A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1)
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Declining anything else, I turn my focus to my plate. Oh God, it smells delicious. Greedily tucking into the spicy pork, I didn’t realize how hungry I must’ve been. Again I find everyone staring at me. Shrugging my shoulders at them, I flash them an almighty smile.. “A girl has to eat.”

Suddenly everyone bursts into fits of laughter. Which in turn lightens the mood around the table.
The rest of evening is spent having a good time, laughing and joking with my hand entwined with Xavier's. Things are starting to look up, even though I still have obstacles to face. I'm beginning to believe everything will be okay.

Chapter Eleven




Throughout the afternoon, Nikki dragged me around her most loved stores. Unfortunately every outfit she came up with left me feeling defeated. “Is it wise going on this date?” I voice. After hours of seeking the perfect outfit, Nikki rushes over with the one. It's a dark off the shoulder midi dress.

She pushes me into the changing area to try it on, “show me when you have it on.” she shouts as I'm bolting the door.

I'm staggered, gazing at my appearance in the mirror, the dress is perfect. I open the door and reveal myself, Nikki jumps on the spot, hands waving in the air from excitement. "Oh my god, it's perfect." Nodding my head in agreeance. I enter the changing space to get dressed.

Advancing towards the checkout, but deciding last minute, I going to require new shoes. I don't favor wearing heels, so a pair of flats will have to do.  Walking around the shoe aisle, I search the racks for an ideal pair. It doesn't take long to locate an immaculate pair of silver sandals. They would look great with my toes done. I persuade Nikki we're in need of a pedicure.

"Are you looking forward to your date?" She asks. A grin spreads over my face like fierce blaze, not able to hold it under control. "Yeah surprisingly, I am." Well, that’s not something I thought I would hear myself say, after a short amount of time.

"You know, Xavier is great for you." I agree with her to a certain extent he has a heart of gold. Yet, I'm terrified. Will new memories delete the old ones?  Not having any wish to ruin the day by recalling undesirable musings, I push them into the back of my mind. Nikki must get the insight, I'm not keen on talking as she picks up her magazine, not saying another word. In the wake of unwinding for the past thirty minutes, It's time to head home, my feet feel astounding. I settled on a light blue polish,"You're glowing Izzy." Nikki whispers.  "You ready?" Nodding my head in answer, uneasiness makes its vicinity known. I'm frozen to the spot, my hands are sweating. Anxiety takes me into a spiraling vortex. With one question blazing before my eyes, am I ready to go ahead with my date?

Hands clamp down on my shoulders, "Cool off, honey. There is no reason to worry. I promise. If you're not ready to date, don't. Xavier will respect you for telling him." My vision becomes blurry, dots streak before my eyes. Some person hollers, yet I can't make out who. Something's placed against my ear. The delicate drawl of Xavier's voice talks softly into my ear. "You're alright babe. Take a deep breath, that is it, good girl." Hearing his voice, conveys a moment of calm to my body. "You okay Isabelle?" I'm trying to shape words, but I can't push them past the tip of my tongue. A glass of water is set in my grasp, "drink, this." Nikki says with worry binding her voice. Nikki takes the phone from my hand, and strolls over the other side of the room, talking quietly into the phone. The beauty therapist, (Sarah I think her name is), aided me into the seat I abandoned minutes prior. "Do you need anything else?" With a shake of my head, I decline her offer. An awkward silence descends on us.

Nikki's no longer talking into the phone. She advances in my direction until she's stood before me. "You okay?" I don't have a clue what's gotten into me. I figure I'm touchier to things since Josh passed. I give her a feeble excuse, advising her all is well. She doesn't believe me, her glare, challenges me to come clean. With a murmur, she inquires whether I'm ready to leave. Grabbing my bag, I'm ready to get away from the circus show.





Nikki follows after me, I figure, she's dumbfounded. I incline towards her car, waiting for her to catch up. Did I humiliate her, is that why she haven't said anything?  Nikki strolls past me, rounding the car. She opens the driver's door and lets it shut  with a bang. Carefully pulling my door open. Anticipating that she will start the car instead, she quietly gazes out of the front window. "I'm worried about you Izzy, these attacks are getting more frequent." I stay silent. "I think you ought to see somebody, and no weak excuses either." Maybe she's right. "Alright, but on one condition, you go with me to the first appointment." A little grin lights up her face. "Deal."

Presently I have the stress of what Xavier will think. I don't want him to believe our fast, approaching date was the cause of the attack. I know it kinda was, but I'm terrified. What If he takes my heart? Would I  cope with losing someone else?  "Are you still going on your date or would you rather have a girlie night at my place?" Nikki inquires. She must notice the cogs in my brain working. "Look one date won't hurt, my advice is to have fun. We'll book you an appointment to talk with somebody in the morning." Still feeling reluctant yet what trouble could one-night cause.

  Touching base at the house, I head straight for the stairs, I have a little more than an hour to get ready. I strip out of my clothes and wrap a bathrobe around my body. Grabbing my toiletries and stroll across the hall. I'm stood in the shower when I feel a breeze past through the door. Did I neglect to bolt it?  I'm startled when Xavier's drawl, meets my ears "I needed to check whether you were alright." I let out an undignified squeak while grasping the shower curtain. Attempting to conceal my bits. Xavier blasts into a roaring snicker, he's attempting to get his words out. Each time he tries, he fails miserably. I'm not impressed. Peeking my head out from behind the shower curtain, I send him a furious glare. "Babe, don't look at me like that. You're adorable when you're humiliated." I let out a huff, verifying he knows I'm not happy. He’s got to stop barging in on me. "What the heck? Get the hell out of here Xavier. We've already had this discussion about privacy." With a groan, he rehashes what he said a minute before "I wanted to know you were alright."

"Couldn't you wait until I was out of the shower?" His arms drop to his knees, inclining forward he runs his fingers through his messy hair. How I wish those were my fingers. "I've never been in a serious relationship. Any relationship for that matter. No one has intrigued me but when I met you, a whirl of feelings hit my body. I need you, Isabelle. I want you. Please give me a chance." Sadness reflects in Xavier's gaze. "Okay we can give us a go, but you need to acknowledge I have bad days and good days. I need to take it a day at a time," he jumps up from where he's sat on the toilet and strides towards me. He's grinning from ear to ear. Xavier lifts his foot as though he's going to venture into the shower. "What are you doing?" I hold my arms out, in a try to stop his advances. "You're completely dressed." I murmur in a hoarse voice.  He goes ahead with his ambush, backing me against the wall. He grabs hold of my arms, tenderly pushing them to my side. Raising his hands until he's cupping my face. He Inclines forward and assaults my mouth. Not giving me any space to challenge him.

  Our bodies merged together, perfectly. His hard-on is pushing against my stomach, causing me to moan against his lips. He slides his hands down the side of my body, until he takes hold of my hips, tenderly pushing me away. I'm left a shuddering mess. Xavier shakes his head and takes a step back, tears spring to my eyes. "Don't get upset, Baby. You wanted to take it one day at a time if we don’t stop now. I won't have the capacity to." Bringing his thumb under my eyes, he gently wipes my unfallen tears. Somebody striking against the door breaks the moment. "You've got an hour and a half left to get ready. Get your arse out of the shower girl." Terrified, does Nikki knows Xavier is in here with me. "Oh and Xavier, you best get your ass out of there. I don't think Kyle would be best, pleased if he catches you."

  A couple of seconds without an answer, we hear her footsteps withdrawing. Xavier presses his lips against mine "One more kiss before I go. God, you're like a drug, I can't get enough of." Shortly after he strides out of the shower. Closing the bathroom door discreetly behind him.  Falling against the wall, I try and steady my breathing. The emotions he stirs within me are not anything I've experienced before. My thumb involuntarily touches my lips, I let out a sigh before turning the shower off. Wrapping a towel around myself, I walk across the hallway to my room.

"What the hell?" I yell, literally jumping out of my skin, "You scared the hell out of me." I grumble, pissed off. Nikki's grinning at me from where she's led on my bed. "You knew I was going to help with your makeup," she states. I lunge a pillow in her direction, smacking her in the face. "Hey, what was that for?" Nikki mumbles, I give her a look of annoyance. "You can’t tell me you’ve been in the bathroom with Xavier, for the past thirty minutes. Naked no less and expect me to believe nothing happened." No doubt there’s a blissful expression pictured across my face, but I can't help it. "Huh, huh. Something happened, didn't it. Spill girl." Nikki says in a-don’t-mess-with-me tone.

I attempt to play down what happened, wanting to keep it between Xavier and myself. I tell her a small portion of what happened, hoping it will be enough to appease her. "He wanted to know whether I was alright." She's frowns. "I call bullshit." Holding my hands out in surrender "Okay, he wants me to give him a chance. He may or may not have, climbed into the shower with me." I say in a quiet voice in hopes she didn't hear me. Nikki's eyes widen with amazement. She chewing on her bottom lip as though she's waiting for me to continue. "On and he might've kissed me." Nikki scramble's off the bed and runs towards me. She makes an undignified squeak while bouncing on the spot. Clapping her hands with excitement. "I'm so happy for you. You're going to give him a chance, right?"

"I am," I smirk at her. "Shall we get you ready for your hot date then?"

Turning on the hot iron, I place it to the side. Nikki grabs my make-up bag and tips the contents on the bed. "You have the pregnancy glow," Nikki states while scrutinizing me. She gives me the rundown on how she's going to do my make-up. "So I’m going to apply eyeliner, mascara and a little lip gloss."


Fifteen minutes later, my hair flows in delicate waves. It looks gorgeous. I slip into my dark midi dress, and I'm ready.  "You alright?" Nikki asks before we leave the safety of my room. Anxious is putting it mildly.
Live with your life to the full.
Find your prince and hang on tight. Never let him go.
The words from Josh's letter springs to mind,  which helps to ease the guilt. Maybe, it’s okay to move on.

“Come on or you'll be late." I follow Nikki downstairs and into the lounge. Expecting to see Xavier but he's nowhere to be seen. I'm baffled when I see Nikki pick up her car keys. "Where's Xavier?" I sputter.

Confusion as anxiety attempting to push through my barriers. I gradually breathe in pushing the undesirable feeling away. The car journey is uncomfortable. I don't like surprises. I don't like the unknown. My body is facing the window, In an attempt to get my bearings together. I don't realize the car has come to a stop until Nikki nudges me, letting me know we’ve arrived. “Why are we at your apartment?” I ask but don't receive an answer, instead she flashes me a wink. Nikki opens her door and climbs out. Only to emerge at my door moments later, sweeping her hand in a greeting motion. "There you go my lady." she giggles. She’s enjoying my state of confusion. I venture out of the car, my eyes land on a dark shadow stood at the bottom of the steps. Impulse defeats me, moving toward the unknown.

   I know I should stay rooted to the spot. It could be anybody stood there. Without thinking of the possible consequences. I start moving in the direction of the dark shadow.  The closer I get, the closer I can see the form of Xavier's striking face. He's gorgeous.  Xavier offers his hand for me to take it. He pulls me into the warmth of his body, my face hammers into his chest. Inhaling his manly scent, leaves me wanton with need. "You look beautiful," he mumbled against my neck. Heat extends over my body, leaving tints of red in its place. "Why are you flushed? Don't go shy on me."

Xavier steps back he leads me into Nikki's apartment. Bewildered, I take in the scene before me.  Stunned, somebody would go to these lengths for me. However, Xavier done the unforeseen. That has to mean something, right?!

The room is lit by candles, casting a soft glow. Delicate music plays giving off a romantic vibe. The fragrance wafting from the kitchen leaves me salivating.  A table set for two is sitting amidst the room with flower petals scattered across it. Xavier leads me over to the table, resting his hand against my lower back. Pulling out a chair, he indicates for me to have a seat. Do I express gratitude toward him for being a gentleman? I've never been on a date even though I dated Josh for three years. That's one thing we didn't do, it's not like we didn't go out as a couple we did but always with friends. Xavier grins, negligent of my wavering “Would you like a drink?” He inquires.

"I don’t suppose you have squeezed orange?" Xavier disappears into the kitchen. Returning seconds later with champagne flutes filled with squeezed orange. "Have I told you how beautiful you look this evening?"

"You did." I smile. A dinging sound alerts Xavier food's ready, excusing himself from the table. Xavier arrives  back the table moments later. He places something before me, which smells astounding. Causing my stomach rumble, "You need to eat more." My eyes concentrate on the food in front of me, avoiding his concerned look. "Don't turn away Isabelle, I care about you and want what's best for you and the baby." Who the fuck does he think he's is? Is he insinuating I'm not looking after my unborn child?  I'm fuming, truly offended, that he would insinuate such thing.  Standing to make my exit, I don't need to deal with this crap. The problem is I don't get very far before Xavier's rounded the table "That came out wrong. Shit." Xavier seemed to be agitated "I only meant to show you I care. I would never think something bad of you. Please understand that." Tilting my head to look into Xavier's eyes, I'm surprised to see unshed tears. "Do you remember when I told you I've never been in a relationship. I was genuine. It means I'm going to fuck up Isabelle. But please don't give up on me." My resolve breaks, how can I be mad at him after he's bared the truth. Flashing him a weak smile, I sit down once more.

BOOK: A Summer To Remember: Novella (Lost Love Book 1)
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