Against All Odds (Shifters) (8 page)

BOOK: Against All Odds (Shifters)
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Chapter Nine


One week later with a suitcase in hand
, Heather stared up at the large house she was about to live in. Ben was grabbing a couple more cases from the trunk of the car. They’d said goodbye to the Ashtons that morning. She’d been ready to get out of the cabin, but staring up at his house, she couldn’t help doubt her original thoughts.

The house was large, bigger than her parents’ home.

“Is this like a mini-mansion?” she asked.

“I like plenty of space. It’s a seven bedroom house,” he said, standing beside her.

“You’ve got a security gate.”

“Yes. I’m a private guy. I’m also a shifter. I need space and privacy.”

She could only nod as he produced a set of keys.

They walked up the steps
, and she waited as he slid a card inside a lock and then typed in a load of buttons. Once inside he flicked a switch. It didn’t seem so large inside, and she saw several pieces of expensive art work on the walls.

“Do you have people working for you?” she asked.

“I’ve got a maid and a cleaning crew. I don’t clean. I do cook and everything else.” He dropped her case on the floor. She followed him through to the first room. Considering the house was large she noted the modern, bachelor décor.

“Did you get in a decorating crew?” she asked.

“No, I did all this myself. I work from home, and I like building shit with my hands. I got it from my father. I bought the house about three years ago, and I spent the first two and a half years bringing it back up to repair,” he said.

She watched him open a heavy curtain. Going to the fabric, she knew it wasn’t readily available around them.

“Yes, I will confess to owning a sewing machine as well. My mom used to love working with her hands, and she taught me how to make everything myself. I’ve done all the fabrics and built all the furniture.”

She was truly amazed. “Is that why you’re so fit? I mean, erm, your muscles are rock hard
. They look rock hard.”

He chuckled. “I’ve got a gym
, but I don’t use it. I love working with my hands, and the best way to do that is by making everything myself.”

“This is amazing.”

“Take a seat,” he said, tapping the back of a chair.

Cautiously she
sat down and moaned. The chair was so soft and comfortable. On the far wall a large plasma television hung waiting to be watched. “How do you move out of this room?” she asked.

“I’m waiting for you to laugh at my hobbies.”

“Why?” She watched him take a seat next to her. Heather couldn’t deny he really was a good-looking, hard-working man.

“I’ve got woman hobbies.”

“Excuse me?” she asked, laughing. “Women’s hobbies?”

He laughed with her. “It’s something my dad would always say.”

“Ben, there are male designers out there. You’re good at what you do. I think you should be proud of what you’ve achieved. This house is amazing. I want to see more of it.”

“Come on, it looks like you’re going to fall asleep.” He took her hand in his and tugged her out of the chair. She groaned, not wanting to leave the comfort of the chair. His arms went to her hips.

She wasn’t even tempted to push him away. Dana and everyone around her knew she wasn’t the type of woman to hold a grudge, even with Ben. He’d made a mistake, and she couldn’t bring herself to hate him. If she’d not gotten to know him it would have been easy to hate him. Now, hatred just seemed petty.

He showed her his study and the desk he’d crafted with his own hands.

“Wow, this is awesome.”

Heather saw the pride in his eyes. He was also trying to impress her. Once he’d
shown her the dining room and the games room, he took her upstairs. Ben showed her several guest bedrooms, and he’d made some themed rooms for boys and girls. She thought it was sweet. He’d not wanted a family, but he’d still made rooms for children.

The master bedroom was a thing of beauty. He’d made a four-poster bed with lace curtains around the bed. It was truly beautiful. The bed showed the love shining out of the man. The more she was getting to know
him, the harder it was to walk away.

“I don’t sleep in this room. It was something I needed to do. The room spoke to me. I sound crazy, right?”

“No, not crazy at all. All kinds of artists have their work speak to them. This is just part of who you are.” She ran her fingers down one of the posts. “I wished I had this skill.”

He touched her hand. “I could teach you.”

“I’d like that.”

For the first time since meeting him, Heather wanted him to do more than touch her hand. She wished she could put her wants into words. What would it be like to have his fingers caressing her face or tilting her head back to kiss?

Swallowing down her saliva, she stared up at his face. Ben never saw the scars. His gaze never travelled the path that her fingers had taken so many times.

Her stomach growled, interrupting the moment.

“I think it’s time to feed you and to show you my kitchen.” He didn’t let go of her hand. The moment was gone. Disappointment filled every part of her body. She wanted something more to happen. What would his lips feel like now? Would a similar moment arise, or was that her one and only chance to be with him?

Crap, her thoughts were all over the place.

“This is my pride and joy,” he said. Ben slid two doors open, and they walked into his kitchen. Heather instantly saw the love put into the room. The appliances were top of the range. She saw his personal stamp of male bachelor. It was black and white, which went with him, but there were also personal touches and splashes of colour.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“It’s totally you.” There was a centre island with a stove for him to cook. Across the far wall was a range cooker along with a set of cookers at chest height, then a large porcelain sink and a double fridge and freezer.

“Take a seat,” Ben said, patting one of the stools across the island. He helped
her onto the seat. “You’re about to see a pro in action.”

“How can you have any food? You’ve been away for weeks?” Heather asked, intrigued.

“I had the use of a cell phone, baby. I can have anything I want at my fingertips.”


Standing inside the master bedroom, Ben had smelled her need. She’d wanted him to do more, and he’d ruined the moment on purpose. He wasn’t ready to take the next step with her. Over the next few days and weeks he wanted to show her the true man he was, not the monster who’d attacked her.

It would have been easy for him to kiss her. He was an expert lover and knew how to bring out a response in the women he took to bed. Heather would be easy to manipulate
, and in no time she’d be on his bed with his cock inside her.

Not happening, not yet.

There was so much he wanted to show her. He wasn’t going to break away from his original plan. So, he’d walked away, and he’d spend a great deal of time walking away if he had to. Their relationship hadn’t started the best way. If he had his way, he’d have wined and dined her before trying to mate with her.

Heather didn’t even know she carried his scent or mark. The marks on her chest and face were only the start. When he’d given her
his blood, he’d marked her as his. The only thing left to do was to take her as his woman. He wasn’t like a wolf, and he didn’t need to claim her anally.

“The power of paying people,” he said, opening up the fridge. “I called ahead to my maid and asked her to stock the fridge. I’ve got everything.” He reached in and pulled out a jar. “Even a fresh supply of peanut butter and jelly for us both.”

“You really thought of everything,” she said.

“I’m a thoughtful kind of guy.”

She chuckled. “You’re a thoughtful guy,” she agreed, smiling.

Her happiness was addictive. He’d give everything
he possessed in the world to see her smile. The scars across her nose and down her face didn’t affect him. Everything else about her affected him, though. Her smile and the way she tucked hair behind her ear. It all called to a part of him. Her curvy body and large breasts called to him. When he was around her he was in a constant state of arousal. He hoped he could keep himself in check for a long enough time to be with her.

I’m thinking chicken tacos, you?”

“I love spicy food. Bring it on, buster,” she said.

“You’re about to see awesome in action.”

They were both laughing as he threw peppers, onions
, and chicken onto the counter. Heather was clapping her hands as he peeled and sliced the onions and peppers. He loved her eyes on him.

He started frying the food
, and her moans were making his cock thicken with need. It had been too long since he’d found release. Ben hadn’t tried to get himself off at the Ashtons’ cabin. Shifters had great hearing, and the last thing he needed was for Felix to smirk at him. When he was around Heather, he was in need.

Pouring in the spices, he stirred the mixture together. Heather moved around the counter, standing beside him. Her feminine scent invaded his nostrils.

“Can I help?”

“Sure. Get the lettuce and tomatoes from the fridge.”

Ben stared at her ass as she moved away. Her ass was nicely rounded, and he imagined grabbing her as he fucked her hard.

Get a grip. Not right now. Be the better man.

After he grabbed another chopping board for her, they worked together making up the tacos as they went.

Neither of them made it to their chairs. They made up the tacos as they ate.

“Okay, this is good. You make stuff, sew, and cook. You’re not real. I have to be dreaming. There is no chance you can exist in this world.”

“I’m awesome, baby.”

She punched him in the arm playfully. Handing her another taco, Ben watched her lips go around the food. Fuck, he was getting turned on by her eating. How was he going to survive the night?

After Heather got a phone call from Dana, Ben left her alone to take a cold shower. He didn’t even try to get off.

Ben showed her to the room she was going to stay in for the next couple of months. They were both on opposite sides of the master bedroom. He’d never intended to have kids, but when it came to decorating the rooms, he’d been unable to let it go. The themed bedrooms had come naturally to him. First, he’d tried to make them guest rooms. The work hadn’t been coming together, and he’d let the artist inside him speak.

When the rooms had
been finished, he figured they’d never get used. With Heather in his home, he was wondering if there would come a time when the rooms would get used.

Stop thinking too far ahead.

They watched a movie together, and Ben ended up carrying Heather to her room. She’d fallen asleep in one of the chairs. He couldn’t bring himself to wake her. Lifting up her slight frame, he took her to bed. Taking the robe from her body, he did everything he could not to look at her. She was perfection, and he was dying for a taste of her.

He got to his room with an aching erection. Lying down in bed, listening to her sleep, Ben couldn’t contain his need anymore.

Wrapping his fingers around his shaft, Ben started to pump his length. Closing his eyes, he imagined Heather naked in his room, watching him. Her green eyes would be watching his movements. His movements grew quicker, and pre-cum released from the tip. Coating his cum over his cock, he fucked his fist, thinking about Heather naked. He thought about her large tits hanging down and how they’d feel in his mouth to suck. He’d thumb the hard nubs until she was screaming from pleasure. Ben would make her tell him every single desire, and he’d play them out.

There would be
times when she visited him in his office. He imagined spreading her open and taking her hard.

Rough and hard was how he liked it
, and he’d show her how desirable she was to him.

Ben let out a guttural groan as with several pumps, he imagined Heather on her knees before him. The image was all it took for his release to pound through him.

Moaning, Ben kept fisting his shaft as his cum shot out of the tip landing on his stomach. His body was covered with perspiration from his efforts.

Cleaning himself up, Ben stared up at the ceiling. In his memories, Heather had worn the scars she now wore
, and they hadn’t affected him. How was he going to get through the next few weeks without touching her?

He only had so much control.

Chapter Ten


One month later


“So he’s done nothing? Not even tried to feel you up?” Dana asked. Heather was lying on her bed in a pair of silk pyjamas with the phone to her ear. Ben had left to get something from the post office and then onto the supermarket. That had been hours ago, and she was feeling lonely. In the last month Heather had been able to get over her initial doubts when it came to Ben. She felt more open with him than ever before.

He was true to his word and kept her safe at all times. When he was around, she truly felt like she belonged
, and it was all down to him.

“No, no touching, no nothing.” Her body was on fire around him. “Can he, you know, smell when I’m aroused?”

She’d never been so embarrassed in her life.

“Yeah, he can smell your desire. In fact, he can smell everything
, and each emotion has a certain scent. Ben can smell you, honey.”

Dana’s words only helped to upset her. If he could smell her desire, why wasn’t he even trying to act on it? Was she no longer worth his attention or affection?
When he worked she sat in the office, studying. Within the first week of being in his home, she’d felt trapped. He’d been willing to pay for her to study from home. She’d signed up for a business course and was working through the books they’d sent.

Business was not one of her strong subjects
, but she’d been willing to try. When he wasn’t in his study, they cooked together. Two weeks ago they’d gotten into a food fight, which had ended with him pinning her down and rubbing butter across her chest. She’d been frozen in the moment. At the time his cock had been rock hard, pressed against her core. The lust had hit her hard, and she’d been ready to go to the next step.

Ben pulled away first as if they’d never been close.
It was humiliating at times. She wanted him desperately, and yet, he was always the first to pull away.

“Great, that makes me feel so much better,” she said, sarcastically.

“Have you ever thought he’s taking his time and getting you used to his presence?”

“Why would he do that? I’m here, willing and waiting for him to go the next step
, and he’s not going to the next step.” She was at her wits’ end. He was the first guy she’d wanted to be with since Mark.

“Heather, honey, four months ago
back in July he attacked you and scarred you for life. You healed pretty fast, and I know you’re the forgiving kind. Ben clearly needs more time, and you need to give him it.”

Her friend’s explanation made sense.

“I don’t want to be a charity case, Dana. I want him to want me.”

“He does want you. You’re his mate. He’s showing great restraint. Even Dad has mentioned it to us.”

“I guess I should be happy with him giving me time.”
Heather didn’t want to take more time.

“Yeah, you really should. I understand you, Heather. I know why
you do not want to wait, but this is about him proving to you, there’s something more. You’re not a shifter. He’s hurt you bad, and now he’s trying to make it up to you. Ben’s being the perfect gentleman. Man, I wish I had one of those.” Dana’s voice sounded wistful.

“Your man is out there, Dana.”

“I’ll never find him at this rate. I’m going to die an old maid.”

“Better to die an old maid instead of begging for your guy to come to you,” Heather said.

“You’re not alone, honey. You’ve got other ways of getting off without Ben.”


“Come on, you can touch yourself, Heather. You can’t have sex or cock, but you can bring yourself off. Why not try it and maybe Ben won’t look so appealing?”

“I can’t do that. What if he knows?” she asked.

Her pussy was dripping wet. She’d masturbated plenty of times in her life. Hearing Dana say the words embarrassed her.

“He knows you’re horny and desperate for sex. Maybe smelling your satisfaction at your own hand will kick his butt into giving you what you want.”

Rolling her eyes, Heather changed the subject. She listened to her friend moan about being alone. She did everything she could to try to smooth over the upset. Dana really wanted to be mated.

“The right guy is out there for you.”

“I know. I just wish I could find him. I miss you. Would you and Ben come to the Halloween barbeque we’re having? You get to dress up and mess around.”

“Your parents stopped having those,” Heather said, remembering the Halloween barbeques from when she was younger.

“He’s decided to start them up again. Plenty of new kids in the neighbourhood and all that.”

“I’ll talk to Ben
, but I don’t know if I want to go.”

“You’ll be fine, Heather. Trust me.”

After another couple of minutes, Heather rang off and put the phone next to the bed. She rolled over to her back so she was staring at the ceiling.

She’d not left the house apart from walking the gardens
, and that didn’t count. Ben kept trying to get her to visit her parents. She wasn’t ready to go out to the world. He’d created her a little paradise in his home, and the moment she left it, reality would set in.

Crossing her legs, she felt the friction the movement caused between her thighs. Most of her days were spent in a constant state of arousal.
Would it hurt to touch herself and to give herself some kind of pleasure?

Running her hands down her sides she settled both hands at the apex of her thighs. A moan escaped her lips at the first touch.

Licking her lips she tugged her pyjama pants off. Spreading her legs wide, she teased one finger through her folds. She was hot to the touch and wet.

There was nothing wrong
with giving herself this kind of release. She needed it, and her sanity needed it as well.

Sinking a finger into her pussy, she let out a groan. She was so turned on and horny.


Ben closed the door behind him, throwing the book he’d picked up from the postal surface on the counter near the door. He put his keys in the dish and tugged off his coat. It was cold out
, but with his heat he barely felt it. He’d learned at a young age to put a coat on. Humans always looked at him strange if he was caught with his shirt off walking around in the winter.

He ran hotter than most men
, and just recently he’d been unable to stop the heat. Ben was burning up with need. Being around Heather every day and not able to touch her was pure torture. At night he regularly took care of his needs. His fist was not a comfort. Every time he fell asleep he dreamed about being inside Heather’s tight heat.

What wasn’t helping was her arousal. Everywhere he went, the scent of her need followed her. She was always red hot and wet. He didn’t even need to touch her to know how slippery she’d be.

“Heather?” He called out her name without any response.

Listening for her, he heard the pleasured moan escape her lips.

Frowning, he started up the stairs careful not to make a noise. Was there another man here? No, Heather was not the type of woman to take on another man when she had him.

Taking the steps two at a time, he
stopped as he went to her door. It was open showing him exactly what she was doing.

There was no other man
, and he felt like a total bastard for thinking there was. He really needed to get his trust issues under control.

He stood frozen watching as her fingers worked between her creamy slit. Her legs were wide open
, and his vision was perfect. He saw how wet she was. Her cream was dripping down to the puckered entrance of her ass.

His cock thickened, unbearably tight.

“Ben,” she said, moaning.

Heather was thinking about him?

Her arousal filled the room, drifting toward him. His mouth watered. She would be perfect and sweet.

“Please, more,” she said. If she was vocal while finger-fucking herself, he wondered what she’d be like when he finally got his cock inside her.

Shit, he needed to stop thinking about this.

Ben watched her fuck two fingers inside her cunt. Rubbing his cock through his jeans, he couldn’t turn away. He should back away without looking at her. The sight was more than he’d ever hoped for. She still wore her bed shirt while her pants had been thrown off the bed. Her creamy thighs were spread. It would be so easy for him to walk toward her, settle between her legs and take her.

She’d be tight and hot.

He couldn’t handle it anymore. The jeans were too tight
, and it was hurting him to keep still.

Unbuckling his belt, Ben pulled his erect flesh out of the confines of the jeans. The tip was already slick
, and he stroked the length, coating it with his natural lube.

Ben saw how close she was. He witnessed the tightening of her ass and pussy as she brought herself closer to the edge.

Her cries erupted seconds later, and he saw her cream flow out of her. She was so fucking beautiful. He wanted to drink from her.

Pumping his shaft, he froze as her eyes landed on him. She sat up.

“Ben?” She spoke his name, and he detected the shock in her voice.

Feeling like a pervert, he pulled up his jeans. This was the last thing he’d ever wanted. “I’m sorry,” he said, feeling like a teenager being caught with his pants down his ankles.

“Don’t. Stop.” He paused as she came off the bed and toward him.

Both hands were tugging up his jeans
, but he stopped to watch her move. Her pussy was covered by the tails of her shirt. He’d give anything to have her naked.

“Do you want to?” Heather asked.

“What?” He was losing himself. He was supposed to be the one in control, and yet he was stumbling over everything. Even after her orgasm, Heather smelled like pure, unadulterated need.

“Touch yourself. Do you want to touch yourself
, and do you want to touch me?” she asked. There was a hesitation in her voice. He’d give anything to wipe it out. He despised her hesitation, even more so because he was the cause.

More than anything.” He answered her without holding anything back.

She reached up presenting her fingers to his lips. “Do you want to taste me?” she asked.

Wrapping his fingers around her arm, he brought her arm close. The smell grew stronger the closer she came. Opening his lips, he sucked her into his mouth. Her musky taste erupted on his tongue, making him groan.

Heather gasped, coming flush against him.

She shocked him further by pressing one of his hands against her face. There was no tension or disgust present.

Sucking the cream from her fingers, Ben released her.

“What’s going on?” he asked, confused, excited, and downright nervous about what it all meant.

I need you to touch me. I’m not ready to go further, but I want your hands on me.” Heather didn’t break eye contact. Staring into her eyes, Ben saw the honesty written inside her.

Reaching out, Ben waited for her to flinch away. Nothing happened. She waited for him to touch her. Cupping her cheek, he was amazed by her soft, creamy flesh. Both hands held her face
, and he leaned in close, resting his head against hers.

“You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted to hold you,” he said.

“I wasn’t ready. I’m ready now.” Her hands held onto his arms with her nails sinking into his flesh.

He groaned. His tiger was close to the surface. Rubbing his cheek against hers, he satisfied the tiger within.

“Please, can we at least try to be together, touching?” she asked.

“For you,
Heather, I’d do anything. I’d be anything. All you ever need to do is ask, and it’s yours.”

Ben growled as she gripped his cock in her tight fist. She led the way to her bed, using her grip on his shaft.

“I’m prepared to try,” she said.

He had no choice but to follow her. Her grip on his shaft guaranteed her control.

She turned and pushed him to the bed. Before he could right himself she straddled his waist.

“What are you doing?” he asked, worried in case of her rejection.

“Getting what I want.”

In the next breath her lips were on his
, and Ben went straight to heaven. His woman, his mate, was on his lap, kissing him. There was nothing better to have in his life than her.

BOOK: Against All Odds (Shifters)
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