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Authors: Alyssa Stark

A Promise in Midwinter (7 page)

BOOK: A Promise in Midwinter
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..oo  Chapter Ten  oo..



“I Lachlan Angus
MacFarland, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within me, by all the
life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my beating
heart take you, Elizabeth Olivia Campbell to my hand, my heart, and my spirit
to be my chosen one,” Lachlan said as he squeezed Elizabeth’s hand in

“Halt!” Liam
exclaimed as he rushed forward and roughly seized Lachlan’s shoulder, tearing
him away from Elizabeth.  “Elizabeth Campbell?” he said with a low growl.  “It
cannot be true!” he said angrily as his eyes narrowed, glaring at Lachlan.

Liam’s expression
softened as he turned to look at Elizabeth.

How had he not
seen the resemblance?

The lass was the
image of Olivia in ever manner.  From her alabaster skin to her auburn hair,
she was the spitting image of her lovely mother.  And her green eyes, however
had he not noticed?  She had received her striking green eyes from her father. 

Elizabeth’s eyes were
the mirror image of Liam’s.

“Ye son-of-a
bitch!” Liam screamed as he drew back his fist and spun, landing a powerful
blow to Lachlan’s jaw.

Lachlan was
stunned.  He dodged Tristan and pulled Elizabeth behind his back, shielding her
from the crazed warrior.

“Explain yourself,
auld man!” Lachlan demanded as he poised for a counter attack.  His hand was on
Elizabeth’s arm, cautioning her to stay safely behind him.

Liam’s eyes were
narrowed with rage.  His face was red and a large vein had risen on his
forehead, thundering with the erratic beating of his enraged heart.

“Aarrghh!” he
yelled as he dropped his head and charged at Lachlan.

Lachlan pushed Elizabeth out of the way.  Angus MacFarland grabbed her wrist and pulled her safely out of
the path of the fight.  He shot her a curious look.  Angus was as perplexed by
Liam’s sudden surge of anger as she had been.

Lachlan refused to
allow Liam to put Elizabeth in danger.  He sought only to protect her and lunged
at Liam, wrestling him to the ground.  Although Liam was old enough to be his
father, he was a sound warrior.  Liam punched wildly at Lachlan, consumed by
the rage of whatever had come over him.

Lachlan struggled
to remain atop Liam.  He dodged blow after blow, all the while wondering what
had come over the older clansman.  

Liam struggled
against Lachlan, landing a blow against his cheek. His chest heaved from the
exertion of grappling with the much younger and much stronger clansmen.

Enough was enough.

Lachlan growled
and punched Liam, the bone rattling blow stilling his opponent for a brief

“I do not want to
fight you!” Lachlan thundered as he overpowered Liam.  “Explain yourself!” he
demanded again as he struggled to take stock of what had just occurred. “Damn
ye, Liam…what has come over ye?”

Lachlan glanced
over his shoulder to assure himself that Elizabeth was safe.

Her face had
drained of color.  She stood next to his father with her hand over her mouth,
watching the horror that their handfasting had become.

Seizing his
opportunity, Liam landed a surprise punch to Lachlan’s eye.  Finding renewed
strength, he flung Lachlan off his chest and reversed their position so that he
now straddled the younger clansmen.

“Ye’ve stolen my
daughter’s honor!” Liam seethed as he dealt another glancing blow to Lachlan’s jaw.

Lachlan was too
shocked to move.

He struggled to
focus amidst the stars that Liam’s weighty blow had onset.

His steel gray
eyes flitted from Liam’s angry green eyes to Elizabeth’s.

They were exactly
the same.

Liam has a

His mind was
reeling from the blow to his jaw, but more so from Liam’s revelation.

“Enough!” Angus
ordered as he stalked forward and pulled Liam off  of Lachlan.  “Of what
madness do you speak?”

Liam dug in his
sporran and pulled out a well worn letter.  He unfolded the letter as he had
done so many times before.

“She is my
daughter,” he whispered as his eyes locked with Elizabeth’s.  He rose to his
feet and walked to stand in front of Elizabeth, extending the letter for her to
see with her own eyes.

Elizabeth’s mouth
gaped open.

She closed it.

She recognized her
mother’s handwriting at once, elegant and feminine as it scrawled across the
worn page.

Liam MacFarland
was her father.  The man that her mother had loved.

Tears ran freely
down Elizabeth’s cheeks as she read her mother’s letter.

When she finished
reading, she looked into Liam’s eyes, eyes that were the mirror image of her

Surprising even
herself, she lunged at Liam and threw herself into his arms.

He caught her
readily, enveloping her in his embrace.  He kissed her hair and held her close,
thanking the Lord for bringing Elizabeth safely into his care.

“I was coming for
ye, sweetling,” he whispered as tears rimmed his own eyes.  “I hadna known of
ye!  I swear that if I had known I would have come for ye!  I would have come
for ye both!”

Elizabeth hugged
him tightly.  She could not find words to express the overwhelming surge of
happiness that flooded her.  She held her father close, content now with just
having found him.

Liam wiped away
the tears of happiness that spilled from his eyes.  Looking over Elizabeth’s head, he glared at Lachlan, who now stood next to Angus.

“I aught tae kill
ye,” he seethed as he broke his embrace with Elizabeth and ushered her safely
behind his back.

“No!” Elizabeth countered as she grabbed her father’s arm.  “You will do no such thing,” she
ordered reproachfully.  “Lachlan saved my life!” she exclaimed.  “And I
him,” she said with all of the conviction in her heart.  “You will not touch

The words hung
heavily between them in the morning light of the quiet barn.

Lachlan’s eyes met

“I love ye as
well, lass,” he said passionately.  His eyes narrowed and his gaze moved to
Liam, challenging the warrior to make another move against him.

“Would ye have wed
her if we’d not forced ye to?” Liam asked coolly.

“Aye,” Lachlan nodded solemnly.  “Why do ye think that I brought her with me when I escaped from
the Campbells?”

Elizabeth’s heart
went wild at Lachlan’s words.

He had planned
to marry her.

“If ye treat her
poorly, I’ll kill ye,” Liam threatened.  He took Elizabeth’s hand in his own
and led her towards Lachlan.

Lachlan reached
out and Liam transferred Elizabeth’s hand into Lachlan’s grasp.  Before Liam
released his daughter’s hand, he looked down at her and asked, “Is this what
you want, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth blushed.

“Aye,” she
answered.  “This is what I want most in all of the world.”

Liam released his
daughter’s hand into Lachlan’s.  Liam had loved Lachlan as a son and he knew
that the lad would make a fine husband for Elizabeth.

“I love ye, lass,”
Lachlan repeated as he looked directly into Elizabeth’s teary eyes.

Elizabeth smiled
and collapsed against Lachlan’s chest.  “I love you too,” she whispered happily
as she lifted her head and looked up at the man that held her in his arms.

“Shall we try this
again?” Lachlan asked as he smiled apologetically at Elizabeth.  He was still
shocked by the turn of events.

Liam had a
daughter.  A daughter that he was about to take to wife.

“Aye,” Elizabeth responded eagerly.  She squeezed Lachlan’s hand.  Her smile was radiant as she
looked back over her shoulder at her father.

Liam nodded,
giving his approval of the pending union.

Lachlan nodded
back.  He clasped Elizabeth’s hands in his and began his vows a second time.

“I Lachlan Angus
MacFarland, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within me, by all the
life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my beating
heart take you, Elizabeth Olivia Campbell to my hand, my heart, and my spirit
to be my chosen one,” he said with a wanting smile.

Lachlan had never
been more nervous in his life.

The first light of
the crisp winter morning flooded into the quiet barn.  Elizabeth looked
beautiful in the morning sunlight.  A radiant glow had spread over her features
and Lachlan was encouraged by her happiness.

He only wanted her
to be happy and he silently vowed that his life’s work would be to keep her
that way.

She deserved
better than this, Lachlan thought regretfully.

He vowed to marry
her properly, in Kirk as soon as he might.

Elizabeth Campbell
deserved more than a simple handfasting in a farmstead barn.

He wanted to give
her the world, but for now, he hoped that the gift of his love would be enough.

Elizabeth smiled
shyly at him and he continued his vows.

“To desire thee
and be desired by thee, to possess thee and be possessed by thee, without sin
or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee.”

Elizabeth blushed
in the morning light.  To hear Lachlan speaking of such desire and possession
caused her heart to thunder in her chest.  She looked upon the man that was to
be her husband with love and admiration in her eyes.  He was so handsome, so
giving of himself.

Lachlan had saved
her life.  And he had pledged to her a new life filled with more promise than
she had ever dared to hope for.

“I promise to love
thee wholly and completely without restrain, in sickness and in health, in
times of plenty and in times of poverty, in this life and beyond.”

Shivers zipped
down Elizabeth’s spine when she heard Lachlan pledge his love to her.  His eyes
shone with the truth of his promise.

He loved her.

And she loved
him back, MacFarland or no

Lachlan brought Elizabeth’s hands to his lips.  He tenderly kissed her knuckles.

“Tis your turn,
sweetheart,” he whispered with a lop-sided smile.

Elizabeth found
her voice.  It was shaky at first, but strengthened as she spoke the words of
love that would bind her to Lachlan for the remainder of her life.

“I, Elizabeth
Campbell, in the spirit of God that resides within me, by the life that courses
through my blood and the love which resides in my heart, take you, Lachlan
MacFarland to my hand, my heart and my spirit to be my chosen one.”

Elizabeth paused
and looked up at Lachlan.  Despite the fact that they were surrounded by two
scowling fathers, it felt as though she and Lachlan were completely alone.  Lachlan was all that she saw, his smiling face encouraging her so speak the truth that
lived in her heart.

“To desire and be
desired by thee…”

Elizabeth’s heart
raced in her chest.

“To possess thee
and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the
purity of my love for thee.  I promise to love thee wholly and without restraint,
in health and in sickness, in plenty and in poverty, in this life and the
next,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving Lachlan’s.

“Kiss the lass and
make it official,” Angus growled.  He stood with his arms crossed, glowering at
his son.

Elizabeth thought
that she heard her own father growl in disapproval.

Lachlan bent
towards her.  He threaded his fingers through her auburn hair, pulling her mouth
softly towards his.

“My Wife,” he
whispered with an awestruck smile.

Elizabeth blushed.

Lachlan kissed the
corner of her mouth.

She smiled against
her husband’s lips. 

He touched his
lips to hers softly, kissing her as if she was the most precious gift that he
had ever been given.

Because she was.

Elizabeth parted
her lips and Lachlan slipped his tongue into the sweet wetness of her mouth,
tasting her.  Her fingers gripped his strong biceps as he deepened the kiss,
causing her to swoon against his chest.  Lachlan kissed her with aching
sweetness, showing her the love that resided in the depth of his heart.

Liam cleared his
throat in blatant disapproval.

Lachlan smiled
against Elizabeth’s mouth.  He drew away from her, but placed one more kiss
upon her ruddy lips.

“We’ve much to
celebrate,” Angus said as he clapped Liam roughly on the shoulder.  “Let’s head
back to the keep or we’ll miss the Hogmanay celebrations.”


..oo  Chapter Eleven  oo..



“You’ve never been
first-footing?” Lachlan asked in disbelief.

“No, my father
never allowed it,” Elizabeth said, and then catching her error, she added, “I
mean that Campbell never allowed it.”

“Twill be my pleasure
to take you on your
first-footing then!” Lachlan said
enthusiastically as he winked at Elizabeth and mounted his stallion.  He
extended his hand eagerly towards her and she smiled up at him.  Lachlan lifted Elizabeth into his lap and settled his plaid about her shoulders.  “The auld
folk say ‘tis good luck to be first-footed by a man that is tall and dark,” Lachlan said as he wrapped his arm protectively around Elizabeth’s waist.  “Tradition has
kept me busy each Hogmanay, as I am one of the few MacFarlands in possession of
such qualities,” he added with a chuckle.

Elizabeth had not
noticed that Lachlan was a fair bit darker than most of his clansmen.  She
found his dark hair and gray eyes mesmerizing.  Lachlan stood out from his
clansmen, most having shades of blonde or red hair.

overwhelmed Elizabeth.  To be on such an adventure in the dark of night, held
in Lachlan’s arms was most exhilarating indeed.   He overwhelmed her now, his
body was in such close proximity to hers that her heart sped up in response to
the close contact.  His masculine scent was arousing and Elizabeth suddenly
found herself wishing that Lachlan would kiss her again.

“Mind you, Beth
‘twould be considered bad luck if you were to enter one of the cottages before
me,” Lachlan warned as he patted her leg in sympathy.

“And why is that?”
Elizabeth asked, feeling slightly insulted.

“Tis bad luck to
have a woman be your first-footer, ‘tis said to bring bad luck for the whole of
the following year.  But to have a woman with red hair first-foot ye!  ‘Tis a
disastrous combination,” Lachlan said teasingly.

Elizabeth slapped Lachlan playfully in the chest.

“The clan will
already be cursing me for handfasting a Campbell, but should ye show up at
their cottage and bring ill luck as a first-footer, I’d be banished

“I suppose that I
should feel honored to have handfasted a man endowed with the proper qualities
of a lucky first-footer?” Elizabeth laughed as she gazed up at Lachlan.  He was handsome and the cadence of her heart increased as she looked at him.

“Perhaps it was my
good luck that brought ye to me,” Lachlan said with a smile as he trailed his
fingers down Elizabeth’s cheek.

Elizabeth felt
color flush her face.

Lachlan reined the
stallion to a stop.

He lifted Elizabeth’s mouth to his and captured her lips in a sweet kiss.

“Perhaps I am
lucky, for fate has granted me a wonderful gift in you,” he breathed against
her lips.

The moonlight
bathed down upon them, causing the heavy snowflakes to sparkle in the midnight sky.  Elizabeth did not feel the cold.  Lachlan’s tender words had lit a fire
within her.

She reached up and
traced her fingers lightly down Lachlan’s jaw line.  Being with Lachlan kindled a newfound boldness within her.  The faint dusting of stubble tickled her
fingers, feeling so alluring and masculine beneath her touch.  Elizabeth brushed her fingertips over Lachlan’s lips, eliciting a shudder from him.  He
closed his eyes, remaining completely still and she explored the planes of his
face with her fingertips.

Ever so slowly, Elizabeth pressed her lips against Lachlan’s.

He growled low and
in his throat, exhilarated by the boldness of Elizabeth’s kiss.

Her lips parted
and he took entry to her mouth, brushing his tongue against hers.  Elizabeth moaned against his lips as pleasure zipped down her spine.

Lachlan deepened
the kiss, claiming Elizabeth’s mouth fully.  His hand brushed over her breast
and he brushed the peak of her nipple through the fabric of her gown.

Elizabeth gasped
with pleasure into his mouth.

Never before had
she felt such an arousing feeling as Lachlan’s light touch over her breast. 
His thumb flicked over her sensitive nipple again, causing it to become erect.

Elizabeth opened
her mouth desirously and welcomed Lachlan’s kiss.  His tongue delved into her
mouth passionately, staking claim to her.  She tasted so good, so warm and
welcoming was her kiss.

Lachlan broke away
from his sweet wife’s mouth.

“Careful, Wife,”
he chuckled.

“And why would I
be careful?” Elizabeth asked playfully.

“You are causing
me to have second thoughts about going first-footing,” Lachlan chuckled, his
breath warm against Elizabeth’s mouth.

blushed.  She traced her fingers lovingly down Lachlan’s jaw line and then
brushed them over his lips.

“I would not want
to be the reason for bringing bad luck to your clan,” Elizabeth smiled demurely,
her lips a breath away from Lachlan’s.

“Our clan,” Lachlan smiled, correcting her.  “And ye could never bring bad luck.”

“Even if I was the
first to cross your threshold at Hogmanay?”

“Aye.  Even then,”
Lachlan smiled.  “For I do believe that ye are the best luck that has ever befallen
me,” he whispered as he kissed Elizabeth once more and then spurred his horse
into the darkness of the midwinter night.





Lachlan knocked on
the door of the small cottage, smiling like a mischievous boy as he glanced
over his shoulder at Elizabeth.  He had made sure that she stood well behind
him, not wanting to burden the owners of the cottage with the ill luck of
having a woman first-foot them, especially a woman in possession of beautiful
auburn hair.

Lachlan winked at
her playfully and turned his attention back to the door of the cottage.

Elizabeth could
hear the excited squeals of small children from within the house, the pitter
patter of their feet against the floor boards as they ran to answer the door. 
Snowflakes fell heavily, gathering on the crimson fabric of Lachlan’s plaid
that he had lovingly wrapped about her shoulders.  The sound of laughing
children coupled with the freshly fallen midnight snow lent a magical quality
to the scene. 

Elizabeth felt a
smile spread over her face. 

She could not
remember a time when she had been happier.

The door of the
cottage swung open and the flock of children scattered, giggling as Lachlan stepped over the threshold.  They cheered and clapped as Lachlan handed their
father a small satchel of salt and an earthenware jug of whiskey.

Lachlan turned and
motioned to Elizabeth to join him.

“May the new year
bring your family health and happiness!” Lachlan greeted the farmer and his
family as he ushered Elizabeth into the quaint cottage and closed the door
behind him.  “May I present my wife, Elizabeth?” he added with a smile as he
wrapped his arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders.

“Lachlan!” the
farmer said in surprise.  “Congratulations!” he said with a genuine smile. 
“Please come in, Elizabeth.  Warm yourself by our hearth fire,” he said with a
welcoming smile.  “This is my wife, Emily.  And this here is Angus, named after
Lachlan’s Da,” he said as he ruffled the hair of his oldest son who appeared
to be about seven years old.  “And that is Caitlin, and Isobel,” he said,
pointing at the two little girls hiding behind their mother’s skirts.  “And
Rabbie over there, and in the crib is Fergus,” he said proudly.

“You have a lovely
family,” Elizabeth said with a warm smile.

“Aye,” the farmer
said.  “We do,” he smiled at Emily lovingly.

This was what Elizabeth wanted.

These people had
but little, but they were rich in love.

This was the life
that Elizabeth hoped to build with Lachlan.

Lachlan took her
hand and guided her towards the fire.  He brought her knuckles to his lips and
kissed them lightly.  Elizabeth sat next to Emily and they chatted amicably. 
Before long, Rabbie was settled in Elizabeth’s lap toying with her auburn
curls.  Elizabeth smiled as she watched his chubby fingers thread through her
hair.  He smiled up at her shyly and then stuck his finger up his nose.

Elizabeth laughed. 
She looked down at the child cradled in her arms. 

He was a

And he was
completely innocent.  Elizabeth was suddenly saddened by the hateful manner in
which John Campbell had raised her.  For what reason had she been taught to
hate this boy besides the clan name that he had been born with?

Elizabeth had a
startling realization.  She was truly

The MacFarlands
were quite different than she had expected them to be.  They were a far cry
from barbarians.  They were friendly, loving, happy people, nothing like the
tales that she had been fed as a child.  She began to wonder why exactly the Campbells hated them so much.

BOOK: A Promise in Midwinter
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