
BOOK: 9781936653027BorntobeWildArsuaga
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Cynthia Arsuaga











Cravings Publishing



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A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2010 by
Cynthia Arsuaga

E-book ISBN: 978-1-936653-02-7


First E-book
Publication: December 2010


Cover design by Beth

Edited by Ariana

All cover art and
logo copyright © 2010 by Secret Cravings Publishing


literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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All characters
and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons
living or dead is strictly coincidental.




Secret Cravings




To my
daughter Jenny, who I hope one day, finds her Stefan.

I love you.


Cynthia Arsuaga

Copyright ©




Carlton pulled into the Holiday Inn Express, checking in about three o’clock in
the afternoon after a two-day trip from Florida to Virginia. The hotel made for
a pleasant enough place, for a few nights anyway. The basics of a bed, bath,
and a mini-bar were the essentials needed for this particular hunting trip.

Unpacking the
duffle bag she stowed clothes in the dresser, toiletries in the bath area,
grabbed her backpack, and headed out the door. Pulling out her cell phone, she
scrolled through the contact list, deciding to check-in with the local Vamp
Bounty Chapter. Making contact wasn’t a requirement, only a courtesy—one hunter
to another. Should there be any trouble while in town, soliciting the local
chapter hunters for assistance offered the best option. Being far away from her
home territory and family, extensive training taught her doing so never hurt to
have a back-up plan. Rule Number Eight—Have a Back-up Plan.

Alexandra rang the desk bell planted on the
heavily worn wood countertop. The sign on the outside of the office door read:
Open Monday through Friday nine o’clock and Closed at five o’clock. The clock
on the wall read four-twenty.
It’s not closing time yet. Where the hell is

Alex leaned over the counter.
anyone here?”

A gruff voice from the back offices returned with
an answer. “Yeah, who wants to know?” The response blared from a southern drawl
of an older man.

A stocky, six foot man wearing black jeans, a blue
striped long-sleeved shirt, cowboy boots, and a Yankees ball cap walked out of
the back room with a lofty snarl plastered on his face.

“Ah, pretty lady, what can I do for ya?” The smell
of his Old Spice cologne reached her nostrils before he did.

Extending her hand, she straightened her back and
smiled. “Hello, I’m Alex Carlton, from Carlton Bounty Hunters of Central
Florida. I’m here to find out the local haunts and do a general check-in with
you boys. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.”

“Alex Carlton, little Alexandra Carlton? Bobby and
Katie Carlton’s little girl?” he asked with exuberance. His soft blue-gray eyes
lit up with excitement and a wide grin with slightly yellow teeth gleaming back
at her.

“Yeah, you know my parents? Have we met?”

“Sure do little lady. I used to run with your
parents back in the early days. I’m Randy Wilkes. I’m sure they have mentioned
Then again, maybe not.
I was a real roughrider in
those days.
Hard drinking, wild women, and vamp hunting.
Wow, and now look at you. You’re a goddamn hunter.” Walking around from behind
the counter, he extended his hand to shake. “Well, I’ll be damned. Always
figured your brothers would get into the business, not you. Your mother was
always adamant you would go to college and be a doctor, meet a good man and get
Didn’t figure you’d get into the business like your
mom did.”
Smiling, he put his hands on her shoulders and examined her.
“Well, I’ll be damned. Look at you.
All grown up into a
pretty lady.”

“It’s nice to know I’ll
have a friend and someone to trust while I’m in town,” she said, pulling back,
but adding the smile her mother always told her to wear when on a job. Randy
reminded Alex of a big teddy bear, big, round and cuddly. He needed to tone
down the cologne, though, and maybe the beer.
She didn’t know which was worse.

“Speaking of which, come on back to my office and
let’s talk. Who ya trackin’? Maybe I can help ya. It’s been a while since I’ve
been on a hunt.
Been stuck behind this here desk for a couple
of years now since the incident back in 2005.
I’ve been
’ to get back in the field.”

No way in hell, dude!

Walking around the counter, she followed him
behind the partition to an office area. The décor didn’t leave much to the
imagination. Sparse furnishings, a desk, file cabinets, couple of chairs, a
table with fax and copy machines, and a mini-fridge tucked in underneath. On
the wall hung a map mounted on a board with several areas circled and push-pins
stuck in, marking specific areas on the map. Alex figured they must be vamp

“A rogue who took out a family
in Orlando about a week ago.
I told my dad I wanted the job. I needed to
get out of town for my first solo hunt and figured this was as good a time as

“First time, eh?”

“I’m ready.”

“No offense. If you’re anything like your dad and
mom, you’re a good hunter. So, this here rogue traveled this far? That’s pretty

“I know. I think he’s headed in this direction
from my research. Any help you can give me with the local topo would be great.
I want to get the lay of the land before sunset.” Alex pulled out a notepad and
pen from her backpack not wanting to let him know the details of her plan.

“Sure, sure.
Well, I’d
say the first place to check out is
The Black Rose
on Atlantic Avenue,
in an area known as the North End of the Beach. It’s like
place in
town for the vamps and the human Sanies who like to hang out with them.”

Her eyebrows
crinkled. It was an unfamiliar term.

That’s what we
call ‘em here. You know, blood, sanguine, Sanies. Some of the human freaks
actually have their teeth altered into fangs. Really sick puppies.”

“Teeth implants, that’s a new one to me too. Well,
what about this
Black Rose

It’s an upscale
joint, real posh and
.” Randy made a gesture with his hands,
waving in the air. “It’s their
Cottage by
the Sea
. I’ve seen it advertised in the local paper and the goddamn
telephone book that way. Can you believe that shit? Oh, excuse my French. You
might see politicians, musicians, wealthy folks, even curious tourists in there
if they can afford the cover charge. Try the cottage first.” He pulled out his
well-worn desk chair and sat down. The metal snapped and creaked at the joints
from his weight shifting.

“Okay, C
by the
got it.
Anywhere else?”
She took a seat in one of the
other chairs, the metal folding kind with the built-in pads which make you
think they are comfortable, when in reality they aren’t.
Thank goodness I won’t be staying long.

“Yeah, there is another place. Unless this rogue
has real clout, I doubt he’d go there. It’s a private club, VIP members only. I
wouldn’t bother with that place. It’s even swankier than the North End Cottage.
I’ve heard rumors about the place, weird stuff happening there, although I’ve
never gotten in to check it out. You have to know someone important to get in.”
Randy mumbled something else under his breath, but Alex couldn’t make out what
he said.

“Okay. So, who’s the Master of the Family in this
region, got a name and stats?”

“Goes by the name of Gregori,
Gregori Van Zant.
Real nice dude.
Ha, just
kidding. He’s a real badass. Be careful of him. He runs a tight ship and
definitely doesn’t like rogues. They disrupt the balance of things. I’ve heard
him say they are a disgrace to their kind at an interview given to the local
weirdo rag. I don’t think he’ll give you any trouble, that’s if you don’t give
him any. Just be careful around him and his enforcer. They don’t like hunters

“You’ve met this Gregori?”

“Yeah, a couple of times.
He ain’t nice. I try and avoid him since the unfortunate incident a while back.
We kinda had a run in.” He leaned forward over his desk. “If you know what I
mean.” He wrinkled his brow, twitching it and winking.

Alex gave him a half grin, glanced down at her
“His second.
Who is he?”
This dude is
me out. Keep cool Alex.
Get the info and you can leave.

“He’s the tricky one. Real smooth dude. The ladies
have been known to drool over him, I hear. His name is Stefan. Stefan Marin and
he’s from Eastern Europe somewhere, a real dark and ancient one, from the
database reports. Gregori evidently trusts him with enforcing their laws. Their
vamp laws or whatever you want to call them. If you want to find your rogue, he
might be the one to contact. Just be careful of him, like I said, he doesn’t
like hunters.”

“Great, this is good stuff, Randy. Sure appreciate
it. I’ll keep what you’ve said in mind.” Standing, she walked out of his office
area and back to the front lobby. Randy followed closely behind.

“Well, it sure has been nice to see ya again,
Being all grown up now and all.
Next time ya
talk to your mom and dad, tell them hello for me, won’t ya?”

“Sure will, and thanks again for the info.” She
waved the notepad before putting it into the backpack.

“Oh, you’re welcome. Hey, before you leave, take
my business card. If you run into any trouble, call me.
time of day or night.
My cell phone is on twenty-four hours.” Flashing a
slightly yellowed smile, he handed her his card. “You know I have some free
time and wouldn’t mind showing you around the town if you need some help
getting in the clubs.”

Not only no,
but hell no.
“Thanks, I appreciate it, but I’m flying solo on this one.
Thanks again.” Taking the card from him, she turned and left. Randy may be a
nice guy from first impressions, but he’d obviously been hunting too long. Alex
sensed something slightly off about him, maybe the cologne or too many beers
for the time of day. His eyes were a bit bloodshot, suggesting the latter.
Hunters should always stay alert, even during daylight, Rule Number Six.
Clearly Randy violated the rule.

Alex left knowing a backup plan existed if trouble
popped up. Randy stood ready to help.
I’m following the rules Dad, not to

Unlocking the door to the car, she slid behind the
wheel. After programming the GPS for the return trip to the hotel, she started
the ignition, turned on the radio, and sped off down the road. There were a few
more hours before the hunt for the rogue could begin.

After grabbing a bite to eat at the hotel
restaurant, the room looked real good from the long day of driving. A shower
and a little television, was just the ticket to get her in the right frame of
mind for a first search. Flipping through the channels, nothing of interest
caught her eye. Turning it off, she decided to rest her eyes for a few minutes instead,
figuring the night ahead would be a long one.

Tonight, would be her first solo hunt.

Damn! This feels good!

Alex lay back on the double bed propped up on
several pillows thinking about the last several days since beginning the new
chapter in her life. Within minutes, the lack of a decent sleep in days
overtook her.

The sound of
people talking outside her room jarred Alex from a deep sleep. The sharpness of
their voices arguing about where to go for dinner somehow filtered into her
dreams in a very peculiar situation of her stuffing her mouth with Cheese

The room was pitch-black, except for the red
glow of the clock radio.
Damn, what time is it?
The red numbers
read eight thirty-seven.

“Oh damn! I’ll
be late.”

The time
finally arrived. Actually, past time to get ready. Fumbling around to find the
switch for the lamp, she switched it on, and padded off to the bathroom to
shower. After finishing, and taking Randy’s advice about the vamp club, she put
on something more refined, more ‘
he said, choosing a sequin
tank top and black leather skirt.

Studying her
reflection in the mirror,
Lose another twenty
more pounds and maybe I will appear like one of those girls on the cover of
Vamp Hunter Magazine.
They were air brushed probably. Her brothers sent
in a couple of pictures of her last year, and the magazine sent a rejection
letter saying she didn’t fit the profile target for their readership.
kind of shit is that? Not attractive enough? What they really meant to say was
I’m fat!

“I’m not fat.
I’m average. I’m physically pleasing. I work out. Eat right. I’m curvier than
those skinny models. That’s all. There’s no way they’re hunters. They’re photo
manipulated into perfection.”

Her assertion
was correct, of course, her brothers assured her. Models posed for the covers,
not real-life vamp hunters. At least that’s what her dad told her. They said
the magazines doctored the bodies by adding color or subtracting flaws. After
receiving the rejection letter, she cried the entire night despite her family’s

beginning a diet and changing lifestyle habits, she lost ten pounds in eight
weeks. The exercising toned her body, adding the benefits of a new attitude and
better self-image. Losing the next ten pounds seemed well within reach.

A half-hour
later, she was ready for the solo hunt at last!


* * *


Randy nailed it all right, at least from first
The Black Rose
appeared as an upscale vamp establishment,
from its outer veneer anyway. Set back off the street among residential homes,
the façade was inconspicuous, and the building looked like any other home on
the block, a cute beach cottage with white clapboard siding and black shutters
on the darkened windows, obscured for good reason. The Cottage by the Sea as
Randy described. How could anyone suspect what went on inside when not easily
seen meant privacy to vamps?

BOOK: 9781936653027BorntobeWildArsuaga
10.87Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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