Read Accidentally on Purpose Online

Authors: L. D. Davis

Tags: #General Fiction

Accidentally on Purpose (10 page)

BOOK: Accidentally on Purpose
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"Yeah, but I was meanest to you."

That was true. As mean as Kyle could be to his staff, I always took the brunt of it. Some days I felt like he was purposely trying my patience.

Now I believe that was exactly what he was doing.

"Why?" I asked.

"Stupid guy thing," he said, shaking his head at himself. "I can't even explain it."

"Seems juvenile," I said. "Like the little boys who torture the girls they have a thing for."

"Yeah, I guess it's a lot like that. I'm sorry."

I didn't know what to say. I just stood there with my arms crossed, glaring at him. I thought boys grew out of that stuff by the ninth grade.

Apparently not al do.

"I was going to order some lunch and watch some movies. Do you want to hang out?"

My eyebrows went up and he smiled.

"I promise I won't try to force you to say what I know you feel," he grinned. "And I promise I won't try to take you out of your clothes. We'l just chil and watch the movies and eat some food."

"What movies?" I asked suspiciously.

Lord of the Rings
. I've never seen them."

"Seriously, do you live under a rock?"

I fol owed him to the living room where he produced three different menus. Why I didn't just leave after I got my explanation, I don't know. I asked

that question aloud while we sat on the couch debating what to order.

"Because you love me," Kyle said with a wink.

This time I didn't object or give him a reproachful look. Instead, I chose buffalo wings and onion rings off of a menu and made myself

comfortable on the couch.

Three long ass movies, several buffalo wings and countless beers later, I was stretched out on Kyle's couch with my feet resting in his lap. The

credits were rol ing, but I wasn't moving. He was rubbing my feet and it was making me deliriously relaxed, and turning me on.

He held true to his word and didn't try to disrobe me al day, and didn't try to force his tongue down my throat. He kissed my cheek and the top

of my head, rubbed my elbow when I hit it on the bathroom door and it was
funny. He cracked jokes about hobbits, made fun of my obsession of

Orlando Bloom, and listened intently when I compared the books to the movies. Now he was rubbing my feet and I wanted him to rub me in a few

other places.

I pul ed my feet off of his lap and sat up.

"I love a good
marathon," I yawned as I slipped on my shoes.

"You don't have to leave," Kyle said, looking as lustful as I felt.

"You know I do."

"I can take the couch, you can have my bed."

I stood up and stretched.

"We both know that won't work."

He fol owed me to the door.

"Why not?"

"You know why," I slipped into my jacket and opened the door.

"Tel me why," he said softly. He was grinning, so I knew that he knew why.

I bit my lip as I contemplated what I was about to do and say. I was going to say what he wanted to hear, but then I'd never get out of there. I

wanted to kiss him, same end result.

I smiled and waved goodnight before walking away.

Good girl.

Chapter Fourteen

It was a busy work day the next day, leaving little time for casual conversation between me and Kyle. At least he wasn't being a dick. He was

actual y scaring the staff, smiling and being polite. They didn't know what to make of it.

Later in the day my phone rang and I answered it without looking to see who it was.

"Sterling Corp, this is Emmy."

"Hel o, Emmy," Kyle said in a professional tone. "Mr. Kyle Sterling would like to know if you are available for dinner this evening."


"Yes, it's the meal after lunch but before dessert."


"Yes, that meal. Perhaps even a movie."

"Why? Is there another epic movie you have yet to see?"

"I was thinking we can see something you would be more interested in, like a chick flick. I can do a chic flick if necessary."

"Total y not necessary. I don't do chick flicks."

like chic flicks. Maybe I am in the mood for some
Pretty Woman
Sense and Sensibility

"So you like getting in touch with your feminine side?"

"Do you think I have a feminine side?" He asked in a tone that made me squirm in my seat.

"No," I said. "So what movie did you have in mind?"

"How about a classic? Like Weird Science."

"That hardly classifies as a classic. Why don't we decide later? I have Netflix, we can watch something off of there."

"And what about dinner?"

"What do you want to eat?"


I squirmed again.

"Behave or you'l be al alone tonight," I reprimanded.

"I'l bring something."

"Okay. Now hang up. I have a lot of work to do and I don't feel like hearing any shit from my boss."

"That guy's a douche."

"Douche excrement."

"Right. Later."

I hung up the phone and looked around to make sure no one had witnessed our conversation. Everyone seemed hard at work, but you never


Kyle walked out of his office a minute later. Our eyes locked and he found a smile reserved just for me that almost made me fal out of my chair.

We ended up watching a chick flick after Kyle found one hidden in my movie col ection.
Love Actually
is one of those movies I can watch repeatedly and never grow tired of.

"I think you secretly love girly movies," I said to Kyle afterward.

We were sitting side by side and his arm was behind me across the back of the couch.

"I wil never admit to any such thing."

"You probably have every Jane Austen movie hidden under your bed. I'm going to check next time I'm over."

"Do you plan on being near my bed?" He asked softly.

Flustered, I looked away.

"No," I said. My eyes focused on a smal opening in the curtains. I jumped up and swept them wide open and stared.

Kyle was standing very close to me, also watching. It was snowing pretty hard, although the roads looked drivable.

"Check your phone," I said. "See how much we're getting."

"My phone is in my car," he said and slowly eased his hand into the front pocket of my tight jeans. I held my breath until he pul ed out my phone.

"Wow. We're getting eighteen inches," he said after a minute.

"How do we keep missing the news on these things?" I shook my head.

"I heard it was going to snow, but I didn't know we were getting eighteen inches."

He slid the phone back into my pocket, but when he took his hand out, he moved it to my lower bel y and closed the inches between us.

"I guess we're not going to work tomorrow," I said and then sighed when I felt his lips on my neck. "I'm glad I went food shopping," I said, my voice shaky.

He gently moved my hair and his kisses landed on the base of my neck, making my knees weak. I gripped onto the curtains for some balance.

His hand that had rested on my bel y slid down between my legs. I gasped and tensed up. How he was able to hit that spot through my jeans on one

try, I didn't know.

"At least you...unhh...can beat the storm home...mmm...this time."

"I'm not going home unless you're coming with me," Kyle said huskily.

"Mmm...why is th-th-thaahh?"

"Because you're riding my hand," he whispered in my ear before flicking at the lobe with his tongue.

I couldn't deny it. I was grinding against his hand as if it were going to save my life. His other hand reached around and found a nipple through

my tee shirt. My vision blurred and then I stopped seeing altogether when my head tilted back and my eyes rol ed to the back of my skul . I climaxed

so hard I almost tore the curtains down.

"I love hearing you cum," Kyle whispered in my ear as his fingers expertly unbuttoned my jeans. Before I could even recover from my orgasm,

his fingers were sliding into me. He forced my head back and kissed me while he fingered me to another orgasm.

He carried me away from the window, not bothering to close the curtains. In seconds, he had my jeans and panties off and was pul ing my shirt

and bra up over my head. He planted his mouth over a nipple and nibbled, licked, and sucked me into a frenzy while he thumbed my engorged

secret spot. I screamed out his name, begged him to make love to me.

Kyle undressed himself quickly, poised himself over me while I kept begging him.

"No," he said, and slipped in only a little bit before pul ing out.

"Please," I whispered.

"I can't
make love
to someone who doesn't love me. I can
you," he slammed into me, making me cry out, but then he pul ed out again. "So, which one do you want, baby? Hmm?"

I stared into his eyes. I knew this was more than lust. I was risking everything with Luke for Kyle. I could have made him leave before this got

started, but I real y didn't want him to leave at al .

"I love you," I whispered. "You know I do."

He smiled. "Yeah, I know you do." He kissed me, and while I was wrapped up in his kiss, he slid inside of me and I melted into the couch.

Chapter Fifteen

"My god, I've missed you," Luke said, before kissing me.

It was Sunday afternoon, and he had literal y just returned from his trip. He didn't even go home first. I found myself genuinely happy to see him,

eager to hold him, and our first kiss after his absence was magical. I wondered if the experience had been lackluster, if I would have felt just as


The guilt was swimming through my veins, mingling with my strong feelings for Luke. I was practical y choking on my guilt while he told me how

much he missed me. He was on a cruise ship and on various islands, surrounded by gorgeous scantily clad women, missing
, and I was playing

house with Kyle.

Bad Emmy. Bad, bad Emmy.

"I missed you too," I said, and it was true, but it was also true that I had not missed him as much as I would have had I been alone al week.

"Emails, text messages and short phone conversations weren't cutting it for me. I was tempted to swim home to be with you."

And I would have drowned you with grief.

"But you had a good time, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. I brought you some gifts."

"I like gifts. Maybe I have a gift for you," I said, running my fingers across his muscular chest.

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmm hmm. How about I give it to you right now?" I kneeled before him and unzipped his jeans.

"Wooooooowwww," he said after a moment. "I real y love your gifts."


Kyle was in a bad, bad mood Monday morning. He was in total dick mode, barking at everyone who fel into his line of sight, including me. I

blamed Jess. She had returned Saturday afternoon, and Kyle had spent the rest of the weekend with her. Al her fault.

Being Kyle's personal assistant, I had to talk to him more than most. I tried to not let his bad attitude get under my skin. I was stil on a high from

spending al day Sunday and Sunday night with Luke. I also avoided going into his office if I could help it, so I wouldn't be tempted to knock his lights


Early in the afternoon, I had just come back from lunch with Luke. I stil felt guilty, but it was subsiding. I was daydreaming about him when Jeoff

Urvin approached my desk. I recoiled when I saw him standing there. That was my usual reaction to Jeoff.

He was a junior executive, just under Kyle. Whenever Kyle's schedule was too heavy, Jeoff took the overflow of clients on top of the more minor

clients he acquired. I didn't like Jeoff because he was a talentless hack, a brown nosing, sexist, snake who kissed ass, lied, and stomped on toes

to work his way up in the company. He real y didn't know very much about his work. I knew more than he did.

A long time ago, Jeoff tried to pul rank on me. If Jeoff was worthy of his title and not a puss fil ed zit, I would have conceded as I do with Kyle.

Instead, Jeoff left the office that day without his bal s. Every since then,
was recognized as the second in command, and the HBIC (head bitch in


"What?" I said, irritated to have him standing near me.

"I'm sick."

"Ew." I sprayed Lysol in his general direction. He
looking a little greener than usual. "So?"

"I'm supposed to have a meeting with Hernandez in an hour. I can't go."


"So, I need you to go."

"I'm not going."

"You're going. Kyle wants this wrapped up last week."

"So, why didn't you wrap it up last week?"

"Hernandez is...difficult."

More like Jeoff was incompetent.

"It doesn't matter," I said. "I'm not qualified."

"Bul shit. Show him some leg and go get it done." He wiped at his face with a handkerchief. He looked like he was going to hurl.

"Are you trying to tel me what to do?"

"Look, if no one goes today, Kyle is going to be in one hel of a mood, and he wil take it out on
. Besides, this came down from Kyle."

"Then why didn't Kyle tel me himself?"

"He told me to tel you on my way out. Look, I gotta go. Get it done."

He ran into the hal and turned toward the restrooms. Gross.

I got up and marched into Kyle's office without knocking. He was concentrating on something on his computer screen.


"Did you tel Jerk-Off Jeoffery to tel me to go to the Hernandez meeting?"


"I am not an executive or even a junior executive. I'm not qualified."

"You're more qualified than Jeoff." Kyle stil had not taken his eyes off of the computer screen.

"I don't get paid to do what Jerk-Off Jeoffery does. You can go."

BOOK: Accidentally on Purpose
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