Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 - (13 page)

BOOK: Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 -
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Mark bent over and kissed the scar letting his tongue slide over it. Mark kissed his way down Josh’s spine and trailed his tongue over Josh’s ass biting one cheek. Josh squirmed and Mark slid down Josh’s thighs keeping his hands on his ass. “I’m going to do so many things to you Josh. You’ll wonder why you ever fucked women.”

Josh felt his ass cheeks being spread apart and then Mark’s tongue was up his ass and Josh gripped the pillow letting out a loud moan. “Holy shit,” Josh arched his hips up trying to grab at his cock. Mark’s hand stopped him. “What?” Josh looked over his shoulder at Mark’s face.

Nope,” Mark pulled Josh’s hand out and put it above his head. “Don’t touch, just lay there.” Mark smiled as his tongue ran the length of Josh from his neck back down to his ass. He spread those beautiful cheeks apart and licked his lips looking at Josh’s hole waiting for him. “Feel free to make noise though.”

Josh did. He made a hell of a lot of noise as Mark’s tongue fucked him. He almost ripped the pillow in half as Mark speared his ass over and over again alternating fingers with tongue. Flicking around the rim then diving in again and again until Josh was shaking and arching his ass up higher begging for Mark to let him cum and just when he thought he would Mark would stop. The purest of tortures was being performed on him and Josh’s cock was killing him, at this point he was not above begging. “Please let me cum Mark,”

Mark slid three fingers in and rubbed a slow sweet rhythm until Josh was shaking then he pressed down on soft silky skin and Josh hiked his ass up. “Cum for me baby.”

Josh let out a hoarse cry and shot ropes of cum onto the bed below him. Jesus, Mark hadn’t even touched his cock. Josh’s brain shut off and he was pretty sure he passed out. When he opened his eyes Mark was sprawled out next to him fingers running through Josh’s hair. “I’ve seen the face of God.” Josh leaned in and kissed Mark tasting himself on his lips.

Yeah? Is he hot?”

Hell yes he is.” Josh smiled as Mark licked around one of his nipples. “You are going to be the death of me you know.”

You’ll die happy and well fucked.”


That is a plus.” Josh pulled Mark closer. “I have to know something.”

Okay. What is it?” Mark rubbed his nose over Josh’s face breathing in the scent of soap and something that could only be described as manly.

Did you and Mateo ever, well, you know.”

Mark pulled Josh’s arms around him. “We did not have sex, would you like to know what did happen between us?”

Josh shook his head. “No I just wanted,” Josh sighed. “I don’t want to be in competition with Mat.”

Oh Josh,” Mark rolled over on top of Josh. “There is no competition. I always thought Mateo was good looking, even when I was younger but you,” Mark slid his tongue across Josh’s lips. “You are everything I have ever wanted. Besides, aren’t I in competition with every woman you have ever been with?”

Josh laughed. “Hell, there is no competition. None of them ever made me feel the way you do. You have one hell of a talented tongue.”

Mark licked his lips slowly. “Yeah.”

Oh fuck yeah,” Josh flipped them over and pinned Mark to the bed. “Now, I’m going to kiss the shit out of you.”

Hot damn.”

They kissed for what seemed like hours and Mark gasped for breath as Josh took his mouth hard, devoured him and left him trembling beneath him. They finally came up for air and Mark smiled tracing Josh’s lips with the tips of his fingers. “I met one of your women by the way.”

Josh’s brows furrowed and he tilted his head. “Which one?”


Sabine ring any bells?” Mark smiled as Josh’s face went red.


Oh, where did you run into her?”

Dallas, she was working a flight but she came and sat with me asking me why I looked so sad, small world huh?”

The women I’ve been through? It’s going to get a lot smaller.” Josh sighed. “God I’m so sorry.”

Don’t be, she told me about the flight you were on with her, how you said you couldn’t be with her.” Mark smiled at the look on Josh’s face, he looked embarrassed. “It’s okay, I feel the same way. My heart belongs to you Josh Montgomery.”

Really?” Josh whispered looking into Mark’s eyes, he could see something in them, and he hoped it was love. He had wanted to love someone. He just hadn’t found that person, until Mark.

How could you think anything else?” Mark smiled and wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck, the heat from their bodies making Mark sweat almost instantly. “So what are we doing today?”

Well,” Josh looked at the time. “Shit, is it really eight in the morning? I have to help Wayne today. You are welcome to join us.”

I thought I’d take a hike so I could go with you guys and just hang behind a little so I don’t’ get in your way.”

Not possible.” Josh kissed Mark and felt their dicks hardening. “Okay, we need to stop for now, plenty of time for this tonight. How about we get a fire going tonight and have steaks, then we can make hot chocolate and roast marshmallows?”

Sounds good,” Mark smiled and got out of bed, the floor was icy cold and he shivered. “Shouldn’t the area rug be on the side of the floor that isn’t under the bed?”

I’ll fix it.”



After a hot shower that had him up against the wall as Josh kissed him, Mark got dressed and smiled as Josh checked him over to make sure every part of him was covered from the cold. They headed out of the cabin into the sun and cold of the Alaska wilderness. Mark couldn’t get over how beautiful it was, miles of trees dipped with the weight of snow. White surrounded everything and Mark could see moose off in the distance. “Do they ever get close?”

They have, and they aren’t so bad unless they have their babies with them.”

They met up with Wayne and Mark liked him immediately. He had a dry sense of humor and genuinely liked Josh and had been nothing but sweet to Mark. “So you have to put up with my Josh huh?” Mark smiled as Josh’s face went red.

Yeah, and he is your Josh isn’t he? Never seen the man so damn happy Mark,” Wayne clapped Josh on the back. “You did damn good Montgomery and Mark’s a doctor. You know how parents love it when their kid marries a doctor.”

Josh sputtered and he knew his face was five shades of red. “Damn Wayne, stop marrying Mark off. I don’t even know if he believes in marriage.”

I do,” Mark smiled and took Josh’s hand. “At least I do now.”


Remember those words Mark,” Wayne winked. “You’ll be saying “I do” in no time.”


Josh sighed and rolled his eyes. “Can we please get to work? Mark and I have plans later.”


Does it involve lube?” Wayne waggled his eyebrows.

Oh lord,” Josh sighed as Mark cracked up. “You see what I have to put up with?”

Mark laughed and trailed behind them as they went about taking the bear and wolf traps apart. When Josh had said they were going in the woods a half mile in Mark took a break from the walk and sat in the snow. Josh caressed his cold cheeks and kissed him softly.

Don’t wander away okay?”

Mark smiled as Josh’s warm lips covered his own, a slow swipe of his tongue over Mark’s and a gentle caress of his hand and then Josh disappeared into the woods. Mark sat back and looked at the sun slowly descending and had to sigh. He loved it out here. He could see spending his life with Josh out in Alaska. The sound of wood cracking had him turning around looking for Josh but he didn’t see him.

Mark turned back around and closed his eyes taking it all in. He heard the sound of breathing and then a soft snort, his eyes opened and he was looking into the brown eyes of a white wolf. Mark stayed still as the wolf approached him carefully, he didn’t want to spook it and end up getting bit. The wolf was circling slowly and his hair was smelled from behind then he felt a cold nose on his hand as the wolf slid his muzzle under Mark’s palm.

Well hi there,” Mark petted the wolf cautiously making sure his movements were slow. “Aren’t you just beautiful?” The wolf sat down just looking at him as Mark rubbed behind his ears. Mark couldn’t believe he was sitting there petting a wolf, it was crazy. There was a low whine and Mark turned to see Dakota making his way over. The two wolves circled each other and Dakota rubbed his muzzle on the white wolfs neck. “I see you two know each other?”

More wolves came cautiously checking him out, smelling him, bumping him wanting to be petted and Mark couldn’t stop smiling. Besides the white one two more had joined in, smaller in size and a dark brown coloring with beautiful hazel eyes. Mark sat and petted all of them smiling when they played, jumping on each other and rolling around. The sound of loud growling had them all stopping and looking up, Mark turned to see two huge wolves both tan and blue eyed. “Shit,” he whispered.

Dakota’s fur was instantly up on his back and his teeth bared, he moved to be beside Mark in a protective stance. The other wolves all circled around him and Mark thought for sure a fight would ensue until Dakota’s ears snapped up and his head swiveled. All of the wolves turned in the same direction and Dakota’s growl reverberated through the forest, within an instant all the wolves were running in the same direction. Mark stood up and watched them, whatever had happened they weren’t fighting anymore but something had caught their attention.


Mark turned to see Josh coming out of the woods with Wayne. “Hey, you just missed something incredible. I was just sitting here and then all of a sudden I was surrounded by wolves.”

Jesus Christ Mark!” Josh grabbed Mark and looked him over from head to toe. “Why didn’t you call me?”

They didn’t hurt me, in fact they were all very friendly, except maybe the tan ones, they didn’t come near me. Dakota seemed agitated and he heard something I guess because they all took off together.”

Wayne looked towards the distance. “Dakota was okay though right? The wolves seemed okay?”


Yes,” Mark looked at Josh and smiled. “I wish I had my camera.”

Josh sighed and took Mark’s gloved hand threading their fingers together. “I can’t leave you alone for a second.” Josh smiled and pulled Mark to his lips. “Ready to go back to the cabin?”

Yep, I’m actually hungry.” Mark kissed Josh and smiled when he felt Josh’s tongue across his lips. “Tease,”

Uh huh,” Josh grabbed Mark’s ass pulling him flush with his hips. “I’ll show you tease.”


Oh shit guys, come on, you’re scaring the wildlife.” Wayne chuckled. “Get outta here.”



They talked over dinner, Mark telling Josh about his life. The story was pretty short, kicked out, went to college, became a doctor, kidnapped and voila. Josh’s took a bit longer to tell. A military brat growing up he was expected to join when he was eighteen, which he did. He showed an adept skill with a rifle and was transferred to a sniper platoon. Enter Mateo, Troy, Sam and General Derek Jacobs.

Their job on every mission was to take out snipers from the insurgents, which they had done quite effectively. After his father had died Josh had thrown himself into the Army. When his time was up Derek made them the offer to work for the team and all of them signed up. His mother still lived in Kansas and Mark was shocked when Josh asked him to go home with him to meet her.

Really? But she doesn’t know…”

That I’m gay?” Josh laughed and looked at Mark. “Hell neither did I Mark. I was shocked when I developed feelings for you but I refuse to hide what we have.” Josh pulled Mark into his lap. “You’re not alone anymore Mark, you have me and you always will. I am your family as well as Mateo and the rest of the guys.

So Mateo’s the only gay one?”

Josh thought about it and smiled. “I think Derek’s got a thing for Agent Pruitt. Not sure about Troy and Sam, I mean they seem like the type of guys that like chicks but what the fuck do I know?”

So were you serious about marriage?” Mark smiled when Josh blushed again. “I’m just asking. I’m not opposed to it.”

Good,” Josh stood up taking Mark in his arms. “Because you just never know Mark Patterson, you just may end up being Mark Montgomery.”

Mark looked into piercing emerald green eyes and felt his heart pounding blood to his ears. “Make love to me Josh.” He whispered.

Mark was in a whirlwind of pleasure from the moment his body hit the bed. Josh’s tongue traveled every inch of his body taking him to the brink and back down. The kisses were deep, passionate and mind blowing and Josh devoured every part of him and came back for more. Mark was barely conscious and he wondered if you could die from too much pleasure. Josh’s tongue left a trail of heat down Mark’s abdomen as he made his way down between Mark’s shaking legs. “Josh,” Mark breathed.

Josh ran his hands up and down Mark’s body loving the feel of the soft skin under his palms. “Roll over baby,” Josh kissed Mark’s hip as he did what he was told. Josh ran his hands up Mark’s back and licked a path behind them. Goosebumps popped up along Mark’s arms and Josh smiled making his way up to Mark’s neck. He kissed Mark’s shoulder and then nuzzled his neck “God you are so beautiful Mark.” Josh heard the small whimper from Mark as he kissed his neck making his way down his back to the perfect globes of Mark’s ass, the ass that had his attention from the moment he had laid eyes on it.

Josh kissed both cheeks biting one softly and then licking it in slow circles, his hands kneaded Mark’s ass before spreading the beautiful cheeks slowly and he dipped his head to taste the man he was falling in love with.

Mark was warm and Josh lost himself immediately, he wanted more of Mark, wanted to be closer. He wanted everything .He pulled Mark up by hooking his arms under Mark’s thighs, one hand went to Mark’s leaking prick and he stroked in time with his tongue. He felt Mark’s whole body shiver as he thrust his tongue in repeatedly getting in as deep as he could. He grabbed the bottle of vegetable oil and slicked his fingers, looking at Mark’s perfect ass as he tried to remember what Mark had done to him. He slid in one finger slowly and heard Mark’s deep groan of approval, his finger slid in up to the knuckle and he twisted it slowly. More noises emerged from Mark as Josh added another finger pushing in and up, angling his fingers inside and slowly rubbing until Mark’s ass hitched high in the air.

BOOK: Alaska, With Love Assassin-Shifter 02 -
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