An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (8 page)

BOOK: An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“That was a very dangerous game you were playing with those two young men’s lives, kitten,” Ethan said as he pulled her back across the island so she lay stretched out before them.

“Had those two not been as smart as they were and actually taken you up on your offer of having them as bodyguards, there would have been bloodshed.”

Slowly, Jordon lifted her T-shirt over her head. He kept her arms tangled in the cloth so she wouldn’t be able to move her hands.

“I’m sorry, sirs,” she whispered, as Adam ran his hands across her stomach. “I was just having a little fun. They both looked so worried that I wanted to lighten their mood a little, that’s all.”

“You may have lightened their moods, but just the thought of any man other than one of my brothers touching you makes me crazy, baby!” Ethan leaned down as she turned her lips toward his for a kiss. Amy moaned into Ethan’s mouth as Adam removed her pants, leaving her in only her bra and matching thong panties.

“Damn, baby, you have got to be the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” Jordon, who was standing at the end of the island still holding her arms, said as he leaned forward, running his hands down them to cup her lace-covered breasts.

Adam leaned in, whispering quietly into her ear, “We’re going to take you upstairs and make you ours for good, little one. From now on, you will know who you belong to and who belongs to you.”

Amy gasped in surprise as he lifted her into his arms and started toward the stairs leading to the bedrooms, Ethan and Jordon right behind them. Snuggling against Adams chest, her arms wrapped around his neck, made Amy feel safer and more wanted than she ever had. She trusted these three men for some reason. She’d known others who she thought she could trust, but something always held her back. She never let anyone get as close to her heart as these men were.

Standing her on her feet beside the bed, all three men just stood there and stared at her, making her feel really uncomfortable. Amy knew she wasn’t fugly, but she wasn’t tall and blonde, with long legs that went on forever, either. Suddenly really self-conscious, she started to cover herself with her hands.

Surprisingly, Jordon was the first to move and pull her hands away from her body, saying, “Never cover yourself in front of us, little one.” Opening one of the drawers in the hidden cupboard, Adam tossed Jordan something black and pink. Amy didn’t get a chance to see exactly what they were before Jordon stood in front of her, hand out, and said, “Give me your hands, sub.”

Without a second thought, Amy placed both her hands in his outstretched one and watched as he clasped the fur-lined leather cuffs to her wrists. They felt so right covering her wrists. It was as if they had been made for her. She noticed that there was a small chain that linked the two cuffs together, making it impossible for her to do anything other than keep her hands together in front of her body.

“Climb up on the bed and lay down with your arms over your head and your legs spread open. If you don’t do exactly as I say, you will be punished.” Gone was the sweet Jordon, and in his place came Jordon the Dom.

“Yes, sir,” was all she could say as she turned and crawled up on the bed, placing her arms above her head and making sure to keep her legs spread wide.

“Good girl,” Jordon said as he started undressing. Ethan moved to where her arms were and hooked her cuffs to a hidden ring at the head of the bed, while Adam moved to the foot of the bed and cuffed both her ankles to opposite sides of the bed.


* * * *


Amy lay there feeling very vulnerable as the three men again just stared at her. Ethan was the first to move and crawled onto the bed holding a pair of scissors in his hand.

“Don’t worry, baby, we’ll buy you lots of nice panties, but for now, I want these ones out of the way.” Carefully, he slid the scissors under one leg of her thong and then the other and pulled the scraps away from her body.

“I would have ripped them off you, but I don’t want to leave any bruises on your perfect skin.” He proceeded to cut away her bra as well, and then it, too, was thrown over the side of the bed.

Amy could feel her pussy getting wetter by the minute, and they hadn’t even really touched her yet. She watched Adam as he stood at the end of the bed, licking his lips as he removed his clothes.

“I’m going to eat you alive, baby girl,” he smiled, looking hungrily at her naked pussy. Slowly, he made his way onto the bed and crawled up between her open thighs. She could hear him growl as he breathed in deeply. He said, “You smell so sweet. Let’s see if you taste just as good.”

Amy gasped at the first swipe of his tongue on her overly sensitive folds. They had kept her on edge for days. A long, slow kiss here, a cuddle and a kiss on her neck there, anything to keep her aware that they were always near. Now she had their full attention and she was about to explode.

“Please, sir, more…don’t tease me, I need you,” she cried out, as Adam swirled his tongue around her clit, never quite giving her enough of a touch to push her over.

Amy felt the bed beside her give as Ethan lay down and gently ran his hand up and over her stomach to cup her breast, pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, bringing a gasp from Amy.

“Have you ever had nipple clamps on, little sub?” he asked.

“Only once, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience,” she whispered, trying to focus on the conversation instead of the amazing sensations going on between her legs.

“Tell me why it wasn’t pleasant,” Ethan said.

Opening her eyes wide, she couldn’t believe he was asking her about this.

“Now…? Really, sir,” she cried out as Adam inserted a finger into her pussy and continued to torment her with his tongue.

Laughing quietly, Ethan repeated her statement. “Yes, now, little sub. Tell me why it wasn’t a good experience for you.”

Amy turned her face away from Ethan so that he wouldn’t see the shame that she felt from it. But he was having none of that and grabbed her chin and brought her face back to look directly into her eyes.

“You have nothing to be ashamed about, baby. Whatever happened we need to know so that we can make sure to take it slow with you.”

“It was when I first got together with Jasper,” she said quietly. She could feel both Adam and Jordon tense at the mention of his name.

“He had started to introduce me to some of the BDSM lifestyle, and I was enjoying it until he said he wanted to put these nasty looking alligator clamps on my nipples. That was the first time he hit me. He tied me to the bed and attached the clamps to my nipples then pulled on them so hard that my nipples started to bleed. When I started to cry, he hit me again and told me that from then on I would do whatever he wanted.”

The tears that she had held back for so long began to flow, and she felt her arms and legs being untied. She knew that if she told them even some of the things that Jasper had done to her that they would no longer want anything to do with her. Curling up into a ball on her side, she couldn’t look at any of them. She felt like such a fool to even think they’d want to continue with her.

“I’m sorry, sirs. I knew once I told you, you would know what a complete waste of time I am, but you insisted, so I had to tell you,” her voice broke on the last word, and she grabbed a pillow and tried to smother her cries.

Unexpectedly, she was turned around and lifted by Jordon off the bed and carried across the room so that he could sit in one of the large overstuffed chairs that faced the fireplace. Rocking back and forth with her in his arms, Amy was surprised to see that both Adam and Ethan had pulled two more chairs closer to them so they, too, could sit down, and after a few minutes in Jordon’s arms, he transferred her into his brother’s.

“Baby girl, you have no idea how much you trusting us with that story has meant,” Adam said in a quiet tone.

Ethan reached over and brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek and lifted her face up to his for a gentle kiss.

“What that bastard did to you was abuse, sugar, plain and simple. Erotic pain is different from physical abuse. Now that we know, we would never even attempt to use alligator clamps, not that we would’ve anyway, but knowing that, it now becomes a definite no. The ones we prefer to use are clamped around the nipple then tightened by a small screw. But you never have to use them if you don’t want to. We would never force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

Amy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. They didn’t want to get rid of her! They still wanted her to be their submissive? Raising her hand to cup Adam’s cheek, she realized that her wrists were still cuffed together. Laughing, she leaned back against him and nuzzled into his neck instead. Looking over to where Ethan sat, she wondered if he felt the same way, though. The look on his face wasn’t one of acceptance but of anger. Did he blame her for not leaving Jasper soon enough?

“Ethan, sir,” she said, reaching out to him. “I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same as the others. I can’t change the past, but I will try to be the best submissive I can be. I know I have a temper sometimes…” Before she even had a chance to come to the end of her sentence, Ethan stood and lifted her from his brother’s arms and sat back down with her on his lap, cutting her off before she could finish.

“You, sweet baby, are everything that we need, everything that I could ever want in my woman. What happened to you makes me want to kill the bastard.” He pulled her tightly against is chest and kissed the side of her neck. “He will never have an opportunity to hurt you again, Amy. I promise you that. I will kill him before he ever has the chance.”

She could see that he meant what he said, and that brought some worry to her. She didn’t want any of her men to get themselves into trouble or hurt because of her.

“Sir, I need you to promise me something,” she said shyly. “I need you to promise me that you won’t do anything, where Jasper is concerned, to make me lose you. I couldn’t stand it if I lost any of you to that bastard’s insanity.”

Standing up with her still in his arms, Ethan carried her back over to the bed and gently placed her down again. Looking into her eyes, he smiled. “You will never get rid of any of us now, little girl. We’ve got you exactly where we want you, and no one is going to get in our way.” With that said, Amy heard the click of the ankle cuffs and felt her arms being pulled over her head again and attached to the headboard.

“Now, my sweet, little submissive, we are finally going to show you exactly what it means to be our woman,” he said.

Chapter 5


Amy could feel her heart racing just thinking about what the strong, dominant men were going to do to her. Not out of fear, because she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the men would never intentionally do any physical harm to her. To them, no meant no, and they gave her enough confidence that she would tell them exactly that, should they ever push her past a point that she wasn’t comfortable with. She wasn’t afraid for them to push her boundaries though either. She knew that by doing that, not only they, but she as well, would find a great deal of pleasure.

Jordon lay down on the bed beside her, nuzzling her neck and shoulder, sending shivers of excitement over her body.

In a soft, low voice, he whispered against her temple, “We’re going to make you come so many times, baby girl, that you’ll be begging us to stop.”


* * * *


Ethan stood at the end of the bed this time, stroking his cock as he watched Jordon and Adam kiss and play with Amy’s breasts. He was so amazed at how unconscious of her beauty she truly was.

Watching his brothers pleasure her, and hearing the little cries and whimpers for more, made him harder than he’d ever been. No other woman had ever given him such pleasure, with just a touch, than their little Amy.

As he crawled up onto the bed, he felt like a predator stalking his prey. Slowly, he moved between her open legs, watching as her eyes darkened with passion and her lids drooped to almost closing.

“Keep those eyes on me, little girl. I want to be able to see all that fire in them.” Ethan told her. With his eyes still on hers, he lowered his head and swiped his tongue over her wet pussy. God, she tasted like ambrosia, and her musky scent was almost enough to make him lose his control. He licked her from anus to clit and watched as she tried to lift her hips to his mouth. Holding her down with his hand pressed firmly against her stomach, he continued to slide his tongue over her outer lips and close to her clit but never quite gave her the touch she was craving.

“Ethan, sir, oh God, please don’t stop.” Her cries were cut off by her gasp as Adam gently bit down on her nipple then laved it with his tongue.

“We’ll give you what you need, little girl, but only when you are ravenous for us. We’ve waited a long time for you, so you will learn what it means to belong to us.” He lowered his head to her pussy again.

“Jordon, please,” she begged. “Give me some relief.” Amy cried out again when Ethan speared a finger inside her.

“Begging Master Jordon will not get you relief, sub. Only your complete trust and obedience will give you that,” Adam told her.

“But I do trust you, all of you, or I wouldn’t be here,” she said, gasping for breath. “I’m sorry, sir, but I haven’t been with anyone for a long time, and I’m finding it difficult to completely let go.”

BOOK: An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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