9781618853158SpecialKindofWomanBergman (6 page)

BOOK: 9781618853158SpecialKindofWomanBergman
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“Thank you,” Regina
replied softly as he continued to hold his jacket around her shoulders as they
walked back to the restaurant parking lot before the valet left. They got into
his car and drove home.

After they pulled into
the parking lot of her apartment complex, Collin got out of the car, opened her
door and helped her out. As she rummaged through her purse fumbling for her
keys, she still wore his jacket, and honestly, she didn’t want to take it off. Before
she unlocked her door, Regina turned to see him standing right in front of her.
They were so close; she found her heart racing fast within her chest. “Well, I
want to thank you for a lovely evening Collin, this was probably the best first
date I’ve ever had and I know it’s something I won’t forget anytime soon.”

It was so quiet for
that moment, she couldn’t anticipate what he would do or say next, but then he
smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it Regina, I’m happy to have made your dreams
come true this evening. I know I had a lot of fun being with you as well. Now I
think I better end this evening properly for you, my dear, with a kiss.” Collin
smiled as he pulled her toward him and she found herself being kissed. She
didn’t know what in the world to do as he started to deepen their caress and
tightened his hold on her.

Regina didn’t want their
contact to end as he hungrily nibbled on her lips as well as her tongue causing
her panties to get wetter by his touch. She had never experienced anything like
this before. As she circled her arms around his neck bringing her almost to her
tippy toes, she felt his strong hands grab a hold of her ass and yelped.

The sounds outside her
door could have been misinterpreted for something other than what was going on.
Heaving breathing and panting between kisses and nibbles as they clawed and
held onto one another against the door. Regina ran her fingers along the front
of his shirt as she felt his touch cause heat to race along her own body. What
was he doing to her? She prayed to God that this moment would never end. But soon
the kissing slowly stopped as Collin pulled away from her. When she looked up
at him, Regina started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“You have lipstick
smeared all over your lips,” she said while trying not to snort as he started
laughing himself.

“Well, I couldn’t help
it. You have some of the most luscious lips I’ve ever had the privilege to
kiss. Can I ask you a question Regina? Please be honest with me if you give me
your answer and I hope not to offend you.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Do you mind if I kiss
you when we come back from lunch from now on?”

Regina laughed a bit as
she told him, “Sure, I don’t mind you kissing me Collin.”

Collin kissed her once
more, this time with more force almost to the point of him bruising her lips. His
kiss was so powerful, she thought as he moaned deeply. Soon they stopped, both out
of breathe from kissing and he whispered, “I better let you go and get some
rest. I’ll see you on Monday my dear.” Taking his coat from her shoulders, he
kissed her forehead and waved goodbye, leaving Regina weak in the knees from
her first real kiss.





Chapter Three



“Regina! Regina are you
there, do you hear me talking to you?” Maxine said over the phone the following

However, Regina was
completely in another world. She lay in bed still relishing how wonderful her
date had been with Collin last night. She couldn’t stop smiling and giggling
like a little school girl.

“Did you get laid last
night Gina?”

“No, I didn’t get laid
last night Max, but I did get an amazing kiss. Oh Max, it was wonderful. I have
never been pampered like that in my entire life, let alone by a man. We went to
dinner at this beautiful restaurant where we were in a room just for couples.
Flowers and candles took up every available space and we drank champagne. Then
we went to a blues bar down the street and listened to some music and slow
danced the rest of the night away. I honestly don’t know how I ended up getting
so lucky Max, it’s so weird,” Regina told her still smiling.

“So, I see the outfit
worked huh?” Maxine laughed and she started laughing as well.

“Yeah, the look on his
face was absolutely priceless. I was kind of shocked myself when I saw my
reflection in the mirror. But I want to thank you for helping me with getting
that outfit, you’re a wonderful friend to me.”

“You know I would do
anything for you Gina, we’ve been best friends forever and we will still be
friends till the day we are old and sitting in rocking chairs together on a
porch somewhere.” Both giggled at her comment before Regina let out a contented
sigh. “So what are your plans for today?”

“I’ll probably go back
to sleep for a little while longer, then straighten up a bit and go to the
store and pick up a couple of things I need. What about you?”

“I have a date with
David. He’s taking me out of town till Sunday. I just wanted to know what you
had planned so that at least you will know where I am.”

“I hope you have lots
of fun. Well hell, we both know you will, just be careful all right,” Regina
reminded her.

“I promise I will, I’ll
check you when I get back, love you girlfriend,” Maxine told her before they
both hung up the phone and Regina settled back into her bed to take a nap.


* * * *


Collin on the other
hand was busy working in his office, dealing with paperwork he had forgot to do
while at work. He decided to get things done early because he was going to play
golf with his brother Randall. Licking his lips, he smiled as his mind wander
to the memory of kissing Regina last night again. He hadn’t been able to get
any sleep after they had kissed; just the thought of it gave him a raging hard-on
that he ended up handling before he could get any rest. Collin could only
imagine if she kissed that good, how good she would be in bed. The fantasies
that ran through his mind were endless but he had to get his mind off her and
continue with his work.

When he met up with
Randall at the golf course that afternoon, he had to laugh. “What in the hell
are you wearing?” His brother stood before him dressed in a pair of rainbow
plaid golf pants, a lavender shirt and a pair of white golf shoes. Collin
couldn’t stop laughing at his brother, who was oblivious to his amusement.

“What the hell you mean
what am I wearing? I’m wearing my golfing outfit man,” Randall said as he gave
his brother a hug before they walked inside.

“You look like a clown
in that. Don’t you have anything else to wear, at least some different pants or
something,” Collin asked on the way to the locker rooms so he could change into
his clothes.

“No brother, I don’t
have any other pants, now hurry up and get your stuff on cause I want to beat

Usually he would get
the chance during the weekend to meet up with his brothers to just make sure
they were all right. With the exception of Mackenzie and Bobby who went back to
Ireland, his brothers were closely spaced out but always managed to keep in
contact with one another.

“So what’s been going
on with you lately?” Randall asked as he took his swing. The ball went up into
the air and quickly came back down onto the green a couple of yards away.

“Been doing pretty
good, been working as always. How are Candace and the kids doing?” said Collin
while putting his ball on the tee.

“Candace is doing well
and the kids are always asking for you and the guys. What about you, have you
met anybody yet?”

“I’ve been talking with
someone, but I don’t think it will last for long though.” And with a big swing,
the ball went sailing into the air.

“That’s great, how

“Just a couple of days
now, she’s from my office.”

And that’s when his
brother stopped him in his tracks, asking, “Don’t tell me you guys are still
playing the game?”

“Come on Randall, it’s
just for fun and that’s that.” They started walking toward where the balls had landed,
but his brother wasn’t through with the subject.

“I swear I don’t
understand. Even the guys at my job love playing that damn game. Do you know
one girl found out she’d been used and ended up almost committing suicide?
She’s been in some psych ward for the past six months because the man she
thought loved and cared for her made her look like an idiot in front of every
man at our office. Before you get too involved with this woman Collin, you’ve
got to stop so you don’t end up hurting her,” Randall warned him.

Collin thought about
what his brother was telling him. But he knew what he was doing though. He had treated
his women well in the past and he knew how to handle Regina now.

After beating his
brother at golf for the fifteenth time in a row, Collin decided to head back
home to get relaxed but his mind the entire time was on Regina. He couldn’t get
what his brother had been telling him off his mind. He knew that he should have
gone with his instinct and never told Randall about Regina. Was Collin Noonan
having regret now?

He shook the ridiculous
thought out of his head when he pulled into his condo building.

“How was the golf game
Mr. Noonan?” asked Dave, one of the maintenance guys, when he was going into
the freight elevator.

“I bet my brother
again, and won.” Collin chuckled remembering just how goofy he looked.

The doors opened to the
eighth floor. “Check you later Mr. Noonan, have a good evening.”

“Same to you Dave, have
a good one.” The doors immediately closed afterwards taking Collin to his

After he got to his
place and put up his stuff, he plopped down on the couch, running his fingers
through his hair while letting out an exasperated sigh.

Now he was completely

Looking over at the
clock, he realized it would be dinner time soon. That’s when a clever idea
popped into his head. He headed back to his room to grab a shower and fresh


* * * *


Regina had debated what
to eat for dinner but ended up plopping on the couch with a bag of red grapes.
Grabbing one of the small globes, she popped it into her mouth, relishing the
sweetness of it. That’s when thoughts of last night came into her head.
Honestly she had been thinking about the entire evening to the point where she
didn’t get much sleep. Where loneliness once filled her heart joy and giddiness
now replaced it. A smile had permanently replaced the meek expression that used
to take up residence on her face. She was a changed woman now all because of a
handsome redhead named Collin.

She kept replaying the
fiery kiss they shared last night in her mind. It felt like every part of her
body was going to explode. Never in a million years had she been kissed like
that by anybody. A smirk played about her lips as she wondered how it would be
with him in bed. Would he be gentle or would he be like an animal? How many
times would they make love their first go around?

“God I honestly need to
stop thinking like that,” she said to herself, throwing down her remote. She
got up to look through her vast DVD collection to find a movie to watch. After
looking through them for a while, even though most of them she had seen a dozen
or so times, she finally decided to watch one of her favorites,
. Popping the DVD into the player,
she went back to the couch and pressed the button on the remote to begin the

Midway into the movie,
she realized all of the grapes were gone when she put her hand in the bag.
Damn, I’m still hungry.

That is when the
doorbell rang which shocked her because she wasn’t expecting anyone. She peeked
through the little peephole to see who it was. However, whoever it was had
decided to obstruct her view because all she saw was what looked like flowers.

“Who is it?”

“I have a delivery

“A delivery you say,
who is it from?”

“All I know ma’am is
that it says C on here.” The man’s voice sounded so corny it was laughable.
Quickly, she opened the door realizing that delivery guy was Collin himself.
All she could do was laugh as he chuckled, standing there with a bouquet of
wild flowers and a bag in one hand. In his other he held a large pizza box, the
aroma quickly making her stomach growl.

“Wow, this is a
surprise, come in.”

Collin followed her to
the kitchen. He put the hot pizza on the counter along with the bag. “These are
for you.” After he handed her the bouquet, she put it up against her nose. “I
was bored at home so I thought it would be fun to come and have a quiet evening
here with you, this pizza and some wine.” He pulled out a bottle of red wine
from the bag.

“How wonderful, let me
get some glasses and plates.”

BOOK: 9781618853158SpecialKindofWomanBergman
13.71Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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