A Natural Act (Contradictions) (25 page)

BOOK: A Natural Act (Contradictions)
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Chapter 27

I sit on the small rickety stands with a variety of people from all walks of life. When the Carters do something, they do it big. Megan and her husband, Eric, are both here with a couple of their now grown children and their
adorable grandchildren. Jamie-Lea sits next to me with a huge grin on her face, her eyes alert and sparkling as she watches the movement on the pitch. Considering what this girl has been through in recent months, it’s incredible to see her so happy and well.

Craig's phone has been ringing and vibrating relentlessly over the past week or so as his brothers talked strategy. It's only a friendly
neighborhood match but, to quote Danny, “in it to win it, innit.”

The atmosphere of the crowd is buzzing, with happy faces and an excited vibe. So why
am I not excited?

Of course I'm excited for Craig and his brothers. I know how much they've been planning and training for this match.

I just can't seem to shake this uneasy feeling. These calls and text messages are getting to me. I can't really relax because at any minute I could get another one. I'm not so much scared as anxious. It feels like he's slowly snaking his tendrils of control back into my life. The mere thought that he can invade my life whenever he chooses is choking. I want him gone from my life.

Are you okay, Isabella?” Jamie looks at me with a slight crease between her delicate brows and concern in her eyes.

I'm okay,” I smile probably quite unconvincingly.

Okay,” she nods, that crease in her brow deepening. She's silent for a while and seems contemplative but she soon speaks again. “I'm here if you need to talk.”

Thanks, Jamie,” I smile with more conviction. She really is a lovely, caring person. “I'm fine, just worrying over nothing. You think they'll win?” I ask to change subject and tilt my head in the direction of her large family.

Of course,” she replies immediately, almost affronted that I even asked the question. “They don’t really do losing.”

I'm starting to get that impression,” I nod in agreement because Craig seems to aim to win in everything he does. From his medical career, to his fights, to me.

Ian's being hard on Craig today,” Megan remarks from behind me, nodding her head towards the two of them.

I frown and follow her gaze to see that Ian
, head of the family, is standing millimeters away from Craig's face and screaming in it.

Craig stands with his shoulders set and his face expressionless. If I didn't know him so
well, I'd think he didn't care, but I can see it in his eyes, I can see that he's frustrated and distracted. Even I can tell his head's not in the game and that is highly unusual for this man who gives one hundred and ten percent in everything he does.

Ian finishes yelling at his younger brother and slaps him on the back before getting back into the game but it obviously wasn't enough and I feel terrible. I feel terrible because the reason he keeps missing passes and kicks is because his eyes are always on me.

A player on the other team trips over his own feet as Jake's quick footwork steals the ball away from him. He lands hard and the ref calls a break to check if the poor fellow is okay.

The Carters take the opportunity to hydrate and move over to the long bench of sports bottles next to the stands. Jamie-Lea bounces down the steps to check on them and stumbles slightly on the last one. She looks up at Jason sheepishly, her face reddened slightly with embarrassment.

Jason just grins at her and shakes his head fondly. “That woman will be the death of me.”

Karl's wife, Elise, chuckles at him with her baby in her arms.
“Come on, Gracie. Let's go mock Daddy for missing that goal.”

I figure since they are all going down to speak to the family, I can go too. I'm cautious of repeating Jamie's stumble so I take my time making my way down to where the
group has gathered. By the time I've maneuvered my way to them in a mostly graceful fashion, they're in the midst of a screaming argument.

I dislike shouting. It never boded well for me.

“Get your fucking head in the game, dickwad,” Karl shoves Craig's shoulder before wiping his brow.

She's fit, hotshot, but she ain't worth losing the game over,” Matt sneers snidely.

What did you say?” Craig bites back, taking a step closer to Matt.

You heard me,” Matt closes in on him, his lip curved upwards in a smug smirk.

You so much as fucking look at her the wrong way,
, and I will end you. Don't give a fuck what you say, but you stay. away. from Bella.”

You disrespectful little-” Matt starts, making a lunge towards Craig but he's cut off as Ian grabs his collar and yanks him back.

Save it for later,” he growls at Matt, handing him over to Karl to restrain before turning his attention to Craig. “What's with you?”

Craig just shakes his head and cracks his knuckles, his eyes scanning the perimeters of the pitch.

“Love smitten,” Danny chuckles. “It's fucking adorable but if we lose to these misfits, I will run you over. Twice.”

Nah, that isn't it,” Ian shakes his head, studying Craig with eagle eyes.

Don't pick on him for having a heart. Just because you lot are incapable of falling in love,” Jamie-Lea pipes up, albeit quietly.

Don't lump me in with these idiots,” Karl warns, releasing Matt and taking Grace out of Elise's arms so he can play with her.

I glance nervously at Craig and wonder how he's going to react to the L-word
in front of his brothers but he's still not really focused on any of us. He's scanning the crowd, his chest heaving.

Rick, call time out with the ref. Jelly, go sit back down over there. The rest of you run laps and keep warm. Craig, sit your ass down,” Ian orders. His voice is firm and almost emotionless as he commands his family. I barely believe it as they all do his bidding without question.

I said. Sit. Your. Ass. Down,” Ian growls menacingly at Craig.

I scowl because I don't like the tone of voice Ian is using with Craig. It's obvious to see that Craig is not quite himself, Ian should be more tactful.

I'm not quite sure what to do with myself as Craig reluctantly slumps down onto the bench drags his knuckles over the crown of his scalp. The decision is taken out of my hands as he reaches for me and pulls me into his side.

Ian's eyes follow us, alert and attentive
as always.

Isabella,” Ian growls. “Wanna tell me what's going on?”

I... um,” I hedge because he looks angry and intimidating.

Don't do that, Ian,” Craig growls from deep within his chest and pulls me tighter into him.

Excuse me?” Ian raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms across his chest.

Don't pull that soldier crap on her,” Craig sighs, backing off slightly with his stance. I'm realising that he looks weary for the first time since I met him. I know that it's because of me and I hate it.

He doesn't intimidate me,” I stick out my chin adamantly.

Ian's lips quirk up to one side. He doesn't believe me.
“Of course not.” He turns back to Craig. “You need to tell me,” Ian urges, however there's a softening there and he squats down.

This is between me and Bella,” Craig offers a slight shake of a head.

You're not yourself, Craig,” Ian sighs. “It' obvious to all of us that Isabella is very important to you. It's also obvious that something about her is causing you to play like a pussy. Let the family in, Craig.”

Not my shit to share,” Craig sighs.

Ian stares at him a few seconds longer, seeming to understand. Then he turns to me and I swallow deeply
because there's so much passion in his eyes. Passion and determination to be there for those he holds dear.

Craig doesn't usually act like a pussy,” Ian grins at me. “I need to know what’s going on Isabella.”

Nothing,” I shake my head.

Don’t lie to me,” he snaps, any softness from his voice vanishing. “You don’t have to tell me but you don’t
lie to me.”

Sorry,” I squeak. I already know Craig and his brothers hate lying. Craig reaches over and laces his fingers with mine in a reassuring gesture.

Like I said,” he relaxes once more. “You don’t have to tell me but if you’re with Craig, you’re part of this family and we deal with our problems as a unit. You got something causing you to worry as much as you are, something causing Craig to act like this, you can tell us.

Not saying we can fix it, just saying we can lighten the load. It’s what we do.

I never meant to be a burden to Craig,” I murmur. I’m not sure what to do. I hate that my situation is causing him all this stress.

Not a burden, lady,” he sighs, closing his eyes. “Just can’t figure a solution.”

I’m smarter than you,” Ian tells him with a slight smirk.

Craig managed a bitter chuckle and Ian smirks.

“It’s… it’s my ex,” I stammer slightly. Admitting it makes it feel more real. “He wants me back. He keeps texting and calling. When we arrived he sent a text saying ‘enjoy the match’.”

Ian’s face remains expressionless.

“Wanker almost killed her,” Craig looks up at his older brother and the anger is still evident on his face. “Wants her back. Typical abuser.”

Ian nods.
“I see.”

He stands in front of us for a few seconds before surprising me by reaching out whacking Craig on the back of his head.
“Idiot. Should have told me.”

Craig sighs and nods. I think he’s coming to realize that Nigel is too much of a problem for him to handle on his own.

“Trust me to keep your woman safe for the rest of the game?” Ian nails his brother with an intense glare.

Craig nods immediately and it speaks volumes about his respect for his brother. I doubt he’d entrust my safety to many people.

“Isabella, do you trust me to help you with your ex?” Ian focuses his intense gaze on me.

I barely know this man but I know Craig and I know how much respect he holds for his eldest brother so I nod as well.

I hear Craig breathe out a sigh of relief next to me. I guess that’s why they say a problem shared is a problem halved.

Jason is with Jelly, I’ll get him and the cousins to keep an eye out. Nobody from outside the family gets within five feet of her. When we get home later, we’ll talk this out,” Ian decides. “Ass back on the field in one minute.”

He strolls away with an air of extreme confidence and I can’t help but stare, completely
mesmerized by the way he took control.

Sorry, Bella,” Craig whispers in my neck, pressing small kisses of apology.

Why are you sorry?” I whisper back.

Sorry you had to tell Ian. Sorry I couldn’t help you on my own.”

I needed your help to get away from Nigel in the first place. Maybe we need a little more help to get away from him for good. I appreciate that Ian is willing to help,” I reassure him, resting my hand on his tattoo. “I am so truly grateful for everything you have done for me, Craig. You never have to be sorry.”

He manages a weak smile and plants a gentle kiss to my lips. It’s lacking some of his usual
passion so I dart my tongue between my lips to lick his lower lip.

I feel his smile against my own and he slides his hand into the hair at the nape of my neck, pulling me closer to deepen the kiss.

We’re interrupted by the ref calling everyone back together for the match to recommence.

He pulls away and winks, guiding me back to where Jason and Jamie are sitting before jogging back onto the pitch.

I sigh with relief because he looks happier now and he seems to be more focused on the game.

I’m not oblivious to the fact that I’m no
w surrounded by Carters on all sides. Megan’s sons have positioned themselves around me. They haven’t asked why and I doubt Ian had chance to go into much detail but, in their minds, a family member needs protection.

I like to think it’s like having my own personal rugby team,” Jamie grins at me. “You get used to it.”

I have to laugh because she’s trying to cheer me up.

“I’m not sure I ever will,” I shake my head in amusement.

She giggles and then stiffens, seemingly in pain. Jason is with her immediately.

BOOK: A Natural Act (Contradictions)
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