Read Angel: Rochon Bears Online

Authors: Moxie North

Angel: Rochon Bears (7 page)

BOOK: Angel: Rochon Bears
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, shit, shit!” Becca moaned, letting her head fall forward on the steering wheel.

“I like him. Like stupid schoolgirl crush like him,” she said with a whimper.

Her pussy fucking loved him, but Becca wasn’t giving her a vote right now. Greedy vagina hadn’t stopped pulsing all morning. She swore she could actually feel her heartbeat in her clit today. Like a little va-jay-jay chant.




“Oh, shut up, you,” she said. Then realized she was yelling at her pussy. She needed to get a fucking grip and grow up. She was not some green schoolgirl gushing at the cute quarterback.

She wanted to see him again. Hell, she’d like to be naked with him again. Last night had been the biggest bump to her ego. Not once had she worried about her tummy or her ass this morning while she got dressed. No second glances at those silvery stretch marks around her hips from too many milkshakes. No attempts at smoothing the dimples on her thighs. It wasn’t even a thought. Angel Rochon had done that. He’d liked her the way she was and it was a boost to her self-esteem she needed.

Becca couldn’t remember the last time she hadn’t obsessed about her appearance. Is that what confidence did for you? Made you let go of those insecurities and focus on other things? She’d always assumed body confidence was strutting around, trying to get attention for your great body. Seemed that for her, it was about not having to worry about it at all. What a concept.

Now she felt like she was hooked. What if it wore off? Did she need regular doses of positive reinforcement or could she just take one great night and roll with it?

That option seemed the least likely.

Seeing Angel again also seemed unlikely. He was fourteen years her junior. They would have nothing in common even if he was interested in seeing her again. But why would he? There was plenty of tail in that bar that would have been happy to switch places with her last night. Probably more than one at a time, come to think of it. Although he did say he wasn’t interested in them.

The thought of him being with one of those painted up hussies made her blood boil.

“You have no claim on him, dummy.”

Flopping back to the headrest, she looked out the window to the parking lot. This is what she had become. Sad lady obsessing over a drunken one-night stand in her car. This was unacceptable. Becca Kelly did not moon over teenagers. Okay, not a teenager, but close enough. She had a life, a career, a home, and an active volunteer life. What more could she want?

“Great, I sound like I’m eighty,” she said with a sigh.

She decided that hiding out in her car was not helping, mostly because sitting there thinking about him made her contemplate sliding her hand into her plaid skirt and easing the ache. Getting caught masturbating in the parking lot at work would be the final straw. She’d have to move. Worse, she’d have to go back to Spokane with her parents before her flight to Brazil. That might be far enough to outrun the shame of something like that.

Chapter 13

ngel stepped
out of the truck and slammed the door with a little more force than necessary. His bear had not stopped harping on him since he woke up, and now he was getting annoyed. There wasn’t anything he could do about finding
right now. He didn’t know her last name, where she lived, or where she worked. He could start asking around, starting with his brother.

Eddie seemed to know everyone in town since he was always up in everyone’s business. Sure he was a doctor, but Angel figured in their small town there would be more discretion. His brother was a meddler, and for some reason, people seemed to like that about him. His big brother always had the skinny on shifter and human alike. Even now that Eddie had found his mate and had a new stepson and daughter Talia, it still didn’t keep him distracted enough to mind his own beeswax. Granted, Angel only thought that because Eddie was always on his case about his
. He was a shifter with a life span ahead of him far longer than a human. Twenty-one didn’t seem so old that he had to decide everything right this second.

Then again, his bear was an old soul. At least, that’s what Angel had always thought. There weren’t any hard or fast explanations about it. He knew he’d been matched with his bear at conception, and the fates chose the best bear for him. His bear always felt like he’d been around a very long time. Finding a mate was a constant thought. One that Angel often ignored. Not because he normally did that with his bear; he was the linked soul to his, ignoring him didn’t seem possible. But the chance of finding his mate in their little town seemed slim to none. He figured he’d have to go far and wide to find that one perfect woman.

There was a good chance his mate wasn’t out there. One woman in the whole world just for him? The perfect match for not only him but his bear? Way too tall of an order and logically nearly impossible in his mind. There was hope sure, but he also was a realist.

Shaking off the thoughts, he strode towards the one-story brick building that held most of the county’s offices. Needed a dog license, marriage certificate, or permits? One stop shopping here. Normally, one of the older clan members took care of these errands. Angel guessed there was something to be said for them trusting him with it.

He would work, get his jobs done today, then head home and plug in his guitar and chill until he and his bear felt better. Music to soothe the savage beasts.

Pulling open the door, Angel’s bear let him know he didn’t like the smell of the antiseptic cleaner they used that reminded him of school. Whatever that industrial cleaner was, it was anything but natural, no matter how much pine scent they added.

Walking to the end of the hallway, he pushed through the door and took in the people seated in orange upholstered chairs that were probably original from when they built the structure in the sixties. Taking a number from the spindle by the door, he saw he was number thirty-two, and they were on number twenty-five if the digital sign above the counter could be trusted.

Taking a seat, he pulled out his phone and checked through his social media accounts. It looked liked Rain and Fin had attended a frat party the night before. There were hot girls and a myriad of red cups. Looked like fun. Not that his evening was anything to turn his nose up at. He’d take a hot night with a curvy woman over puke and beer pong any day.

Tucking his phone back into his jeans, he scooted down in the seat and pulled his baseball cap low over his eyes. He was sporting a Seahawks hat that he’d had since junior high. It was finally worn in enough that it was soft, warm, and one of his favorites. He let his mind wander and he wasn’t surprised where it went.

* * *


our pussy is
hot for me, Becks. It’s wet and greedy for my tongue and cock, isn’t it? What do you think your pussy wants? My tongue or my fingers? I could give you one finger while I lick your clit. Would that be enough for you? What about two fingers, digging deep inside you, pushing hard against your womb? I think that might be just what you want. You would come apart for me. I’m sure of that. But what if I put three fingers inside you and bit down on your clit? What do you think that would feel like?”

The woman under him didn’t say anything, but Angel saw her breathing speed up, and her body started to shake under him.

Angel kept up a constant reminder in his head to take it slow and make it good. In the past he’d always made sure he was having “human” sex with his partners. Never really letting his true nature out. Whether it was the alcohol or just the fact he hadn’t had sex in over a year, this girl was different and he didn’t know why. He wanted to dominate her; his animal urged him to take what he wanted. His bear was telling him that this woman, this stranger could handle him, take him just the way he was and needed to be. Angel knew that the first time with a new partner took finesse, but it was harder holding onto his animal than he’d ever experienced.

He could feel the potential in the woman under him. His senses were aware of everything, her heart rate, her arousal, and the short breaths when he surprised her. The song he was writing with her could be a symphony it was so complex. His bear wanted her and his need was shocking even to Angel.

He took in the woman spread before him. Her arms above her head, as he’d requested, her legs spread wide, as he’d ordered. His vision was normally very good, but tonight everything had a fuzzy edge. The last few drinks he’d had he was starting to regret. He wished he was a little more sober to enjoy this moment.

Leaning over her, he cupped her hot pussy in his hand and pressed in against her lips. She sucked in her breath before he moaned. He knew the pressure against her clit was sweet but not what she was looking for.

He blew over her wetness and watched her body shiver. She smelled amazing, sweet and womanly. It made his mouth water. Leaning in, he swiped his tongue through her pussy ending at her clit where he held his tongue against it hard.

Her legs tried to close around his head involuntarily. He shoved them back down wider as he sucked her clit into his mouth. He let out a low rumbling growl to not only punish her for closing her legs but to send that vibration over that bundle of nerves. When he felt her body buck, he started licking and sucking alternating pressure and timing, seeing how wound up he could get her.

“Oh, Angel!” Becca called out. The luscious thighs squeezed his head, and Angel knew that he could die right there a happy man. Angel knew what he was doing. His instincts to bring his partner pleasure had him gauging and reacting to every gasp and moan that drove her crazy. He was finding sensitive spots on her that she didn’t know she had. Spots you would think she would have found accidently on her own over the years. But the shocked gasps sounded like they might have been a surprise to her.

“That’s my name. I like when you say it. Now, Becca, I want you to hold out on coming no matter what happens. No asking, or begging, just resist as long as you can. The longer you hold out, the better it will be for both of us. Can you do that?” Angel knew how close she already was and that he was asking a lot from her. But, the desire to see how long she could control her release just because he asked was a heady tease for him.

“Umm, I can try.”

“Try hard, Becca. Hold out for me,” he said before returning to his masterpiece.

Angel was going to drive her as high as he could before letting her fall. He slid one finger inside her and gave it a circling swipe. He didn’t delay in sliding another finger inside her, twisting them and pressing against her g-spot. He could hear her panting and knew she was fighting the sensation she was feeling. If they were on round two or three, he’d make sure to press down on her abdomen to increase the pressure on that tiny spot inside her. He’d save that for when he wanted his fourth or fifth orgasm out of her.

Pulling his fingers out to the edge of her tight opening, he began to work three fingers into her, past the muscles that wanted to push him out.

“Shhh, baby, big breaths. Breathe out for me; you can do this.

He heard her breathing slow, knew that she was working through the burn in her pussy as he stretched virgin tissues.

“Talk to me. How does it feel?”

“It feels like I’ve only been with men with small dicks and tiny fingers.”

This got a laugh out of him. He couldn’t wait to show her what he had in store for her next.

* * *

e must have dozed
off because his bear started mentally prodding him, and he sat up. His cock was hard in his jeans from the vivid playback his mind had given him. It was like he was back in that room surrounded by her scent.

“Thirty-two, last call,” the woman behind the counter practically yelled.

“Me, here!” He jumped up and did a fast walk to the counter.

The woman was tall, almost as tall as him and at over six foot, that was saying something. Angel knew there was a chance he wasn’t done growing, so he could end up even taller. This woman was good looking if a bit brusque. There was something about her that made his bear sit up and take notice.

“Hey, sorry, must have fallen asleep.”

“Must be nice,” the woman said wryly.

Angel felt a little chagrinned. “Yeah, I’m here to follow up on three logging permits for Rochon lumber. They normally are approved, and we just get a call, but we haven’t heard back yet. Plus, this one is for a new trailer we want to add to our camp. It’s a temporary dwelling, so it’s just like the others,” he said, pulling papers out of the back pocket of his worn blue jeans.

Unfolding the papers and smoothing them out, he slid them across to the woman. He couldn’t help but take a sniff. There was something familiar clinging to the woman, and his brain tried to place it.

The woman picked up the paperwork and looked down, reading through them.

Angel’s gaze went down the length of the counter to another young woman that was giving him a puzzled expression. When she made eye contact with him, that look went from curious to a lame attempt at sultry. The shiny rock on her finger was a dead giveaway that the woman shouldn’t be making eyes at a stranger.

“Take a seat again, and I’ll go look these up,” the woman in front of him said without looking at him again.

Angel gave her a nod and returned to his seat, this time, determined to stay awake. The smell he’d caught tickled his nose. It wasn’t just the woman; he could smell it in the office, floating through the air. It puzzled him and his animal.

* * *

, girlfriend, it is your lucky freaking day.”

Becca looked up to see Alicia smiling at her like the Cheshire cat.

“Why?” she asked warily.

“Well, someone is here asking about a temporary dwelling permit, and since you are filling in for Dan while he’s out, it’s all yours.”

BOOK: Angel: Rochon Bears
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