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Authors: K. A. Stewart

A Devil in the Details (32 page)

BOOK: A Devil in the Details
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Slowly, the flat green head emerged from Axel’s hiding place. “I couldn’t tell. You know the rules. I tried, remember? I tried at the ballpark, and you just wouldn’t give me anything I could use!”
“Then break the rules. Doing a good deed might not kill you, y’know.”
The snake blinked at me, quite a feat considering snakes don’t have eyelids. “Jesse, when it comes down to it, the only things between this world and total chaos are the rules. Don’t be so quick to dismiss them.” I raised the machete again, and he ducked back into the hole. “I said truce!”
“I didn’t.”
“Please, Jesse. I don’t know when I’ll be able to come see you again. There are things happening . . . down there. Bad things.”
“You’re breaking my heart.”
The snake sighed, and his nonexistent shoulders seemed to sag. “Just . . . watch your ass, all right? I’d hate to see something happen to you.”
“Before you can get your grubby hands on me, you mean?”
“It’s not like that.”
“It’s not? Then why were you there the night I wrecked my truck? Goodwill and brotherly love? You were checking on your investment.”
“That’s what I’m talking about—”
“I don’t care what you’re trying to tell me. I don’t trust you, and you aren’t welcome here anymore. You will stay away from me, stay away from my friends, and my coworkers, and my family. Or I swear, by any god you believe in, I will find a way to end you.”
“If you’d just listen for a second . . .”
“Don’t make me say it, Axel.”
“They’re not going to stop, Jesse!” For a moment, I hesitated, startled by the sudden urgency in his voice (my voice?), and he plunged on. “All of this was just the beginning. They’re not going to stop, and they don’t give a rat’s ass about the rules. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.”
“All of what? Getting run off the road? The computer hacker?”
“I’ve said too much already.”
I made a grab for his scrawny little neck, and he squeezed back into the hole. “Who, Axel? Who are ‘they’?”
He writhed himself into little green knots in agitation. “I can’t
you! Not without an exchange!”
“You conniving bastard. It always comes back to that, doesn’t it?” There was only one thing he’d understand. “I banish thee, demon. Get thee hence!” There are things to be said about the oldies but goodies.
He gave a small yelp and poofed, taking the hapless snake with him.
He wouldn’t stay gone, I knew. He was strong enough that he didn’t need summoning to cross over, and I was, after all, his soul to collect if he could. I would remember, next time, that he was a demon. It disgusted me that I even had to remind myself of that. I would never let my guard down around him again. There would be no more fraternizing with the enemy.
Annabelle came screaming out the kitchen door, Estéban right behind her in playful pursuit. Somehow I managed to avoid being flattened as they chased each other around the yard, and laughter reigned over my little piece of the world. Peace is fleeting, but oh, how sweet it is.
“Hey, watch that arm! I’m not paying for a second cast.”
Oh, and for those who wondered, my mother loved her birthday present. Mira bought her a gift certificate for a day at a spa. It was, apparently, the perfect thing. Have I mentioned how much I love my wife?
BOOK: A Devil in the Details
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