Read A Faire in Paradise Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Paranormal, #Erotic Romance, #menage, #shapeshifter

A Faire in Paradise (7 page)

BOOK: A Faire in Paradise
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Alexa gasped when he changed, fur growing on his face, the rough pad of his tongue swiping over her sensitive nipple. His hands changed, claws growing at the tips of his fingers as they gently raked the skin of the undersides of her breasts and stomach.

After a few seconds, Ryker was fully a man again, his mouth still tightly latched around her right nipple as Wade pulled and twisted the left. Darts of pure sensation shot straight from the tips of her breasts straight to her womb. Her stomach clenched, heat burned through her blood, settling in her middle, between her legs, to slide through her channel soaking her already damp panties.

Closing her eyes, Alexa’s breath hitched as Ryker and Wade brought her closer to what felt as though would be her biggest orgasm she’d had in months.



Chapter Fourteen



Wade knew Alexa was close when she stiffened in his lap. He reached down with his right hand, stuck his hand beneath the waistband of her skirt and slid his fingers through her wet slit.

She screamed and arched her back as his fingers circled her erect clit. Her body stiffened and shook as she came on his lap. Wade’s cock grew thicker, harder, until it ached with the need to ram deep in her silky depths.

After a moment, she relaxed, her body spent. She panted on his lap, her eyes closed. She licked her lips and his cock throbbed. He wanted nothing more than to slide his thick member between her lips and watch as she sucked him until he came, shooting his release down her throat.

Ryker straightened, staring down at their mate, his arousal and awe evident in every expression that chased across his face.

”That is what it’s like to have two of us pleasure you, darlin’.” Wade whispered against her ear. “Can you imagine what it will feel like to have us both in side you, one of us in your gloriously wet pussy, the other lodged deep in your ass?” He tongued her ear. “What would it feel like to have one of us ramming in while the other retreats, only to have us repeat it over and over again?”

She moaned as he sucked her ear lobe back into his mouth, his tongue lashing the back side of her ear. Goose flesh rose on her arms and legs as Ryker leaned down to take one of her nipples into his mouth while he plucked and twisted the other.

Alexa cried out, her eyes closed. She wrapped her legs around Ryker’s waist and pulled him against her. The ridge of his cock pressed tight against her center.

Wade smiled. Their mate’s actions were proof enough to him that she was a passionate woman. She was also succumbing to the heat of the
el calor
. That much was obvious.

“We either need to stop, or take this into the bedroom. I don’t want our first time to be in your living room on your couch. Making love to our mate for the first time is something that both Ryker and I intend to savor.”

He waited for Ryker to pry her legs loose and back away.

Her face turned red as she cast her gaze to the floor. She, no doubt, took their reticence as some sort of rejection. “Make no mistake, Alexa. Both Ryker and I want you more than we have ever wanted another woman. However, we want you to be sure that we are what you want before we make love to you. Once we make love to you, the mating heat will drive us mad. It is already doing so, but it will accelerate once we make love to you and do not mate. You must be certain that we are what you want before we go any further.”

Ryker stepped closer, reached down and grasped her hand. He pressed it against his erection so plainly visible beneath his jeans. “Is this the hard-on of a man who doesn’t want you, baby?” He shook his head. “I think not. I think that this is the steel spike of a man who can’t wait to sink his cock so deep inside you that you’ll never get him out. I want you so much it hurts, Alexa, but I refuse to allow the mating heat to take your choices away from you.”

“As do I,” Wade agreed. “We have waited lifetimes for you. We don’t plan to muck up our chances by rushing you or making you feel less than you are.”

“You are everything to us.” Ryker backed up a few more paces as though he didn’t trust himself in such close proximity to their mate. Perhaps he didn’t. After all, Wade was having a difficult time keeping his hands to himself.

He wanted nothing more than to slide his hand beneath her waistband and take her to heights she didn’t know existed. He wanted to give her orgasm after orgasm until she sobbed with her releases and begged them to make her theirs, but that wasn’t fair.

She had to make up her own mind or they would muck everything up. To become a man’s mate was always up to the woman. If they took that choice away from her, it could very well damn them all to hell.

“So what do we do now then?” Alexa asked as she slid off his lap and stood on shaking legs.

Wade stared up at her, mesmerized by her beauty. She looked so lovely standing before him with her face flushed and her hair mussed. She had whisker burns on her neck, just below her ear. The marks made him smile. Any male who lived here in Paradise would know that those marks meant she belonged to someone and they would keep their distance. The visiting humans were another story. Any one of them could see his mate and make a move on her. They wouldn’t realize the significance of another’s mark on her silken flesh.

The thought made his cat snarl. He did his best not to allow the beast’s frustration to show. The last thing he wanted to do was scare Alexa. She had enough to think about without having to worry that either of them would turn into their cats and devour her. While he thought devouring her wasn’t a bad idea, he was certain they weren’t thinking of the term in quite the same way.

“I think we should get you checked into the lodge. Your friends will be there and we’ll be able to keep an eye on you without having to worry that this Perry person will be able to get to you in any way.” He gestured toward the front of the trailer where he assumed her bedroom was and said, “Go pack your things. If you have anything that’s important, I would suggest bringing it, as well. We’ll post guards on your things but we have no way of assuring that your things will be safe unless they’re in the lodge with us.”

“How can you make sure they’re safe, even then?” She frowned at them as she made her way toward her room. “I mean, they’ll be in a hotel.”

“Yes, but it’s a hotel for shifters, owned by shifters. Also, two of the owners are retired Army Rangers and one of them is the sheriff of Paradise. Believe me when I say that you’ll be one of the safest women in town while staying there.”

“But I don’t really have the money.” She stared at the floor and bit her lip. “If I’m going to stay here, I’ll need every penny I have to rent an apartment.”

“Darlin’,” Wade interrupted with a smile. “Don’t you worry about a thing. We’ll pay for your stay while you think about our offer. No pressure. You don’t have to pay us back no matter what you decide. Just stay there, knowing that we want you to be as safe as you can be while you’re here. We’ll be there with you, so there’s no need to worry.”

“I think there’s every need to worry.” Alexa grinned. “It’s great that you want to keep me safe from Perry and his men, but who’s going to keep me safe from you two?”



Chapter Fifteen



Two days later, Alexa sat at the breakfast table with the rest of the guests. As usual, Gemma, the owner, served what she liked to call a restaurant style breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes and biscuits and gravy. There were pancakes one day and French toast or waffles the next. She wasn’t sure how the woman did it. By Alexa’s reckoning, the woman could use a boatload of help. How she always seemed so relaxed and in control was a mystery.

“This is a delicious breakfast, as usual,” she said to Gemma who stopped at her right to refill her coffee. “How do you do it all? I’d think it would be too much for a woman in your condition.” Alexa eyed Gemma’s large belly. It was obvious to the world that the other woman was very pregnant. She looked as though she was about to pop.

“Keeping busy helps keep me from going insane.” Gemma grinned. “Besides, the guys do most of the work. I just tell them what I want and they make it happen.”

Milla leaned over. “I want that.” She glanced at the two men who followed her around like a couple of lost puppies. “Don’t you want that?”

Alexa took a bite of her pancake and watched her men out of the corner of her eye. “Yes. I think I do.” She turned her attention back to Milla just in time to see her grin before she leaned in the other direction to ask Nadya the same question.

It only took two nights of sleeping alone, imagining what things could be like with her two men, to make up her mind for her. She wanted them with a passion she never thought possible. What’s more, she needed them. She needed to know they cared for her, and she needed to feel their touch.

She was sure it was what they called the mating heat, making her feel this way, and she didn’t really care. All she cared about was knowing that they wanted her and needed her at least as much as she needed them.

Where else could she go and even find one man to love her and cherish her the way these two men did? Though they never said so, she knew they loved her. It was obvious in every heated look and the way they saw to her every need. Wade and Ryker were the men for her and Paradise was definitely where she wanted to stay. Why would she even want to try to find another town when she had already found the place perfect for her?

It didn’t take long to figure out that this was what she wanted. She didn’t need to think about it any longer. After breakfast, when everyone else went back to work, she would tell them and, with luck, she would finally get to make love with one of them in her room—or their room—hell, it didn’t matter just so long as she finally got laid.

Her stomach flip flopped as she thought about what she would say when breakfast was finally over, she barely ate after finally making up her mind. The guys noticed. She knew they did. They noticed everything about her. They were so attentive. She hoped she wouldn’t grow to hate it, though now she loved the attention.

When breakfast was over and everyone filed out to go to the carnival, Alexa dragged her feet. She didn’t really have anything to do this morning. Her shift at the ticket booth didn’t start for another six hours. She had plenty of time to get to know the men who said they wanted to spend the rest of their considerably long lives with her.

“What’s wrong, darlin’?” Wade grasped her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. “You look worried.”

“I’m not worried.” She looked away and bit her lip. “Not really.” She felt her face heating as she thought about asking one or both of them to make love with her. “I’m just nervous.”

“Nervous, worried, it’s pretty much the same thing in my book.” Wade palmed the back of her head as she leaned back to look up at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.” She cleared her throat. “In fact, everything should be very right.” She gave a little nervous giggle. “I wanted us to stay behind so I could tell you that I’ve made up my mind. I’ve decided to stay here with you.”

“You’re agreeing to be our mate?” Ryker asked from behind her as Wade continued to stare at her, searching her gaze.

“If you still want me.”

“Oh, we still want you, baby. Make no mistake about that,” Wade said just before he slanted his mouth over hers in a passionate kiss.

Alexa’s legs almost gave out when Ryker pressed against her back and nuzzled the side of her neck. Nothing felt
so decadent as loving two men at the same time, and there was no mistake. She loved these two men. As impossible as it seemed for her to fall in love with even one man so quickly, Alexa knew that she had fallen in love with these two men in a matter of days. Heck, she might have loved Wade the moment she saw him in that salon in Mason.

Though she had never believed in love at first sight before she met these two men, there was something about them that drew her to them like iron to a lodestone. What she didn’t understand was what took her so long to finally make up her mind that she didn’t want to live a life without them in it.

Wade swung her up in his arms and took the stairs two at a time until they reached the third floor.

“We could have taken the elevator, you know,” she said with her eyebrow raised. She didn’t know what else to say. The man practically ran up the stairs while carrying her and he wasn’t even out of breath.

“I didn’t want to wait.” Wade grinned down at her. “Now will you believe that you’re not too heavy?”

“For you, maybe, but for a human man I’m enormous.”

“You don’t need to be thinking about human men now that you’ve agreed to be our mate, baby,” Ryker interjected as he used his key to open the door to their room. “You only need to think about how we feel and what we think and we think you’re beautiful. You’re not old and you’ll see that soon after we mate.”

“How does mating change that?”

Wade carried her through the door and gently set her on the bed. “The mating doesn’t change you. The blood exchange we’ll make during the mating ritual is what will change you. We’ll bite you and ingest a bit of your blood. In turn, you’ll bite each of us, ingesting our blood.”

“If you don’t bite us, we’ll nip ourselves and draw blood. You’ll only need a drop. It’s not as though we’ll expect you to drink gallons of it,” Ryker added with a chuckle when she wrinkled her nose at the idea.

“But first, we’ll have to make love to you one at a time. We need to prepare you.”

“Prepare me for what?”

“For the mating, when we both take you together.”

“We want to be sure that we don’t hurt you,” Ryker replied as he moved to check the night stand. “You must be prepared. We don’t want to cause you any pain.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I might be single, but I’m no nun and I’m no prude. I’ve been using toys for years.” She felt her face heat as she thought about telling them her biggest secret. “I’ve also been using two toys on myself at the same time. I’ve been rather curious about the whole double penetration thing since I saw it on a video once.” She cleared her throat as she stared down at the fingers she twisted in her lap. “I’ve wanted to know what it felt like ever since.”

BOOK: A Faire in Paradise
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