his spine.

Entranced, it took David a second to open his eyes. When he did, Jonah reached for the hand that held the condom and guided it to his cock. David thought for a second that Jonah might have instructions for him, but Jonah just smiled and took a deep breath, shivering as David fit the whisper-thin latex over the flushed head.

“Me, hot? Not even. But--”

“Don’t want to hear it.” Jonah cut him off abruptly. “You’re hot if I say you are, and you definitely are.”

“Hmm. Okay.” After glancing up quickly, David ducked his head and finished rolling the condom down Jonah’s dick. So pretty. He wanted to… Oh, why not? David lowered his head took the tip of Jonah’s cock in his mouth. The latex taste was bitter and nasty, but the scent of Jonah’s skin was more concentrated here--musky and rich--and David sucked it down into his lungs, even as he licked at the most beautiful dick he’d ever had the privilege of sucking.

That’s what it was. A privilege, and one he’d totally lucked into. But just because it was an accident didn’t mean he wasn’t going to grab his chance and run with it. Suck it. Whatever he could get away with.

“Wait.” Fingers under his chin pushed him back before tilting David’s head up. “Don’t go so fast. You’re making me crazy and, as much as I love what you’re doing, I…
.” A flash of molten green was the only warning David got before Jonah kissed him again, rougher this time. Intense. A demanding tongue filled his mouth while a hand slid abruptly into his hair, twining strands between the fingers, holding him still.

Another hand swept down his side, coming to rest on David’s hip, pausing for a moment before homing in on his dick.

David moaned.


It was so good.

Most of his fantasies involved making slow, languid love. Taking his time and luxuriating in unhurried, deliberate touching. Kissing. Stroking. Caressing. But this…

This was exciting.


Being the object of urgent desire that absolutely couldn’t wait.

Being manhandled by a hard-bodied, undeniably stunning, jock was his new standard of excellence.

“David. David, Jesus…” Jonah’s hand was jacking him. With a efficient, twisting motion that was bringing him right up to the edge. Hips jerking, he tried to maximize the motions of Jonah’s hand. “Come on. Let’s do it. Ride me, would you?”

Nodding, David shifted, praying he wouldn’t screw this up. He’d never done it that way--just another reminder that Jonah was a lot more experienced than he was. What if he messed it up so badly that Jonah got disgusted with him? What if he--

“Hold still a second. Did you--? No, hang on.” Jonah put more lube on his fingers and smeared it around David’s hole, slipping a finger inside and stroking David expertly. More lube, more stroking, then suddenly nothing. “I’ll go slow. I promise.”

“You don’t have to. I don’t care.” Two big hands--one slippery, one not--bracketed his hips, guiding his movements.

“Don’t say that.” Jonah’s gaze was fixed on a point beneath David’s body--aligning their bodies, probably.

“I mean it. Just do it. Just fuck me.” The fat, flushed head of Jonah’s dick was pressing eagerly against David’s hole and David closed his eyes in concentration. He was
not a pro at this. He needed to focus. Relax his body. Let Jonah in. Oh. Oh, geez, that was amazing. Thick. Delicious. A slow, sweet burn that pushed steadily upward.

One hand on the wall, David lowered himself, aiming for smooth and faux-relaxed, but really just grateful that one of them knew what he was doing. Jonah pulled his legs up a little for better leverage and then he was all the way in, holding firm, not moving.

David tried to stay still, breathing deep through his nose, biting his lip and balancing with one hand holding the metal window frame. Eyes closed, afraid of what he’d see when he opened them, he couldn’t
look. Jonah was too beautiful just sitting and talking. David needed to know what he looked like naked. Naked having sex.

Jonah’s eyes were open, as it turned out. Intent, unsmiling, he gazed steadily up at David. “Perfect.”


“Shut up. It is.” Jonah undulated his hips slowly and David was in heaven. “You are.”

Jonah did it again and David sucked a breath in hard. “Oh. Oh, wow.”

“Told you you’d like it.” Jonah’s gaze was locked on David’s face now and David wanted to fall into those gorgeous green eyes.

“Did not.” David answered back reflexively--honestly, because Jonah hadn’t--and then wanted to slap a hand over his own mouth.
Idiot. Why are you arguing with the man?

Jonah laughed and it did phenomenal things for his abs and pecs. God, but the man was incredibly built. Tanned chest and freckled shoulders, reddish, blondish streaked hair--
looked like the perfect Huntington Beach surfer boy, not David. So unbelievably good-looking.

“I didn’t? My bad.” As if for emphasis, Jonah withdrew, then flexed his hips and reentered and David’s head reeled at the sensations.

BOOK: Another Believer
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