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Authors: BA Tortuga

Alpha Call (2 page)

BOOK: Alpha Call
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“Coffee with cream?” She put the box on the table and
helped, cleaning dishes as he made the richest, most delicious coffee she’d
ever smelled. Wendy figured she could get an award for her restraint. Those
éclairs were ten pounds of amazingness.

He handed her a cup, moving close, his hand touching hers.

That electricity hit her again, making her hand shake,
coffee spill.

“You okay?” He eased her cup down, his hands all over her
now. On her elbow, her hip, guiding her down into her chair.

“Yes. Yeah. I’m good.” Fuck, her nipples were hard as nails,
her clit throbbed and she suddenly wanted to bite something.

Brett drew in a deep breath, scenting her. His pupils dilated.
“You smell good, for sure.”

“Don’t. I’m not interested in playing.” God, she was a
shitty liar.

“Mmm. I’m not interested in playing, honey. If you and I tie
it up, you need to be prepared to stick around.”

“We won’t.” There was no way.

“You don’t think so?” He glanced pointedly at her chest.
Which, of course, made her look at his crotch. Oh God.

“Stop it.” She was talking to both of them.

“Yeah.” He opened the container of éclairs and gave her one,
sitting across the table. Yay. Distance.

Wendy focused on the cream and the chocolate and the flaky
pastry and it actually worked. The éclair was better than any sex she’d ever
had. She hummed and licked, nibbling around the edges, sucking her fingers

A sip of the coffee completed the experience. It was dark
and rich and mixed with the chocolate flavor still on her tongue. She might
just die happy.

A soft whimper had her looking up. Brett stared at her, eyes
alight. He held out another sweet. “Have one more. Please.”

“I don’t…” She licked the coffee off her lips.

“Oh, you do. You’re running on empty. The carbs will do you
good.” He was…she could smell him and it should be gross. It wasn’t.

It was delicious.

“One more.” She took the pastry, dragged her fingers through
the cream and sucked them dry.

When she was done, she looked at Brett to find him all but
panting, cheeks flushed, his eyes glowing gold around the edges. He looked as
if he wanted to eat her alive.

She wanted to straddle him, ride him into the ground. Hell,
she wanted to bite him.

His eyes widened and he pushed up, hands on the table, broad
chest working as if it was a bellows. “No biting, honey.”

Her eyes went wide. “What?”

No. No way had he heard her. No. Fucking. Way.

Brett just stared at her, his jaw set. “If anyone is biting,
it will be me. The only reason I’m not taking you to bed right now is this
whole thing with your ex.”

“That and I’m not interested.” See? This was why she wasn’t
pack. “I’m heading home. Give me my stuff.”

“Not interested?” His voice lowered to a throaty growl. “I
could strip you naked right here on the table and you’d beg for more.” Brett
reached out, almost touching her, the heat from his hand maddeningly close.

“You fucking wish. I don’t beg.” She growled low, slapped
his hand out of the way and got right in his face. “I’m not some little bitch
looking to wiggle her rump in every male’s face. You fucking bother me again
and I’ll have you arrested and held. We’ll see how well you do in general
population during the moon.”

She half expected him to bite her, as furious as he looked.
That probably would have been easier to handle than the kiss he planted on her,
his hand sliding into her hair to hold her there.

A deep growl built in her chest, her nails dragging down
Brett’s chest as the kiss made her fucking insane. It was electricity right to
her spine. It jolted her, made her want to climb him as if he was a jungle gym
and take what she needed. His grip was like iron, his chest hard as a rock.

Fuck, he was a wet dream brought to life. She snarled, both
of them fighting, snapping into the kiss, hips grinding together. He reached
down, cupping her pussy through her jeans, thumb rubbing her unerringly. Oh
fuck yes. She’d lied. She wanted. She needed. Now.

He groaned into their kiss, the sound perfectly male and
altogether too short, because it disappeared when his front door slammed open.

“Brett! Brett, one of the puppies fell, you need to come.”

“Fuck.” Brett pulled back, teeth baring in a grimace.
“Susan, I swear to God. You have to keep those boys of yours under control.”

Wendy took the opportunity to run. Her pistol and badge
wallet were there by the door and the night air felt good as she took off,
jogging down the mountain into the darkness.


Hot, fucking asshole.

Chapter Three


Brett was going to kill something.

They were so close to the fucking moon that he could feel it
pulling at his wolf, just as waves pulled the sand out from under your feet
when you stood on the beach. No one had found Wendy, the hot cop’s, ex and
goddamn it, he was horny.

Like, whoa, blue-balls horny.

He sighed, vaulting up the steps at Jordan and Shaw’s
backwoods cabin. He needed to check in on them and their new girl before the
moon actually hit them.

Their witchy girl was sunning herself on the porch,
surrounded by soft blankets. Her eyes popped open, the new wolf vibrating under
her skin, and a curious chirrup sounded.

“Shh.” He smiled, not baring his teeth. He needed her to
know he wasn’t a threat.

She relaxed back, nostrils flaring, scenting him. “Sorry.
Sorry, you startled me. You’re…our alpha?”

“I am. You’re Stephanie, huh? Nice to meet you.”

“Thank you.” She reached for him and her mates came
barreling out together, all growls and teeth.

“No!” Brett barked it and Jordan and Shaw came to a
screeching halt, rocking back and forth before Jordan chuckled.

“Hey, man. What’s up?”

Stephanie stood, moving into Jordan’s arms as if she was in
a trance, completely caught in her body’s changes. Jordan rumbled softly,
pulled her close.

Man, pheromones.

Brett bit back a grin. “Tell me things are going well here,
at least.”

Shaw nodded. “Beautifully. We’re good. We are. She’s

“She seems like a nice gal.” Brett grinned again. “Not like
her friend at all.”

“Wendy’s fabulous. She’s tough and always has chocolate.”
The words would have been more effective if Stephanie hadn’t been nuzzling
Jordan’s throat.

“She’s a vicious, rabid cock tease who carries a gun.” He
said it lightly, but he was only half joking. She was also sexy, brave and
admirably tough.

“She had a bad breakup. She has scars.” Stephanie settled,

“Scars, huh?” He pondered that. “Physically?” Any bastard
who had to beat a woman needed to be horsewhipped.

She nodded. “Wendy’s a cop. She’s tough.”

“That sucks,” Shaw murmured, rubbing his arms. Shaw was
always way more sensitive to shit.

Stephanie reached for Shaw too, drew him close and the three
started rocking together, fingers petting and grooming. By the moon, those
three were joined at the hip, already, mated and bound as if they’d been
together for years. It would have been adorable if he wasn’t so annoyed, so
itchy. They were sending out pheromones like whoa.

“No sign of the guy up here, right?”

“No.” Jordan bared his teeth. “He’d better stay the fuck

“Hey, I agree. I just needed to check in.” And he needed a
beer and a massage and to get laid…

“Mmm. Nice to meet you.” Stephanie pulled Shaw’s hand.
“Inside, boys. Say goodbye.”

“Bye.” Shaw ran inside with her, laughing.

Brett shook his head at Jordan, who had always been a little
more…settled. “You’re in trouble, man. Look, I know you’ll be busy on the moon,
but keep an ear or an eye out. This guy’s a rogue and will strike when we’re
all too busy to see it coming.”

“I will. I’ll protect them.” He’d never seen Jordan

“Just don’t let her get in my way if I have to protect the
pack.” A new shifter was always a danger their first moon. They hadn’t honed
their instincts yet.

“You got it.” Jordan nodded, gave him a hard hug. “I’ll make
sure she’s safe.”

“Be careful, man.” He’d leave them to it. Now that he knew they
were going to make it, Brett had a few other folks to check on. Most
particularly that EMT who’d been attacked. Brett had the sinking suspicion
that, with as many bites as the human had taken, there’d be another new pack
member, at the next full moon. Might as well see the guy with his own eyes.

Then he was going to go see a certain cop and, hell, he
didn’t know. Lick her jaw. Buy her a beer. Fight with her. Drop to his knees
and beg for a taste. Something.

That was really the only answer. She was the only who could
scratch his itch.

* * * * *

“You sure you’re okay, Mike?” Wendy sat on Mike’s patio,
nose twitching. Mike didn’t smell okay. The big guy smelled…off.

“Yeah. Yeah, girl. I’m just sore. Crazy shit, this whole

“I know. I’m so sorry.” She’d already apologized about a
million times. What the hell else could she do?

“Shit, honey. It’s not your fault. Is Stephanie okay? She
was so scared last time I saw her.”

“She’s…” Well, she sure as shit wasn’t scared anymore, not
wrapped up in Shaw’s and Jordan’s arms and howling at the moon. “She’ll be

“Oh good.” He scratched his arms with both hands. “Man, I
quit smoking two years ago and I want a cigarette so bad.”

“Yeah? I don’t.” She couldn’t bear the smell. “They give you
weird drugs at the hospital?”

“Huh? They gave me, uh, rabies, tetanus. That kind of stuff.
The anti-stuff, I mean.”

She frowned. Mike was losing it. He was an EMT. He usually
had medical jargon out his wazoo.

She reached out to touch his cheek and a low growl sounded,
making her spin around, hand at her waist, reaching for her sidearm.

“How’s he doing?”

Jesus, it was Brett, the big alpha asshat. Right there as if
he had a right to be.

“Wendy, who is this?” Was Mike growling? Christ, this was

“A…” Shit. “He’s in law enforcement.”

Sort of.

“Sorry.” Brett didn’t look sorry at all. “I knocked out
front, but you didn’t hear me.”

“Hey.” Mike stood, hand out to Brett. “How’s it going, man?”

“Good. I’m Brett.” Brett shook hands with Mike and the two
men stared at each other. Damn it all if Mike didn’t look away first. Men and
their pissing matches.


She reached for Mike’s wrist, glaring at Brett as he
rumbled. “Come on, man. Sit. You look rough.”

“Thanks.” Mike blinked, staggering back to his chair. “Man,
I am so hungry and nothing I eat tastes good.”

Oh, fuck a doodle. “You said the doctors put you on weird

Have you tried steak?

“Dude. They shot me full of all sorts of shit.”

“Huh.” Brett grinned. Wolfishly. “Maybe you’re low on iron.
Try some red meat.”

“Yeah. Maybe.” He nodded to Brett as though that was the
best suggestion ever. “You want to get some burgers, Wendy?”

“I have shit to do, Mike. You want me to grab you one and
bring it back?”

“Sure. Sure, thanks.” He looked so out of it. Wendy was
going to kill something. She was going to start with Brett if he didn’t quit

“Kayla said she’d bring something by, man.” Brett looked
altogether too pleased with himself.

Mike blinked over. “Huh?”

“You know, Kayla from the hospital? That’s my sister. She’ll
bring food.”

Wendy arched an eyebrow. “Your sister? She a nurse?”

Suddenly this pack was all over her town.

“No, honey. She just visited Mike in the hospital for Steph.
You know, as a favor.”

“Ah.” Right. Because Steph was…one of them now. Wow. “Mike,
I’m off. Have a good one.”

She’d fucking moved to Boulder because it should have been
big enough Lupines would avoid it. She guessed all that communing with nature
and close access to the mountains made it attractive.

“I’ll come with you,” Brett murmured, following her to her

“He contracted it, didn’t he?” Not everyone did, right?
Otherwise they’d be everywhere. Mike was a good guy; he deserved better.

The thought made her steps stutter a little, made her sad.

“Looks that way it, yeah. Kayla says he was tore up enough
for a few of us to have gone after him. You have to tell me about this guy,
honey.” Brett grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. “I need to know where
he’s likely to hole up, what his weaknesses are.”

Lightning shot up her arm. “Hands off.”

Her nipples went rock hard. That seemed to be a thing when
he touched her. It made her crazy, and not all in a bad way.

Brett didn’t let go.

“I have somewhere to be.” She needed a box of Oreos and a

“I can go with you. We can talk.” He squeezed her arm when
he said talk, which was a funny euphemism for what he clearly wanted to be

“We can’t.” She’d embarrass herself by humping him like a
naughty puppy.

He pulled her closer, his body pressing against hers. “We
can. Oh, we sure can.”

Hard and solid, he made her mouth water. Maybe she should
take him, fuck him through the floor and watch him run. She stretched, her body
sliding over pure heat, and her clit throbbed, demanding attention, touch. “My
place. Now.”

“I’ll follow you.” He growled it against her mouth before
taking a hard kiss, then turning to go to his truck.

She sat in her car for half a second, listening to her heart
pounding in her chest. What the fuck was she doing?

Her pussy throbbed, her toes curling.


Hot, wild sex. Scare the big male off. Go have a burger and
a beer.

That sounded like a plan. She wasn’t sure she wanted to
admit how good a plan it was or wasn’t.

She headed for her place, the skinny three-story lease
looking a little dingy in the sunlight. Mongo was at the front gate, the
gigantic German shepherd panting and wagging, whining for her.

Brett was right behind her, making noises at Mongo, who just
rolled to his back, feet kicking.

“Don’t seduce my dog.” She growled softly at her beautiful
baby boy, who wagged happily.

“What? He’s a good boy. Next time I’ll bring him treats.”
The man pushed right into her yard, closing the gate behind them. Asshat.

Mongo followed them in and she made sure he had treats,
kibbles. “You want a beer?”

“No.” He moved in close, his hands landing on her hips.

“Good.” She lifted her head. It was something, looking to
kiss someone taller than her, so much broader.

He smiled, but there was no mockery in it. Then he bent down
and took her mouth and it was as if the whole fucking world stood still. Brett
spread her lips, tongue fucking her, one huge hand in her hair. She grabbed his
shoulders and kissed the hot bastard right back, the electricity between them
fierce. He was big, solid and they were standing in her kitchen, so hot already
that they might go up in flames.

He picked her up as if she weighed next to nothing. “Point
me to your bedroom, honey. We’re doing this right.”

“Third floor.” No way he was carrying her up two flights of

He didn’t even break a sweat. Rotten jerk wasn’t even
breathing hard when he hit the third floor landing.

“That’s insane. Hot as hell, but insane.” Her bed wasn’t
made, her vibrator on the nightstand. Even worse, there was her copy of “Steel
Magnolias” right there, open, next to a box of Kleenex.

Kindly, he ignored it all. “What’s that, honey?” He tossed
her on the bed so easily that she bounced.

“You.” She put her pistol in the drawer, slid her toy in
alongside and toed off her boots.

“Oh, you haven’t seen crazy yet.” He stripped off his shirt
and started working on his jeans.

Fuzzy, broad, thick—the man’s chest was abnormally
wonderful. Made her a little stupid, honestly. His belly was ridged with
muscle, his thighs heavy and a little hairy. In between, well, shit. She might
have run if she’d seen a cock like that a few years back.

Wendy tugged her t-shirt up and off, her hair coming out of
its band as she reached down to unbuckle her belt.

“Let me.” He was on her in a flash, his big hands making
short work of her pants and her undies. His hands found her breasts and weighed
them, his deep growl making her bite her bottom lip.

“Sweet. You’ve got such pretty skin, honey.” Brett dipped
down to kiss the tops of her breasts, his beard rasping at her.

“No one calls me pretty.” She rocked up on her toes, arching
into the touch.

“Then they’re idiots.” He sucked one nipple into her mouth,
pushing it back and forth with his tongue.

“Oh.” Her head fell back, that sudden ache sending heat
shooting down to her clit.

“Mmmhmm.” He sucked hard for a few moments then switched to
her other nipple, his hand on her belly, working down, teasing the top of her
curls. He tugged—not enough to hurt, too hard to ignore, and that sting made
her whine softly. Brett rewarded her by sliding a finger between her folds and
finding her clit, rubbing it in gentle circles.

Wendy bent her leg, propped it up on the bed so she could

“Smell so good.” Brett’s mouth slid down her belly, his
fingers moving, making her twist and moan.

She was supposed to be jumping him, damn it, but that touch
was hypnotic. Perfect, driving her steadily higher. Wendy wasn’t sure whether
to press her legs together or use them for leverage, so she did both, squeezing
his wrist.

He chuffed softly, tongue drawing circles on her hips.

“Asshole.” She hated that he was so confident. Okay, she
didn’t, but she ought to.

His laughter dissolved into a moan as his lips reached the
top of her mound, fingers spreading her. He murmured something she couldn’t
quite understand, then licked her as if she was an ice cream cone, tongue
dragging up through her slit.

Her toes curled and she almost screamed. God, that felt
fucking amazing, even if his beard was scouring her inner thighs a little.

Huge hands cupped her ass, thumbs pulling her wide as he
growled, buried his face in her folds and started lapping at her, tongue
pushing her clit. It was a little rough and a lot amazing and her legs went up
over his shoulders, her heels digging into his back. His growl pushed into her,
vibrated her clit, and Wendy barked, fingers dragging on the sheets. She could
swear he chuckled, then his fingers pushed inside her, giving her that pressure
her body craved.

BOOK: Alpha Call
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