Read A Heart's Endeavor Online

Authors: Mary Wehr

A Heart's Endeavor (10 page)

BOOK: A Heart's Endeavor
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He hurried her into the kitchen and pulled her shirt over her head. With nimble fingers he unhooked her bra and cupped her breasts. He suckled her nipples. Mel had barely enough strength to lift her arms and lock her fingers around his neck. She held on for dear life as he lavished her breasts with his tongue.

“I have to taste you again, Mel. Please, let me taste you again.”

Mel closed her eyes and nearly swooned as she pictured his head between her legs. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him fully on the mouth. “Give me time to shower first.”

Jack dropped his arms and Mel hurried into the bedroom. She went into the adjoining bathroom and pushed aside the shower curtain. After turning on the water she tore off her jeans and panties. Her fingers grazed her clit and she moaned. Her sex felt swollen and heavy. This was going to be one hell of a quick shower. She stepped under the pulsating spray and reached for the soap. A wave of dizziness came over her and she began to shake. Her body turned to ice despite the warm temperature of the water.

Mel closed her eyes and tried to will the sense of dread and panic to go away. “Oh God,” she moaned, “please not now. Not now.”

She clutched her head with her hands and squeezed. Her heartbeat thumped loudly in her ears. Her throat felt closed. She gasped for air. She couldn’t swallow. She was suffocating. It was as if she stood at the very edge of a cliff and she was going to fall straight to the bottom. Blindly, she stretched her arm, seeking something to grab onto. She lost her balance and landed hard against the wall. She slid along the wet tile to settle at the bottom of the tub in a heap of trembling arms and legs.


Chapter 9


Jack sat on the sofa and rested his elbows on his knees. He scrubbed his face. What was Mel so worried about? She had smelled fine to him. As a matter of fact, he wanted nothing more than to bury his face in her pussy and breathe in her musky scent. It had taken all the self-control he could muster not to throw her down on the kitchen table and have his way with her.

Don’t be a dog, Jack.

Anxious to get his hands on her body, he stood up only to sit back down. What the hell was taking her so long? He glanced at his watch. He’d give her another minute then he’d rip off his clothes and join her. Hmm, maybe she’d be interested in some water play.

A loud thump jerked him from his musings. Frowning, Jack got to his feet and followed the sound of running water. He entered the bathroom and came to a complete stop. Of all the possible scenarios that were racing through his mind, he didn’t expect to see her curled into a ball and pressed against the shower wall.

“Jesus, Mel,” Jack hissed and turned off the water.

He snatched a towel and covered her shivering body. He took his eyes off her for a split second and closed the lid to the commode. He stepped into the tub and gently, but firmly gathered her into his arms. A quick scan of her body showed she wasn’t cut anywhere. To be sure he set her on her feet and ran his hands up and down her. Satisfied that there were no bruises or broken bones he scooped her up again. She immediately stiffened and began to hyperventilate.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Jack murmured into her hair. “I got you. I won’t let anything hurt you.” He sat down on the closed toilet seat and draped her across his lap. He pressed her soaking wet head against his shoulder. “Come on, honey, feel me breathing and breathe with me.”

He felt the shudder that went through her. Her behavior indicated that she was suffering from a panic attack. He had seen a lot of them, and this one was a doozy. Christ, she had him so scared he was shaking right along with her.

“Come on, baby. That’s it, in and out, in and out.” Jack exaggerated a deep breath and let it out in a long, drawn-out
. “Just like this.” He inhaled deeply again and again until Mel followed suit. Soon both of them were breathing together as one.

Jack hugged Mel close to his chest. She remained stiff in his arms, but her breathing was even and smooth. He continued to whisper nonsensical words in her ear. After a while, she became less rigid and more compliant. He rocked her gently and listened to her steady breathing.

“So, how long have you suffered with panic attacks?” His arms fell to his sides as Mel scrambled off his lap and slowly made her way into the bedroom.

* * * *

Mel selected a short, but modest robe from her dresser and dropped the soaked towel into the hamper. She tied the sash and stood in front of the bedroom window. She didn’t need to ask how Jack knew about panic attacks. He probably saw all kinds of weird stuff in his line of work.

“I haven’t had a panic attack in a long time. I don’t know what triggered it.” She swiped at her nose. “My doctor tells me to ride out the panic and try not to worry about when the next one might occur. Worrying would start a vicious cycle and bring on another attack.” She snorted. “That’s easy for him to say.”

Jack walked over and held out his hand. Their eyes met for a brief moment then Mel allowed him to guide her to the sofa in the living room. Once again, he gathered her in his arms and brushed the damp hair from her face. He kissed her cold nose. “Did the thought of making love to me send you into a panic? It’s not like we haven’t done it before.”

Relief flooded through Mel. She heard the teasing lilt in his voice. If she joked along with him he might not question her further. She sighed and made an effort to sound affronted at the question. “Of course not.”

Deep inside she kept thinking
What if I have another attack? I’m not supposed to worry, but how do I stop?
Damn, it wasn’t working. The tears she held at bay fell down her cheeks.

“Oh, Jack, I didn’t want you to see me this way.” She hoisted herself from the couch, but Jack pulled her back on his lap.

“Oh no, you don’t. We’re going to talk this out.” He kept a hold on her chin so she couldn’t turn away from him. “How long has this been going on?”

“A little over four years.”

“I take it your husband supported you through all this?”

Mel pressed her lips together. She might as well tell him that part about her marriage. “No, my husband didn’t support me. As a matter of fact, he turned away from me.”

“Go on,” Jack snarled.

Mel’s entire body slumped in defeat. “Everything was pretty good between us. Ours was a typical marriage. We both were busy with our jobs. I used to work at the post office in town. Mike had taken a course in building car engines. He was a whiz at stuff that involved engines, and he made good money because of the gas situation. There was always a better way to build engines that didn’t suck up so much fuel.” She sighed. “I had my first panic attack while driving home from work and everything changed. Mike didn’t want me driving any more. He was worried I’d wreck the car.”

Jack tightened his hold around her waist.

Encouraged, Mel continued. “I had no way to get to work so I had to quit. We didn’t go out much after that. Mike was afraid that I’d have an episode in public and he’d be embarrassed. He said I was damaged. Whenever I brought up the subject of me working again he’d walk out.” She shrugged. “He changed. Everything was okay as long as there weren’t any problems. I thought I knew him pretty well, but I had made a terrible mistake. He’s been gone over a year and all I did during that time was mope around the house and feel sorry for myself. Last week, I pushed aside my fear of driving. I hopped in the car and the rest is history.”

Mel twisted her hands in her lap. She waited anxiously for Jack to say something, anything. Did he think her weird? Would he leave? He still held her so that must mean she hadn’t scared the bejesus out of him. She felt guilty for purposely leaving out the fact that she had depression, but right now she didn’t want to get into the deeper part of her emotional problems.

Throwing caution to the wind, she purposely took her time getting to her feet. She made sure to wiggle her butt in his lap before standing up in front of him and insinuating herself between his knees. She loosened the sash to her robe a notch. That’s all it took and the satin material caressed her shoulders, slid down her back, and pooled at her feet.

She knew she was acting out of character, but now was not the time to be self-critical about her appearance. Jack had mentioned many times that he found her attractive and that would be the only thought she’d keep in her head, because she needed his touch more than words of comfort. To feel him pressed against her, inside her body, was the only thing that would chase her fears away. She was sure of it deep down into her soul.

“Make love to me, Jack. Help me forget for a while.” She bit her bottom lip in consternation.
Don’t panic now, Mel.

He appeared to be reluctant, but she had noticed how his eyes darkened as he followed the path her robe had taken. His attention settled on the area between her legs. Her pussy throbbed in tune with the pounding of her heart. She saw that his hands were clenched tightly around his knees as if he was trying to prevent himself from moving.

He shook his head, but his eyes never left her pussy. “Mel, I don’t think…”

“Don’t think, Jack.” Taking the initiative, she tugged on his hand and was relieved when he followed her into the bedroom. This man was a model gentleman, but she didn’t need gentle and nice manners right now. She needed him hard and fast inside her body.

Mel knelt in the middle of the bed and settled back on her haunches. “Take off your clothes, Jack,” she murmured softly. “I want to see you. All of you.”

Jack yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it onto the bed. Mel ran her gaze over his wide chest. She watched in fascination at how the muscles in his arms flexed as he unbuckled his belt. Suddenly she had a wicked thought.

“Wait.” She crawled to the edge of the bed and licked her lips. “I’d like to unzip you, if you don’t mind.”

One dark brow arched in surprise, but then he slowly dropped his hands to his sides. Mel leaned closer. Her fingers brushed the taut, smooth skin of his belly as she flicked open the snap to his jeans. His abdominal muscles tightened when she kissed his navel. Spreading open the flaps of denim she caught the zipper between her teeth and pulled downwards. She took her time, careful not to hurt him. The huge package beneath his boxers swelled and nudged against her face. She took a deep breath, but that was as far as she got. With a growl, Jack finished undressing and palmed his cock.

Mel braced herself on her hands and knees and licked him from base to tip. She tilted her head and sucked his tight, lightly furred balls. Jack seized her jaw in one hand and guided his thick member into her mouth with the other. It was exactly the reaction she had hoped for. She grasped his tight buttocks and took him fully into her mouth. She sucked him hard. His hands cupped her head, keeping her in place as he pumped her face. He didn’t stop until his come shot down her throat.

Sweat beaded his brow and he blew out a breath. “Stay right here and don’t move.”

Mel ran her tongue over her lips, savoring his taste. “Where are you going?”

Jack held a finger to his lips. “Shush now, and do as I tell you.”

Jack left the room and Mel’s thoughts drifted back to her panic attack. What on earth brought it on? Would she have another attack after Jack left and she was all alone? Wandering around the house seeking a hiding spot so the panic wouldn’t find her sounded silly, but that’s exactly what she had done years ago. She pursed her lips. No, she wasn’t going to dwell on it. Doctor Evans might have an answer. Tomorrow was her three-month checkup. Maybe he’d be able to pinpoint the problem.

She did a double take when Jack returned with a banana in his hand. “Er, what do you intend to do with that? They’re not exactly ripe enough to eat.” She eyed him warily as he peeled the fruit.

Jack grinned and tossed the skin in the small wastebasket by the bed. “They’re just right for what I have in mind. Now, be quiet and close your eyes.” Mel thrust out her chin in mock defiance. Just that quick the smile vanished and his demeanor became stern and unyielding. “Now, young lady, or do I have to cuff you to the bed and blindfold you?”

Oh, how she loved it when he went all commanding on her. Now she was the one grinning as she laid back and closed her eyes.

Jack’s weight dipped the mattress. “No peeking,” he warned. She felt something cool slid across her lips. She inhaled deeply and poked out her tongue. She licked the banana and heard a groan. “Stop,” he told her. “This piece is mine.”

His voice sounded as if he had a mouthful of rocks. She could be naughty and suck that succulent piece of fruit into her mouth. She’d have him by the balls for sure, but she just blew out a breath and waited for him to continue. She felt the fruit trace her jaw and graze across her nipples. Holy cow!

“Ah, Jack, what are you doing?” Holy smokes, she was having a tough time talking. When he stuck the fruit in her navel she dug her heels into the mattress and thrust her hips into the air.

“Having some fun.” His voice came out in a low rumble. “That’s it, baby. Arch your back like a nice kitty. Purr for me.” Jack’s raspy coaxing had Mel gasping for breath. “This banana is perfect for what I want. Now keep your eyes closed. Clear your mind of everything and just feel.”

Mel did as she was told and shivered when he traced the outline of her hips then tucked the banana between her legs. Her eyes shot wide open. “Uh, Jack, I do have a vibrator.” Oops, she hadn’t meant to say that. Her hands flew to her mouth, and her face felt like it was on fire.

Jack grinned wickedly. “Oh yeah? I’d like to watch you use it sometime, but right now I want you to keep your eyes closed.” Jack tapped her lightly on the hip. “If you don’t do as I say, I won’t lick your pussy.” He chuckled when she quickly shut her eyes. “I thought that would work. Now, spread your legs like a good girl.”

The slide of the cool fruit against her flesh had Mel writhing on the bed. Her fingers clutched the coverlet.

Jack slid the banana over her clitoris and nudged it part way into her opening only to pull it back out and glide it over her sex once again. “That’s it,” he coaxed once again in that oh-so-sexy voice. “Show me what that sweet pussy of yours wants.”

BOOK: A Heart's Endeavor
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