8 Ways to Make Her Come Orally (3 page)

BOOK: 8 Ways to Make Her Come Orally
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She doesn’t have to go to a spa to get a massage. You can give her the donut and the hole massage in your own home. The secret to success in this scenario lies in predicting her needs as well as meeting them.

Perfect the Move

• The key to giving her a whole donut massage is developing the long, slow buildup of tenderness and care that leads to a luxurious (or more than one) orgasm.
• Pay attention to the speed of her response the next time you perform cunnilingus. How quickly does she come from various mouth and tongue moves? You want to take her high, bring her down, take her up again—so you need to know when to pull back the intense stimulation.
• This is not a quickie.

The Whole Donut Massage Scenario

She’s had a rough week at work. Your girl is taking care of you and everyone else but herself. Every woman loves to be nurtured. You take her in your arms, simply listen to her, give her eye contact, hold her, stroke her face and hair, and tell her that you care. You mirror her tone of voice and body language—a technique that registers as empathy. You encourage and give your woman permission to take care of herself, and as a result, you experience the ultimate payback: more satisfaction and more sex.

Last-Minute Preparations

Create a spa environment. The most important task is to create a space that is clean and simple. Put all junk, papers, projects, and work out of view.

Draw a bath for her. Undress and caress her to the tub.

Play relaxing music. There are many different types of mood music, including relaxation, that you can purchase to make your own CD.

Have fresh flowers arranged in small vases. Put clean sheets on the bed and fluff the pillows.

Have a warm towel waiting for her when she gets out of the tub, and lead her to the bed.

Turn on the heater and cover the parts of her body not being touched at that moment with a sheet or light blanket.

Focus on your long gliding strokes and caresses on her butt, breasts, stomach, and thighs.

Wrap one arm around her back and use your finger pads to exert pressure on her lower back, just above one of her butt checks. Hold for about ten seconds. Switch and add pressure to the other side. Hold for about ten seconds. If she asks for more pressure, give the girl more.

Do the same thing to a point just above her mons.

Now put one hand on her heart and caress her vulva with the other. When she begins to moan, she’s ready. Open her legs wider and lower your head.

The Whole Donut Massage Technique

• Put one hand under her buttocks and leave your thumb free to massage her perineum.
• Nibble your way around her entire vulva area.
• Lift her legs over your shoulders and rest them on your back. She should have to exert as little energy as possible. Cover her clitoris with your mouth and suck rhythmically until she is highly aroused.
• Slowly lick up and down the sides of her clitoris and occasionally over it.
• Place one finger along either side of her clitoris and gently press in as you flick the tip of your tongue across her clit. Repeat.
• Insert a finger into her vagina, then two, and explore her vaginal wall. When you get to the spongy G-spot, add pressure and rub with your fingers. Put a hand on her mons and gently press. The contrast of internal and external pressures onto her G-spot will delight her.
• Combine the internal massage with the sucking and flicking the tip of your tongue across her clitoris until she explodes in orgasm.

The Sexpert Says

Every woman loves it when a man knows how to adapt love making to her mood. Even strong, successful, independent women want to feel taken care of from time to time. She wants to curl up in his arms and hear him whisper, “Everything will be okay,” which helps her relax and set her worries aside. And she may need that to enjoy sex! Women who have difficulty reaching orgasm especially need the extra reassurance. “Foreplay” begins when she walks in the door.


In this scenario, you give your girl Morning Thunder as you lie on your back and she straddles your face. That position affords you a great view of her face and bouncing breasts—and it’s easy on your neck. A nice bonus: She’s in the female superior position, where she feels totally in control. You are her human vibrator and she can use you however she pleases. Nice!

Perfect the Move

• Practice sending vibration to your lips by making a humming sound. Start with “hmmm,” then try different sounds such as “ohhh,” “uhhh,” and all other vowels. Put your lips to your wrist and practice, because the skin on your wrist is thin and sensitive. Because you probably can’t practice on your own penis (bummer, huh?), this is the next best thing.
• If you don’t have large pillows to put behind your head, buy some. Pillows make a great sex furniture. And pick up a breakfast in bed tray. After the cunnilingus, you serve breakfast.

The Morning Thunder Scenario

You wake up to find your girl, naked and rubbing up against you. For a brief moment, you think you’re dreaming, and soon you realize that she wants your morning thunder. You glide your fingers in the inner crevices of her vulva as you lick and suck her clitoris. She’s on top and in charge. And you are there to give her your lightning bolts of delight, as usual.

Last-Minute Preparations

Arrange the pillows so that you are both resting comfortably and in a position that affords easy connection with her pussy.

Have lube ready on the bedside table to facilitate manual play.

Tell her that you are her warm, wet, human vibrator and that she should use you however she pleases.

The Morning Thunder Technique

• Hold her butt loosely in your hands. Don’t try to control her, but provide support when she is, for example, sliding her clitoris back and forth across your tongue.
• Put your tongue out in front of your teeth and flatten it so she can wiggle and move her vulva over your tongue as she pleases. Refrain from moving. Just let it be and watch; you will be amazed.
• Play with her breasts, creating a rhythm of squeezing them (or tweaking her nipples) in sync with her gyrating movements.
• If she is receptive to it, hold her hips still as you put your tongue inside her vagina and twirl it clockwise, then counterclockwise.
• Still holding her hips, do your hummer move: Place your lips around her clit and vibrate them.
• Hum her to orgasm.

She can squat rather than straddle, putting more pressure on her feet than your face.

Or she can kneel on pillows placed on either side of your head, making it easier for her to sustain the position.

If you have bedposts or a suitably designed headboard with slats or other places to grip, she may be able to hold on to them, giving her better leverage as she “fucks” your tongue.


Worried about your size? Women report that what a man does with his hands, tongue, fingers, and toys matters more than his size. Cunnilingus is the perfect sex activity because you can bring her to orgasm no matter what your size or the quality of your erection.

The Sexpert Says

BOOK: 8 Ways to Make Her Come Orally
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