All The Pieces (Pieces of Lies 3) (7 page)

BOOK: All The Pieces (Pieces of Lies 3)
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I hadn’t seen Norah for almost an hour since I stood with her, holding her hand, while she was engaged in talk with a gallery owner from downtown. Now, she was strangely missing. It always made me feel nervous when I didn’t know where she was. I couldn’t stop my greatest fears circulating in my head. Fears like someone taking Norah, or Norah running away from me. Both scenarios were very real possibilities, given my past indiscretions, and the danger growing in both our worlds. The idea of safety and security were loose concepts.

My eyes kept searching but came up with nothing. I headed towards the back of the gallery to where I knew there were stairs leading up to a second-level office and balcony. I had a feeling she may have retreated there. We had a number of security guards floating through the crowd as well. As much as this was a publicized event, it was also by invitation only. Her Dad had put me in charge of security, knowing I would ensure everything ran smoothly. He liked to keep me on my toes when it came to Norah’s safety, making sure I could be depended on in any and all situations. A security guard grabbed onto my arm as I tried to move through the crowd.

“Mr. Hollows, we have another situation again. The same one.”

I groaned. Again. How many times in one night would this guy try and get in? Couldn’t Clint Weston take a hint? He wasn’t welcome here. I had told the guards earlier in the night that there was a possibility Norah’s two ex-boyfriends might make an appearance and try to weasel their way in. I hadn’t told Norah that Clint had tried to get into the event numerous times already during the evening, but I had him escorted off the premises each time. Samuel even appeared earlier in the night as well, but getting him to leave was apparently a lot easier than Clint. Weston seemed determined and relentless.

“Haven’t I already told you Mason that Mr. Weston is prohibited from this event? The same as Mr. Voltaggio. I told your crew earlier that if they tried anything, to make sure they were escorted out. Now, go get rid of him. I don’t want to have to clarify my orders again, alright?”

“But Mr. Hollows, he keeps saying that Ms. Rossi...”

“No Mason. The guy is trouble. We are not going to bother Ms. Rossi with this little problem, are we? She doesn’t need to know about this. She has enough going on tonight. And I’m the one in charge.”

“Okay, okay, Mr. Hollows. I’ll tell him he’s not allowed in, for the third time. The guy is persistent though. Are you sure we shouldn’t tell Ms. Rossi?”

I waved him away with my hand. “Go Mason, you have your instructions.”

Mason spoke into a little receiver on his collar and charged away from me at a rapid pace. I watched him disappear into the crowd, thinking about the situation outside. Clint Weston. I would have thought the guy would have a new girlfriend by now. He had been seen leaving Lappell club meetings with many women over the past few months, so I assumed he had finally moved on from Norah. I figured he was no longer a problem, no longer a concern. And now he just suddenly shows up out of the blue, trying to waltz back into Norah’s life.
I don’t think so
. I had to make sure he didn’t ruin Norah’s important night. She didn’t need the drama. She didn’t need to dredge up the past. She didn’t need to see Clint. It was a night of celebration, not a night to reminisce. Although, if I was being honest with myself, I didn’t want to know how Norah would react if she saw Clint again. Would there be a glint of happiness in her eyes? A look of regret? There was still a tiny part of me that wondered that if I hadn’t altered her destiny the way I did, would it really be me she would be with right now? Had I really changed things for the better and not for the worse? I thought about that every day. I had screwed with fate when it came to her and Clint, and that can’t have been a good thing in cosmic law or whatever it was that made things come round again. Fate doesn’t favor the wicked, and I had the odd sense that I was running on borrowed time. But I couldn’t let the thought weigh me down. My focus was my future, and my future was with Norah.

I made my way up the stairs to the second-level office and poked my head in. A stream of air flowing in off the balcony caught the curtain near the window, making it billow inwards toward the desk. My eyes darted out the window, catching the flecks of blue from Norah’s dress. There she was, and I felt instant relief.

My heart, my home, my girl...


“What are you doing out here?” I asked, climbing out onto the balcony. Norah was leaning over the railing, staring out across the city’s lights, lost in thought. She turned to face me, the wind catching her hair and whipping it around her face like a smokescreen. She gracefully pulled it away from her face, and walked towards me.

“I needed to get away from the crowd. Have a few minutes to myself to think is all. Just taking in the moment.”

I should have known that this was where she would be. Norah loved her success, but she wasn’t one to get caught up in the commotion. She was somewhat of a quiet achiever. Her humility was part of the reason her art was so beautiful. It never felt forced. Its edge looked so natural. Its flow came from an inner passion that burned brightly when her body came to life on canvas. Plus, the spotlight also messed with her head at times. It brought up memories of her past when her Dad, and herself, were thrust negatively into the media with a trial. It depicted her as the daughter of a monster, and that had also made her a social outcast for most of her teenage life. I guess it’s hard to bury the scars of your youth when they still stain your mind. Some pain just becomes a part of who you are, and you can’t escape, no matter how far you try to run and hide.

She looked back out to the city and back to me again. “Josh...there is something I should have told you about tonight.” The look on her face was strained. I could see the worry as she looked at me.

I reached out to her elbow, encouraging her to get closer. “What is it?” I asked.

“I know I should have mentioned this earlier, but...I invited Clint and Samuel to my show. I’m sorry Josh. I didn’t mean not to tell you. I...wasn’t sure they would even come.”

Clint and Samuel?”

I was completely thrown by this new information. Why would she invite them?

“Yes, well...I didn’t send them an official invitation. I only sent them an email. It’s just...They helped inspire the other two sets of my collection. I only thought it would be right if they got to see what they helped create. You know, a friendly gesture. They were my best friends for different periods of my life. I haven’t forgotten that. I was just hoping...oh God...I’m really stupid...I shouldn’t have even tried...”

“What were you hoping for Norah?” I watched her carefully, trying to understand why she had contacted them. Why she still needed them. Just...why?

“I was hoping for their friendship is all. I know, I know. An awful idea after everything that happened. And I know I should have told you I emailed them. I didn’t mean not to tell you. I’m so sorry. It wasn’t intentional. I think I always knew that they wouldn’t show up, so there was going to be no need to tell you. And obviously they didn’t come, so friendship’s clearly off the table. I guess that even though I’ve forgiven them, they haven’t forgiven me for what I said.” She paused and then, quite regretfully, sighed. “I can’t blame them.”

She looked out towards the city as sadness ghosted her face. She missed their friendship. I could understand that. I knew all too well they were not the bad people I had made them out to be. Should have I told her Clint was here, and that they had both tried to come tonight? She had invited both guys as friends and to see her collection that they helped inspire her create, and again, I had a hand in changing the course of events. Norah was blaming herself for the way she acted with them as the reason they had not showed. I was starting to get a bad feeling that with what I had already done, and with what she was already thinking, that I was changing Norah’s real path. Our love shouldn’t be circling back around to these guys. Yet I had just stopped Clint and Samuel from seeing her and being part of her life again. I was manipulating her fate. I had spit in its face and taken control of it involuntarily. A sick feeling in my stomach was building. The way I was playing with all their lives was going to be my undoing. How long did I have before everything was exposed?

“Was it stupid for me to think we could ever be friends again after what happened Josh? Am I being one of those naive and selfish girls who thinks she can have more?”

I looked away from her gaze, trying to hide my guilt. “No, you are not stupid Norah. You shared a lot of yourself with those guys. Of course you are going miss that side of them which once made you happy. And I know how your heart works. It doesn’t just dispel people. I can understand why you would want to be their friend. It wasn’t an impossible thought.”

She was trying to find balance and peace in her life and missed the bonds she once had with them. And again, I had prevented Norah from knowing the truth about two people who probably genuinely wanted to be part of her life too. I was going to hell for this, but I couldn’t undo what I had done, so I just moved forward, trying not to think about my wrongdoings. My love and need for Norah was all that really mattered to me. My own darkness was a selfish part of my own being.

“It’s their loss Norah,” I said, sounding sweet and understanding. I couldn’t be angry at her, especially after what I had done. “I’m sorry they didn’t come to your show. You don’t need them in your life. You have me, and Tess.”

Norah shrugged and turned back around and looked over the city, leaning over the railing again. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into my body.

“It’s just reminded me how much we are meant for each other Josh. You’ve always been everything I want and everything I need.” Norah pushed her body up against mine as she spoke. I could feel how much she meant what she said and in feeling it, all my guilt dissipated. It was so easy to forget when she was in my arms.

“I love you Norah. You know how deep it goes.”

“Yes, I do. And you know what Josh? I don’t want to wait anymore for us to make it official. I was thinking that we should elope, as soon as possible. I don’t want to get married in the city. It’s just not a place I want to spend my wedding day. I want it to just be about us. Just me and you in some foreign place where they are no old memories, only the new memories we’ll make together. What do you think?”

“Norah, I would marry you right now, this second, if I could. So yes, of course. Let’s go start our new life together and leave this old one behind.”

“Great, we’ll sort out tickets tomorrow and just tell everyone we are going on a holiday. I’m pretty sure no one will suspect anything. I’m thinking Prague. Sound like a good place?”

“Any place you pick will be the most perfect place in the world.”

Norah turned and kissed me very passionately, rubbing her whole body up against mine. I instantly got hard as she purposely ground up against me. She turned so her back faced out towards the city, and rubbed up and down my body again.

I ran my fingers through her hair. She pulled away, and turned her head to me, and took hold of my eyes with hers.

“Not softly okay. I want it rough, please.” Her head was swinging back around to the city’s lights. “Make me forget everything Josh. Make it all sensation.”

My eyes expanded as she spoke.
Holy shit
! Here? Now? She leaned backwards and whispered into my ear, “I will try my best not to scream, but you better make me come hard.”

And with those words I knew exactly what she wanted, knew exactly what she needed. Norah was a girl who liked to lose herself in her emotions, and when it came to sex, she often switched from soft and sensual to very hard and rough. It often blew my mind, keeping up with her sexual desires. The flip from one to another. The fact she embraced every kind of need her body craved. It made being with her even more addictive. She was a drug I would never give up. I would have done anything she asked, and I loved that she wanted it all from me.

She eyed me again, making sure I understood her correctly. I nodded and she bit her lip as she waited for me to begin.
Fuck, that lip bite was so hot!

I turned her around forcefully and pushed her back up to the railing. I felt her body melt into mine as her breathing began to increase. I leaned her body over the railing again as I positioned myself behind her, gripping onto her waist, allowing my nails to dig in slightly. She moaned as I took away all her control and gave into the slight feeling of pain
. Oh fuck

that moan.
That moan of pleasure that came from her lips. Holy hell! The sound was a delicious, inviting, sound of blissful need that could make any man lose it, and I got it to hear it. Norah wanted it bad.

“So you want me to fuck you?” I breathed, as I began pulling up her beaded gown so it sat around her waist.

“Yes Josh. Fuck me...hard. As hard as you want.”

I swear I almost came undone when she said that. Sometimes it was like being in a dream when I was with Norah. I never had to voice my desires with her because she was every kind of desire I ever wanted. It was amazing how she was everything I could ever hope for. Not telling her about Clint and Samuel tonight felt like the best decision of my life.

As I pulled up her dress, a tiny little black thong was exposed. The tiny piece of material made me swallow hard in hot anticipation.

“Tear it off.” It was all she said. The little piece of black lace easily broke away from her body as I ripped it clean off her. She moaned again hearing the ripping material sound.
Fuuuuuuck me!

That was it. I couldn’t bear not to be inside her a moment longer. My hands aggressively undid my own pants, freeing myself that was throbbing and ready for her. I grabbed onto her rear, leaning down, and kissed it softly. Then, after a few sensual kisses, I bit down into her skin. I knew the bite would drive her crazy. She loved it soft, but loved it even more when I got primal. She bucked back into me, her moan almost changing into a scream.
Oh hell yes!
She wanted me. ME. I could feel her need through the sounds she made and how her body reacted. My hands reached around to the front of her, and started playing with her clit, one finger rubbing her hard, and another finger playing with her opening which was extremely drenched and ready.

BOOK: All The Pieces (Pieces of Lies 3)
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