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Authors: K.A. Mitchell

An Improper Holiday (18 page)

BOOK: An Improper Holiday
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Enjoy the following excerpt for
Chasing Smoke:

Daniel concentrated on unwrapping his sandwich. Fuck if Trey didn’t make him feel like that idiotic

teenager, hopeful and desperate at the same time, the exact feeling he tried to avoid by spending as little time in Easton with his family. He could feel the moment Trey’s attention shifted from him to the TV.

“What’s this shit?”

“I think it’s
Seraphim Falls
. Post Civil War revenge thing.”

The word revenge seemed kind of loud.

“Well, that sounds thrilling.” Trey’s voice was dry. Hooking the desk chair with his ankle, he tugged

the chair forward and sat down to eat his own sandwich. “Did you want turkey instead?” He offered a half to Daniel.

“Split.” Daniel passed over half of his ham and cheese. Letting the blanket fall to his waist, Daniel sat on the edge of the bed, the bag of chips between them.

On the screen Pierce Brosnan dodged a bullet by rolling in the snow.

“He’s lucky the guy has to keep reloading.” Trey passed Daniel the beer and dug out a handful of


They ate in a companionable silence, broken only by Trey’s occasional comments about the movie.

“You don’t go to the movies a lot, do you?” Daniel asked.


“Because you’re not supposed to talk.”

“No one complains in my living room.”

Daniel couldn’t stop a grin. “Remind me not to go to a movie theater with you.”

“Why, you wanna date?”

Daniel took a swallow of beer before he realized Trey was teasing, not mocking.

“Depends on whether or not you expect me to put out.” Daniel chased away the last of his sandwich

with another swallow of beer.

Trey stood up and kicked the chair back. Digging in one of the bags he’d brought in, he came out with

a small bottle of lube and a box of condoms. Tossing them onto Daniel’s lap, Trey said, “Sheetz really does have everything for your convenience.”

“You’ve got big expectations.”

“Thanks for the compliment.” Trey pulled off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans.

Daniel tossed the lube and condoms backward onto the bed and shoved the blanket onto the floor. “I

didn’t eat dessert yet.”

“You didn’t used to play hard to get.” Trey took the beer bottle from Daniel’s hand.

“As I recall, being easy didn’t get me far.”

Trey picked up the remote and switched the TV over to a football game.

“I was watching that.”

“It was distracting.”

“And you get turned on hearing the announcers talk about defensive line penetration?”

Trey shoved down his jeans and pushed Daniel backward. It wasn’t exactly a tackle, but it was close

to offensive holding. “Watching your mouth turns me on. Wanting to see what you’ve got under that T-

shirt turns me on. Thinking about putting my dick in you turns me on.”

Daniel supposed this wasn’t the time to bring up how he’d begged Trey to fuck him. Back when

adolescent stupidity created Daniel’s conviction that actual penetration would mean something.

Would make Trey want to come to New York. Instead his pleading had sent Trey sprinting for basic


“Who said you were putting your dick in me?” Daniel asked.

“I did.”

Trey’s weight settled over him, into him, muscle on muscle. With all the lights in the room on, Daniel could see every detail of the light irises of Trey’s wide-open eyes. The dark silver edge, the bronze

striations around the pupil, and the smoky blue in between. He could hypnotize people without even trying.

No wonder he was good at interrogations. Trey didn’t try to kiss him, didn’t even rock his hips. “So? Are we doing this or what?”

“That’s romantic.”

“Your dick thinks so.”

“Our dicks don’t lie? Could be our song.”

Trey looked at him in confusion.

“It’s a pop song, ‘Hips Don’t Lie’? Never mind.” Daniel reached up and yanked Trey’s mouth down

to his. Trey slid his hands down to get under Daniel’s shirt, sending a groan vibrating into his mouth. The silky hair around Trey’s lips tickled until Trey pushed their mouths wider. The yeasty taste of the beer melted into the taste of Trey’s mouth, still heated with that hint of the cinnamon gum he always chewed.

Tightening the grip in Trey’s hair, Daniel thrust his tongue deeper, grinding his hips up as his cock

got desperate for friction. Fuck. He should have taken the edge off in the shower.

Trey didn’t pull away, just eased back from the kiss, slowing Daniel’s urgency with a soft response,

until they were barely tasting each other’s mouths, breaths quick and shallow.

When Trey lifted his head, his eyes were darker. “This time there’s no rush.”

He sat back, pulling Daniel’s shirt over his head, leaving his arms tangled, pinning his hands in a tight grip of cotton. With a quick glance up at Daniel’s face, Trey started licking and kissing all over Daniel’s chest. A warm wet suck on his nipple made Daniel’s breath catch, but the second Trey used his teeth,

Daniel gasped and arched closer.

Trey looked up and smiled. “Oh really?”

He sucked tingling bites all over Daniel’s pecs, back up to his shoulders, before scraping his nipples with teeth and beard and nails until Daniel was panting. When Trey put a line of dark red bites on Daniel’s stomach, he groaned and started rubbing his cock along Trey’s neck, getting just enough warm pressure

through the cotton of his briefs to ease the ache.

Finally freeing his hands from the shirt, Daniel reached down to thread his fingers through the soft

spikes of Trey’s hair, trying to get his mouth to move lower. But Trey just nipped and licked his way back up, leaving a wet circle around Daniel’s navel and a hard hot bite just under his left pec that turned cold when Trey raised his head, dragging shivers onto Daniel’s skin.

He laid another lick on Daniel’s neck on the way to his ear. “I’m gonna make you come so many

times there won’t be room in that busy head of yours for anything but how bad you want it. Need it.”

“Need what?” Daniel ran his hands up along the hard lines of Trey’s back, sliding back into his hair.

“My cock in you.”

Trey kissed him, hard, but not rough or messy, just with the kind of thorough possession that made

Daniel think maybe coming “so many times” was not going to be an exaggeration.

Trey rolled over onto his side. “Get naked.” He pulled down his own bright blue boxer briefs.

“Squash my Butterscotch Krimpets and I will kick your ass.” Daniel threw his briefs in the direction

of the chair where his pants were.

Trey rescued the package and lofted it onto the other bed. “Good idea. Gonna need the energy.”

“A lot of talk, but not a lot of— Jesus Christ.”

Trey’s mouth closed over the head of Daniel’s dick. He let himself think about that for a second. Trey Eriksson’s mouth on him, a million adolescent jerk-off fantasies come true. And then reality got lots better.

Trey took him in deep and then backed off to lick the head, hand stroking down.

Daniel hadn’t been fully hard, but hadn’t was now the operative word. As soon as Trey groaned

around his mouthful of cock, Daniel’s skin got so hot and tight he had to pin his hips flat to keep from fucking straight down Trey’s throat.

Trey shifted his grip, hand pulling hard on the head while his mouth sucked hot wet kisses down the

shaft, an alternating prickle and then glide from the hair of his beard. He licked the inside of Daniel’s thighs, sucked on the sensitive line of his groin and then dipped to run a flat tongue all over his balls.

Daniel was trying to think of something clever to say that would get Trey’s mouth back on his cock

without coming out like a pathetic adolescent whine. All he managed was to tug on Trey’s head, trying to guide him. Trey pushed Daniel’s hand off and then wrapped warm lips tight around the head of his dick, sliding down until a hard tongue flicked steadily on the bundle of nerves right under the head.

Trey’s hand slid up and down his shaft, moving where his mouth wasn’t so that everything was hot

and tight and oh-shit-I’m-going-to-explode good. His tongue flattened on the shaft and then he pulled up with that hint of teeth he’d already figured out made Daniel nuts, and Daniel reached out, trying to find something to hold onto, to slow his slide into orgasm, because he wanted Trey’s mouth on his cock forever.

Christ, Daniel had been waiting for this forever. He should be able to last longer than two minutes.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all about the story…









Red Hots!


Science Fiction


Young Adult

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BOOK: An Improper Holiday
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