Read A Twist of Fate Online

Authors: T Gephart

Tags: #romance, #love, #sex, #public relations, #music, #fashion, #nyc, #melbourne australia, #power station, #alex stone, #lexi reed

A Twist of Fate (9 page)

BOOK: A Twist of Fate
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“I don’t sign
ANYTHING without my own representation going over it. Thank you for
dropping these over. Now if you excuse me, I have work to do.” I
herded him out of the door.

“Ms Reed, I
really need those signed as soon as possible” he protested as I
practically shoved him into the corridor.

“Mr Rossum, I
believe I made myself clear the first time. I will not sign
anything without consulting my own representation, so I suggest you
leave and I will give them the attention they deserve in due
course.” Now, he had pissed me off! FUCK him and his fancy legal
Medical assistance during the course of vehicular
? What the fuck was that? It was a car accident and I
pumped on Mike’s chest until he started breathing again. I stopped
the bleeding in his thigh. I saved his life. I was fairly confident
that this goes BEYOND the definition of assistance.

I glared at him
as he made his way down the corridor and into the lift lobby. I
felt the anger seethe through me, like venom coursing through my
veins. I had two choices; accept the money graciously (after all it
could make my life VERY comfortable) and sign the damned document
or I could do what I usually do when my integrity is called into
question - raise bloody hell! The choice was not a hard one as I
gathered the documents, the cheque and my handbag and practically
ran from the office. “Important meeting, tell Kate I’ll be back” I
yelled back at Matt as I sprinted past our work space, car keys in

I levelled my
anger as best I could as I entered the hospital. Mike had recovered
enough to be moved from ICU to a private room and I knew that’s
where I would find James. After the obligatory security third
degree, I entered his room. Mike was sitting up in bed watching TV.
Alex stood with his back against the wall busily texting and James
stood when I entered. “Hey Lexi” He greeted me with his usual warm

“Hello James.”
My cold tone was not lost on him.

“Hey is
everything alright? You sound a little off?” He cautiously

“Well now, that
depends on your definition, doesn’t it?” I snapped back. Alex
looked up from his phone and Mike turned down the TV.

“Lex, whatever
it is....I’m sure it can be resolved... did Chris chew you out?”
James tried to settle me.

“No Chris was
fine; I actually can relate to her a lot, she doesn’t have time for
bullshit and nor do I.”

“Then, what is
it?” James asked. There was a quiet but deliberate tap on the door.
“Lexi, just calm down... let me get this and we’ll work through
whatever has pissed you off” James turned and opened the door. Sol
Rossum strode in. His eyes darkened when he met my unrelenting
gaze. I spoke before he could paint his own picture of our

“Great, it
seems that all the important people are here so we can continue
this conversation.” I looked around the room at all of these men.
Who did they think they were? And, more importantly, who did they
think I was? “Here is the personal confidentiality agreement you
required me to sign.” I reached into my bag and thrust it at James.
“I’m sure you will see that I have agreed to all your terms and
conditions and have made no amendments. I can assure you that this
insurance is both unnecessary and unwarranted as I have not nor do
I intend to speak with anyone regarding my dealings and or
relationship with any of you. I suggest you either trust me or we
end both our personal and professional affiliation right now.” Next
I took the cheque and tore it in half. “As for your generous
compensation I can also assure you that I have never nor will I
ever be anyone’s WHORE so do NOT treat me like one,” I barked.

Alex and James
exchanged questioning glances “What personal agreement?” James
asked; Mike’s monitor became more animated, clearly showing his
anxiety over the situation.

Sol interjected
“Ms Reed, there is no need to get upset, no one is calling you a
whore. Clearly you misread the documents or have not understood
them. Perhaps you would like me to go through them with you.” His
condescending tone insulted me further.

“Oh I
understand perfectly Asshole. I can see your posturing a mile away.
I have been in this game a lot longer than you think. This is where
you whip out your dick to show me how BIG it is... like that is
supposed to intimate me.” I looked each one of them in the eye
before continuing. “Let me inform you Gentlemen that while I do not
have a cock, I have bigger balls than the lot of you combined.” I
faced James head on. “So you need to deal with me directly from now
on because I will not speak to this disrespectful motherfucker any
longer, and if this doesn’t suit you - then you can go fuck
yourself. The whole lot of you can GO FUCK YOURSELVES.” My
disappointment at this insulting behaviour of my idols was fuelling
my anger and I knew I was being over the top but I just couldn’t

“Lexi, I didn’t
know... this isn’t from us... Sol?! What the fuck man??” James was
clearly confused about how this had played out but was quickly
catching up. He grabbed my arm to try and hinder my exit.

“Let her go
James, this is for your own protection... I’m only looking out for
you.” Sol commanded. I wrenched my arm from James’ grasp and flung
open the door.

“Lexi no,
please don’t leave,” Mike begged. It was too late, I was committed
and I couldn’t back down. I strode purposely down the hall to the
elevator and pressed the down button. C’mon you piece of shit...
Open the door. It took a minute before its silver doors opened to
allow my refuge. I was safely inside and the doors were closing
when Alex’s hand seized the door, prying it back open.

“Alex, Fuck
off... I’m not interested in anything you have to say nor do I want
to go back into that room,” I growled.

“Oh, I’m not
here to say anything or try and convince you to come back.” Alex
insisted. He entered the elevator, reached across and pressed B.
The elevator started its descent. He turned to me and breathed in
my ear “I’ve never seen anyone speak to James like that. In fact
I’ve never seen anyone speak like that full stop.” His breath
tickled my neck. “You think you can give me a ride back to my
hotel?” He moved in closer so that his lips were almost resting on
my ear. I could feel my skin prickle and the anger filling my body
was morphing into a different kind of arousal. The doors flew open
as we reached our destination.

“Fine. Just
don’t talk to me. I don’t need to be appeased right now.” I
groaned, still too angry to give into desire – especially in a
hospital elevator. Alex nodded and followed me as I strode through
the basement car park to my car.

“This piece of
shit car is yours?” Alex blurted out.

“What happened
to you not talking to me? Are you trying to piss me off even
further? Yes this is mine and it’s not a piece of shit!” I scolded.
As the anger grew inside me, so did my arousal. Just being in his
presence sent waves of electricity through me, but being with him
now while I was so emotional, it was like a red flag to a bull. I
wanted to fling him across the hood of my car and fuck the
aggression out of my system.

We climbed into
the car and I slammed it in reverse, skidding out of the parking
spot. “Lexi, I’d really like to not die,” Alex laughed.

“Shut it... no
talking!” I snapped. I exited the car park and sped onto the road.
The car responded to my abuse, fishtailing slightly into traffic.
Alex didn’t flinch, his hands rested in his lap.

“Just so you
know... we had no knowledge of the agreement...”

“I said shut
up. I don’t need to be handled,” I cursed. With each kilometre my
fever rose higher, my Civic having to bear the brunt of it, as I
manoeuvred it agilely across the road. Alex sat silent but relaxed,
his eyes surveying the landscape as it passed by in a blur.

I purposely
chose the back entrance to the hotel, I knew the paparazzi and fans
would be camped out at the front and I didn’t trust myself to deal
with either of them given my current state. I pulled into the
undercover garage and parked close the service entrance. Alex gave
me a sideward glance as my grip tightened on the steering wheel. He
reached across me and grabbed the keys from my ignition, my car
stalling into submission.

“What the fuck
are you doing?” I demanded.

“I’ve followed
your rules Lexi, now you will follow mine. You will hear me out. We
can do this the easy way or the hard way... You choose. I imagine
both will have its benefits” He smirked. Damn he was hot!

“Fine... what
is it that you want to say” I pouted.

“Not here” He
said opening his door and stepping out “Hear me out and then you
can leave if you like, I won’t stop you.” I grabbed my handbag and
my phone before I slammed my door as I exited the car,
demonstrating that I wasn’t happy with his rules, but at least I
was still listening. Alex followed, flicking my central locking and
alarm on before joining me beside the rear entrance to the Crown
Towers hotel.




Alex led me
through the stairwell until we came to an elevator, he entered a
code and the door closed. My body and mind was mixed up with
emotion and lust, and I was unsure which need presented the biggest
danger. The dingy service elevator door dinged open, revealing a
luxurious entrance to the suite that Alex was staying in. Alex took
his swipe card and we walked inside.

He turned
around suddenly, “It wasn’t James...the bullshit Sol pulled - it’s
not what we do. You need to understand something... this shit...”
he motioned around the luxury of the room with his hands “comes
with concessions, we hire assholes to ensure we don’t get fucked
over so we can do what’s important - make music. I don’t
necessarily like his methods but it’s the nature of the beast...
You of all people should understand that.” His words were loaded
yet level, devoid of anger and I could tell he wanted me to believe
his sincerity.

“Do you
understand Lexi?” his hand swept a stray hair from my brow. I
nodded silently. He wasn’t intimated by me, in fact he openly
challenged me. My pride aside, I knew what he said was true. It was
business and I probably would have done the same, even Alex with
his limited knowledge of me saw that. I didn’t know if I liked or
hated that fact but I was more turned on than I had ever been.

“For someone
who had so much to say you are remarkably silent right now” his
wicked smile goaded me as he leaned closer.

“I’m so turned
on right now, I can hardly speak,” I replied. “This is your chance
to say no... Right now, I want to fuck your brains out but if you
don’t want this I will go down stairs and I will drive away.” I

He dipped his
chin so he looked me in the eyes, his own eyes hooded, filled with
lust. “I’ve been hard since you told us to go fuck ourselves. I
can’t tell you how turned on I am right now.” He slammed me against
the wall. My mouth hungered for his lips as I bit and kissed the
length of his neck. I felt him throw his jacket to the floor while
my hands flowed over every ripple of his chest. I could feel the
evidence of his arousal pushing against me through his jeans; my
hand reached down and palmed him as I watched him draw a jagged
breath. “Easy” he whispered, “You have got me so wound up, I’ll
come right now.”

I half laughed
“Surely not, Alex,” my voice was low with desire. “I can’t believe
your stamina is not up to snuff.”

He grabbed my
ass and picked me up and I moaned into his ear. I clawed my hand
into his chest, digging my nails into his shirt while my other hand
pulled his head back by his hair. He bit my lip and I let out a
small whimper, desire surging through my body. I slid down his body
and knelt at his feet. My nimble hands unhooked his belt while I
rubbed the length of his cock through his jeans. I flung the belt
across the room as I wrenched off his pants and pulled down his
trunks. His head tipped back and he muttered “Oh God” as I took him
into my mouth. My eyes were open, watching him as I sucked on his
rock hard erection. I relaxed my throat so that it slid further
into my mouth, allowing my tongue to travel to the base of his
scrotum. I felt his breath hitch as my tongue slowly caressed his
balls while my mouth stayed busy sucking him. “Ahhhhh... Oh my
God... Lexi!” He moaned.

I slid him out
of my mouth and he grabbed my arm to lead me into the bedroom,
kicking off the pile of jeans and trunks that were around his feet.
He reached and slid the zip down on my pencil skirt. I kicked off
my shoes as my skirt slid to the floor. We clawed at each other
like two animals desperate for each other, our mouths hungry for
flesh. He ripped open my shirt and buttons flew across the room. He
pulled down the cup of my bra so my breast spilled out into his
hand and he pulled my nipple hard, which caused me to draw a sharp
breath. He buried his head into my chest and placed his mouth to my
breast, his tongue flicking my nipple before he gently bit down. I
felt myself tighten as he slowly but deliberately pushed my panties
aside and slid a finger inside of me. My slick wetness covered his
finger and he raised it to his mouth to taste me. Watching his
erotic display set me ablaze as I undid my bra, ripped off my
panties and shoved him towards the bed.

I pushed him
down flat and I lingered above him. His cock was rock hard against
his taut, ripped stomach. I smiled slowly and deliberately, my
hands travelled up the length of his long muscular legs. I stalked
him like a lion would its prey, watching him squirm with my every
touch. I was so wet; I could feel the stickiness on the inside of
my thigh. He reached into his bedside table and pulled out a
condom. I took it from him and ripped open the foil wrapper with my
teeth and placed the condom in my mouth, sucking the tip slightly.
Alex watched me intently as my mouth hovered over the head of his
cock. I placed my lips around the outside rings stretching the
condom to accommodate his girth and I slowly unravelled it along
his length with my mouth, my teeth sheathed behind my lips so not
to puncture the delicate latex. His eyes blazed as I reach the
base, completely covering him while my tongue travelled behind
pushing out any air bubbles. “Jesus Lexi... Argggh,” he muttered as
I flicked him one last time with my tongue.

BOOK: A Twist of Fate
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