A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series) (31 page)

BOOK: A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series)
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Christien’s eyes return to normal as he considers what I have said.
“What do you suggest I do? I cannot allow her attack to go unanswered. It would be an invitation for all master vampires to try their hand at seizing my territory.”

I ponder his question for a moment.
“Do you think you can erase all their minds?”

Christien shrugs.
“I might be able to remove the memories of tonight from their minds, but they will still have the knowledge of all her plotting over the years with Phedora. Nor will it erase the loss of vampires in both our gets from her mind.”

I groan quietly in irritation.
“What about a deal? She knows you have bested her. Have her concede to a loss with you by forcing an oath on her to keep the knowledge of what happened here tonight from the Vampire Council.”

He tilts his head in thought. I wait as he looks at Kayle, obviously relaying our conversation with him to get his thoughts. Kayle looks at me and I nod, understanding that he wants to communicate with me telepathically.

What concession could Lenair give that would atone for kidnapping you and the loss of those from our get?”

Christien could have Lenair blood oath to him.”
I suggest on the fly.
“If she blood oaths to him, he would have some kind of power over her and could keep her from talking. He could also allow her to rule France, in conjunction with Luke, or whoever, in his stead. He doesn’t want to be here in France. It would benefit him more to have a strong tête de ligne de sang in his back pocket than to risk the Vampire Council learning that he is capable for killing three tête de lignes de sang in one night. As for her concession to me…”

I look over my shoulder to the book on the table. Retrieving it, I hold it close to my chest.

She can give me this book as atonement for kidnapping me. I’ve already burned down her house, if that was her house, and killed many of her vampires during my escape. I’ll gladly accept the ownership of this book as an apology.”

Kayle looks down at the book and recognizes it instantly. He nods and looks back at Christien.

Lenair’s neck has almost fully healed when Christien and Kayle finish their silent communication.

Christien looks back at me and I nod affirmatively, informing him of my agreement without words while squeezing the book tighter. He picks up Lenair by her throat and stands her up in front of him, not releasing her throat.

“My mate has come up with a solution to end our feud that you should consider very strongly.” Christien’s tone is serious, leaving no room for Lenair to think otherwise. “You will blood oath to me and become part of
get. There is no negotiation on this and I will know if your oath is sincere or not.”

“I will not…”

you choose not to comply, you will die by my hand right here and now, and you will lose everything you have gained over the past millennia.” Christien continues, interrupting her.

Lenair looks into Christien’s eyes and sees his determination. A quick glance at her vampires huddling behind the small pack of werewolves guarding him has her head falling onto his hand in defeat.

“Also, as atonement for kidnapping my mate, you will give her ownership of the book she carries.”

Lenair opens her mouth to object, but a stern look from Christien has her mouth closing shut.

“Good.” Christien nods and begins the blood oath with Lenair. “As part of our oath, you will not speak, hint, write, or divulge information about what happened tonight to another vampire or servant without my expressed permission. Is that clear Lenair?”

Lenair nods. “Yes.”

When the blood oath is over, Christien finally releases Lenair’s throat and takes a step back from her. Lenair waves her hand toward me to come closer. Roman snarls, keeping his body between us.

“I need to hold the book before I can pass ownership to you.” Lenair explains exasperated. “This book is old and ownership must be directly given in order for the ownership change to be complete.”

Understanding her logic, I reluctantly pass the book to Christien, who then hands it to Lenair.
“I give ownership of this book to you…” She pauses and looks at me in question.
“Jessica Winters.”

She nods and continues. “Jessica Winters freely.” Taking a cautious step towards me, she passes the book to me over Roman’s head and I immediately feel warmth spread through me as soon as my hands make contact with the book.

Lenair frowns as she stares at the book. “It’s never done that before.”

I shrug and press the book against my chest as Roman begins pushing me backwards away from Lenair.

“Now, take my newest vampires back to your home, or what’s left of it. I do hope that you have another home that you can reside in. I expect all your holdings and assets to be in my name by the end of the week.” Christien states firmly in a no-nonsense tone.

Again, Lenair’s mouth opens to speak, but with a raise of Christien’s brow, she closes her mouth, grinding her teeth as she nods once in acknowledgment.

“Good. For now, I will allow you to continue running the half of France that you once ruled over, but you will be ruling France in conjunction with Luke, my new
until I specify otherwise. You will follow the guidelines that all in my get are required to follow, which means you may not kill your donors anymore unless you are in mortal danger. I will know if you are in compliance with the rules in my get.”

Lenair’s hands ball up in fists as if she wants to protest, but she wisely keeps her mouth shut.

“Sunrise will be here soon. Take my new vampires and I will speak with your eldest when I have more time.” Christien dismisses her and joins me at my side. “Are you ready for bed?”

At the mention of a bed, my body begins to sag as the adrenaline leaves, causing my fatigue to return.

“Yes, I’m ready.” Holding the book, I watch Kayle, Roman, and the wolves escort Lenair and Christien’s newly acquired vampires out of the estate over my shoulder while Christien is leading me down the hall towards his bedroom.

Once inside Christien’s bedroom, I place the book with my bagged blood inside the suitcase under the bed. Christien growls when he sees the hiding place of my blood, but doesn’t make any comments.

“Since Kayle and I are leaving tomorrow, it makes no sense to move my blood to another location now.” I explain as I start the shower.

“I have much to do tonight, so I will leave you once again when you are in bed. This time, I will leave vampires or ask Roman to assign a wolf or two for your guard detail. In case Lenair finds a way to circumvent my blood oath, I want to be sure that you are safe until you are back in the United States tomorrow.”

Rolling my eyes, I climb into the shower and bathe quickly. My robe is hanging on the back of the door when I get out of the shower so I slide it on after drying off. Sticking my head out the door, I see Roman and Kayle in the bedroom speaking to Christien in hushed tones so I telepathically communicate to Christien that I need blood before I go to bed as I am brushing my teeth.

Their conversation doesn’t pause when Christien sends back to me that he is having blood delivered right away.

Ignoring Kayle and Roman’s presence, I climb under the covers before peeling off my robe, dropping it on the floor beside the bed. Christien glances at me in amusement when he realizes that I am naked beneath the sheets, but doesn’t remark on it.

Apparently their conversation is over because Roman and Kayle wave and nod respectfully at me before they leave the room.

“Your blood is here.”

“Oh good. Have them bring it in.” I say groggily as my eyes begin to drift close.

Christien frowns and shakes his head, going to the door to retrieve the bags from the vampire outside his bedroom door. “Perhaps it would be prudent for you to wear bedclothes if there will be guards inside the room while you are sleeping.”

My eyes remain close as I murmur sleepily to him, holding out my hand for the blood.

“Do you need a glass,
ma chatte petite
?” Christien growls at my lack of compliance.

Shaking my head, I open my eyes long enough to snatch the bags of blood from Christien, popping bag after bag on my fangs as soon as they are empty. Sated, I pull the sheets to my neck and roll on to my side.

Christien gives me a brief kiss on my temple before leaving the room. I can hear him talking to someone in the hallway before I fall asleep.

The following evening at dusk, Kayle and I leave for the United States while Roman, Alex, and the kids return to Italy with the other wolves they brought with them. Kayle and I are both wary of leaving Christien in France to deal with the Vampire Council alone, but Christien finally convinces us that he will keep in touch. After explaining to me the importance of keeping our unborn child safe from the Vampire Council, I reluctantly leave with Kayle, despite the trepidation I feel in my gut, and return to the United States.

Coming in December 2012… Book 3 of the Angel Series


“A Rogue Among Vampires”




An hour after nightfall, a black limousine pulls up to Christien’s estate. Jolene, the Vampire Council’s representative, exits the limo. Christien is already waiting outside when she arrives. Casually, he telepathically communicates to his get that he is leaving. He instructs them to report to Luke if there are any problems while he is away as he walks towards the limousine.

Jolene joins him in the limo without a word spoken. They ride in silence to the Council’s chambers hidden somewhere deep in the countryside underground. When they arrive at the chambers, a Governor vampire approaches Jolene as they exit the limo. Neither of them speaks aloud. Jolene nods to the Governor in understanding to their quiet communication.

Christien thinks about eavesdropping on their telepathic communication, but decides not to demonstrate his ability to do so. He does not want to tip anyone off to any abilities he should not have yet.
As they enter the cavern, lighted torches guide their way to the meeting room.

Right before they enter the room, Jolene turns to face him. “The Council has just informed me that Hassan will not be joining the inquiry.”

Deciding ignorance is the best policy, Christien responds with curiosity. “Why not?”

“I am sure you know why.” She snarls back at him as she opens the doors to the chambers.

The spacious room is barely illuminated. It is not a problem for Christien since vampires require little light to see. Jolene guides him to a chair in the center of the room. Gracefully, he falls into the chair, assuming a calm and relaxed posture. Surveying the room, he notices most of the Council members are already sitting behind a long, stone-like wall, which is doubling as a table. The remaining empty seats belong to the Grand Councilor and his top advisor. Hearing that sometimes the Council’s proceedings may require witnesses or an audience of master vampires, he looks over his shoulder at the stadium type benches behind him and notices only a few Governors along the back wall, blending into the shadows made by the dime-sized torch light.

Several minutes pass. The seated Council members continue to converse in hushed tones. Their whispers seem to bounce off the walls and echo in his head.

“What do you think happened to Hassan?” One Council member asks.

“I bet he killed him to stop these proceedings. I heard that he is the one responsible for wiping out Hassan’s bloodline.” Another Council member responds.

“If that is the case, he has gone rogue. He must be insane to kill his own sire.” The first Council member replies confidently.

“Jolene said that he threatened her when she delivered the Council’s request for a meeting. She mentioned that some of his vampires refused to acknowledge her authority.” The first council member adds.

“What? How can that be? He has to blood oath them in order to sire them. Hassan had sworn to the Council so all of his bloodline should be too. Perhaps she exaggerated her claim. It has happened before.”

The Council members continue their speculations until a door behind the wall opens. The room falls completely silent as everyone watches the remaining two members of the Council take their seats.


* * *


Learn more about the Angel Series and other books I have available on
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BOOK: A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series)
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