Read An Accidental Affair Online

Authors: Heather Boyd

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #General

An Accidental Affair (22 page)

BOOK: An Accidental Affair
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She drew back, stared at him, and then buried her face in his throat with a laugh. “My whole life I have wanted to be short.”

Merrick smiled at her mood. Playfulness in bed was preferable to terror. “You are the perfect height. Never doubt that.” He raised his hand higher, sliding it under the banyan she wore, letting her warmth brand his fingers. When he touched softer skin, he paused. Smooth, slim thighs greeted him. But they were firmly pressed together.

Determined to proceed, he sought her mouth and when she kissed him in return and relaxed again, he took the opportunity to part her thighs. She squeaked a protest, but he continued, sliding his hand up her inner thigh until he reached the apex. Damp curls brushed his fingertips and he lingered, knowing he was the first to touch her there.

The experience was heady and he drew back to look into her face, to memorize the moment. She looked so surprised that he kissed her cheek. “Sweetheart, I cannot wait to bring you pleasure.”

Her hand settled against his chest, her fingers playfully twisting into the light dusting of hair revealed by his parted shirt. “And how will you do that?”

“Wait and see.”

He nudged her thighs wider and then stroked between her legs. Arabella jerked away, but he soothed her with inarticulate words and brushed against her a little more firmly. She was wet, but she likely didn’t know why. Poor darling. He’d soon show her the pleasure he could give. He stroked his fingers along her sensitive skin, catching the twist of her hips when he neared her clitoris.

He focused there, softly at first but returning again and again with firmer pressure until she was sobbing, churning her sex against him. He paused to probe her entrance with the tip of his finger and then alternated the pressure so she’d grow accustomed to his invasion.

The tension in her thighs softened and allowed greater access. His fingers slipped through her moisture easily, and encouraged, he kissed her brow. “Ready for more?”

Arabella nodded quickly as he slowly pressed one finger inside her tight confines. She squirmed, clearly unnerved by his actions. As he teased her, repeating the movement, he brushed his thumb over her clitoris, bringing her deeper into her desires. Merrick increased his movements, listening to the rasp of her breathing, enjoying the scrape of her fingertips against his chest, and finally the sudden tension that clamped her body around his finger. Her breath hitched as she experience her first release of the night.

Merrick stilled the movements of his hand but laid it over her mound. “There now. Isn’t that better?”

She gulped air and when she finally looked up at him, she appeared dazed. Merrick kissed her lips, drew her tightly against his chest. There was so much more to give her. So much joy and tenderness that he couldn’t wait to bestow on her. He stood, taking her with him, nestled in his arms.

She clutched his shirt. “What are you doing? I’m too tall to be carried.”

“Not to me, and I’m taking you where you’ve always belonged. Into my bed.


~ * ~


Arabella stared at Rothwell as he placed her in the center of his large bed. She had never dreamed such pleasures could be found simply from a man’s hand. She’d be embarrassed or worse except her limbs were as heavy as lead and coherent thought was a struggle. No wonder the ladies sighed over him.

Rothwell stripped her of her remaining clothes and she allowed it without considering a word of protest. When he removed his own clothing and climbed in beside her, displaying his bare skin to her startled eyes, she glanced at the candles anxiously. “Shouldn’t you…”

Rothwell smiled widely and then kissed her cheek, his breath hot enough to make her sigh contentedly. “No. Seductions are much more decadent when you can see the effect you have on your lover. And Arabella, I want to see all of you. Every moment between us must be remembered.”

A little startled by his determination, she dropped her eyes to his bare chest, studying the unfamiliar sight that stirred her all over again. She peeked lower and couldn’t miss his arousal. So many unasked questions flooded her mind but she hid them, determined not to give herself away.

He eased onto his side and the heat in his gaze warmed her all over. “Have you grown shy of me again?”

Perhaps she had. There was quite a bit more to making love than she’d first expected. Rothwell’s intensity was overwhelming and would take some getting used to. “I’m sorry.”

His fingertips skimmed her hipbone and she jumped because it tickled. A soft chuckle left him and he laid his hand flat over the place. “Don’t be. There is nothing more appealing than seeing you in any state. Shy or bold, I do admire you.”

As Arabella met Rothwell’s gaze, she wondered how far his admiration went. His behavior was nothing like she’d expected, and she definitely liked getting to know his character better. His consideration of her nerves and his tenderness was rather sweet actually. The smile on his face showed he was not alarmed or even disappointed by her timidity. She’d made the right choice for her first lover.

Determined to press on, she set her hand to his bare chest and fluttered her fingers over his skin the way he had done to her. A low groan left his mouth as she touched him. He remained still and let her explore and learn the warmth and contours of his upper body. He was remarkably robust and appealing, and she circled his flat nipples, smiling to herself as he groaned. When she’d touched all she could reach, her face was hot with a fiery blush.

“Bella, my darling,” he whispered against her lips. “Dear God, I want you more than words can say.”

A burst of happiness caused her to smile and she stretched to press her lips to his. Rothwell dragged her flush against him and she didn’t resist or mind his sudden impatience. He draped her upper leg over his, aligning their hips quite scandalously. But he didn’t let her remember where she was for long. His kisses filled her awareness. The occasional rasp of new whiskers against her skin was pleasant, and the scent and warmth of him turned her mind in one direction only—experiencing more bliss at his command.

She curled her arms about his neck as he rolled to bring her beneath him. His strength and muscular thighs between her own caused her breath to catch. She clung to him as sensation upon sensation swamped her. His hard length brushed her leg, burning hot and foreign to her. She broke the kiss and met his gaze.

He swallowed. “You are everything I dreamed of and so much more.”

“You dreamed of me?”

He buried his face in the curve of her neck. “Every damn night.” His words were a coarse growl, swiftly followed by a change of position. He slid a hand beneath her hips as his hips jerked forward. A sudden sharp pain caused a yelp to leave her throat before she could prepare herself for the loss of her virginity.

Arabella waited for Rothwell to denounce her. To cry foul that she’d tricked him. However, he remained still within her, motionless above her, his rough pant against her throat a comforting presence. He groaned and eased back. “I’m sorry. It’ll pass soon,” he whispered.

After a few thrusts, the pain faded only to be replaced by urgency. She threaded her fingers through his hair and held on, certain that he would bring her to that perfect place of passion again. His movements grew wild as he urged her legs farther apart. She wrapped them about his hips when urged to do so and hung on as her body once more tensed and shuddered with the force of her desire.

Rothwell’s rumbling groan ended with his sudden stillness and then he jerked from her body, his shoulders shaking violently beneath her clutching hands. Warmth splattered across her thigh and she lifted her head to see. The next instant, he collapsed atop her, hot, slick with sweat, and more familiar and dear than Arabella dreamed anyone could ever be. He rested his weight on her briefly before rolling off again.

She was no longer a virgin, but was now Rothwell’s lover. The thought made her happy. Now she knew why other women smiled so smugly when they whispered about their gentlemen friends. Rothwell was so skilled that making love again, even with that necessary first burst of pain, was highly desirable.

Rothwell wriggled closer and when he offered a place in his arms, Arabella snuggled against his side and listened to the fast beat of his heart. He held her firmly against his chest, pressed a long kiss to her hair, and sighed deeply. He didn’t speak, and Arabella didn’t mind. His hands wandered restlessly over her skin, and she touched him in return. A candle spluttered and died, casting the chamber in deep shadow.

She held herself to Rothwell, unwilling for their time alone to be over. If she had but one night to spend with him, she would revel in every moment. “Thank you.”

His fingers fluttered over her lips to shush her.

When she lifted her chin, Rothwell kissed her lips softly and dragged her atop his body before sighing deeply. The unfamiliar position alarmed her momentarily until he drew her higher and brought one nipple into his mouth. He suckled on the peak and she squirmed.

Although it barely seemed possible, warmth pooled between her thighs again. Could all men illicit such desires, or was it simply Rothwell who sparked the flame? She met his gaze and her body shook until finally she grabbed his head and held him to her breast.

It seemed there was quite a bit more about pleasure that Rothwell could teach her. She’d be a fool let one last opportunity slip away so soon. She loosened her hold on him and ran her fingers through his wavy dark hair. The firm tug on her nipple made it hard to remain still. “That was perfect.”

Rothwell released her and feathered kisses all over her breast. “No, you are.”

He tumbled her over onto her back and held her down with the weight of his body, his teeth flashing white in the dim light as he grinned. “We’ve hours of night left to play and please each other.”


“Certainly.” He lifted up and then rolled her onto her stomach. “Take your back for instance.” He shifted her hair aside and kissed the top of her spine. “A tall woman has much more skin—a man can devote hours to kissing.”

She squirmed as he proved his point, giggling from the certainty that he was teasing her and thoroughly enjoying doing so.

“Then there are her delightfully long legs. You have no idea how many hours of thought I’ve put into imagining them wrapped about my hips.” He kissed the back of her knee suddenly and she flipped over.

“Please be serious.”

He rose to his knees at the foot of the bed. “Arabella. Sex doesn’t have to be a serious matter. It can be a great deal of fun and delight for both of us. A man doesn’t have to be inside the woman for them both to find fulfillment.”


He caught her ankle and ran his hand up her leg, forcing her to part them involuntarily. He slid between them on his stomach and laid his head on her inner thigh. “Nothing would please me more than to prove it.”

And without another word, Rothwell showed her exactly what he liked best. Again and again through the long hours of the night.





Merrick crept across his bedchamber and stared down at the sleeping woman strewn across his bed. To finally make love to Arabella, to have been her first lover, was a heady, exhilarating experience. One of her long legs was in plain view, not under the bedding, tempting him to return and make love to her all over again.

Yet he could not. Not until he had taken care of a few things first. He and Arabella had to talk about the consequences of last night. Merrick would never abandon her. Not when she made him feel things he’d longed for all his life.

In the early hours of the morning, when Arabella had succumbed to exhaustion, he’d imagined a pleasant fantasy of a life with her as his wife. He would be so good to her. She would never want for anything. The one difficulty that blackened their happiness was her determination to keep her freedom.

He sighed and leaned against the bedpost. He did have to leave today, but he wanted to be certain he could return. He hoped to convince her to visit with Grayling and his wife while he was away dealing with family affairs, and then they could continue what had only just begun between them.

She stirred as he sat on the edge of the bed. It was like watching his sun rise. She stretched beneath the sheet and blinked up at the curtained canopy, a contented smile playing at the corners of her mouth. His heart tumbled over, adding to his certainty that she was the one for him.

“Good morning,” he said gently.

Regardless of his soft tone and their passions of last night, she scrambled for the sheets to cover her body. “Rothwell?”

He perused whatever curves remained in view and then forced the memory of her passionate responses firmly aside. He couldn’t think clearly around her when he was aroused. Last night had been bad enough. She’d almost escaped him because of his befuddlement. But in the morning light, mussed from sleep and his lovemaking, Arabella was near to irresistible. A siren unveiled. He met her gaze and tried his best to keep it there. “I think, perhaps, we are beyond the use of titles. I would be pleased if you would call me Merrick.”

“Merrick,” she said softly, her lips curving into an inviting smile. No blush today, but her skin glowed with health and vitality. The siren had woken and he was powerless.

BOOK: An Accidental Affair
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