Read 500 Days Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #new author, #adult, #contemporary, #new adult

500 Days (3 page)

BOOK: 500 Days
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Yes, but that was in New
York where he probably lives and we are here in Pennsylvania. Plus
I was so hammered I don’t even remember his name or what he looks
like. It was one night of pure, crazy, sex, and that’s it.” It was
like torture just thinking about it. “Besides, I remember he told
me I was poison. Not someone I want to keep on my speed

And I told you I think
you’re taking that completely out of context.”

And I told you you’re

She sighed and leaned on the counter. “But
what if he was just visiting like you and by some weird coincidence
he lived here and was right under your nose the whole time. Would
you be with him again?”

You daydream too much,
but yes. Given the chance I would totally hit that

God, you sound just like
a man.”

Four brothers,” I said,
holding up four fingers.

She laughed,
understanding, and then finished her coffee and rinsed out her mug.
“Go get changed.” I raised a brow at her. “For our run.” I groaned
as she pushed me off the sink and in the direction of my bedroom. I
had mentioned to her a month ago I wouldn’t mind shedding a few
pounds and ever since then I had my own live
in motivational trainer. On top of
being a morning person – only after she had her coffee – Declan was
probably the most energetic person I knew. Where she got this
energy from I had no idea and sometimes wondered if she wasn’t
slipping a little something extra into her coffee. I loved her
spontaneity and her eagerness to help others, but sometimes I wish
she had an off switch.

I changed into sweats and pulled my long
brown hair into a ponytail on top of my head. Then I slipped on my
running shoes and met Declan in the living room where she was
already stretching. “Come on let’s go,” she cheered, patting me on
the butt. Sometimes she reminded me of Molly Shannon in the SNL
skit where she was always shouting excitedly that she was fifty and
throwing her hands and legs in the air. I finished stretching with
her and then we headed out the door.

I cranked up the music on my phone to tune
out the outside world as we jogged down Main Street and off the
side to back roads where there was less commotion. Halfway through
our jog I got a text from my brother asking if I could pick up
lunch for him and drop it off at his work. I stopped at the corner
and tugged on Declan’s shirt. “Jasper wants me to pick up lunch for

Why can’t he do

He’s stuck at work and
can’t get away.”

He’s working on a

He has a large piece he’s
doing and today was the only time he could do it.”

Okay, we can jog over
there.” I moaned to myself. The tattoo shop where my brother worked
was another mile away. I was hoping this could have been my way out
of this torturous session but I should have known better. “Come on
let’s go,” Declan encouraged. I stifled my groan and picked up
following Declan in the opposite direction we had
come from. I told Declan I would race her there. Thinking I was
getting in to the spirit she smiled brightly and agreed. What she
didn’t know was I knew a short cut. I let her get ahead of me and
then quickly dashed around the corner. I bolted through the back
alleys and down the next few blocks cutting a quarter mile off of
our run. I rushed through the door of the shop and fell back
against the glass causing it to slam shut. I heard the buzzing of a
tattoo gun stop and the squeak of a chair roll across the floor.
Jasper walked out from the back room.

I was bent over,
my knees and gasping for breath.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Declan and I were out for
a jog when you text me.”

You run?” he said with

Yeah, you should try it
sometime. You could lose a few pounds yourself.”

He smacked the small pouch of his stomach.
“I’m good.” I rolled my eyes. My brother wasn’t big, but his
motorcycle accident and months spent in rehabilitation have left
him with a little excess weight, not to mention all the drinking he

Declan pulled open the
door to the shop
almost knocking me over. “What took you so long?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Hello Jas,”
she said, ignoring me.

Sup little D.” He
embraced her in a small hug while I helped myself to a water bottle
from the fridge.

So who’s the douche who
has you coming in on your day off?” I asked, taking large gulps of
the cool, crisp water.

You know they can hear
you, right?” Jasper said with a displeased look on his face, his
cool blue eyes narrowed. Jasper was the only one who had blue eyes
the four
of us. The rest of my brothers and I had different variations of
green. Jasper’s hair was also the longest and curliest out of the
four boys. He was also the second tallest. The tattoos that covered
his arms and legs made him look intimidating, but anyone that knew
him knew that he could be a real softie – when he wants to

I shrugged my shoulders. “When are you gonna
give me a tattoo?”

That’s never going to
happen,” a deep voice from down the hall called. My head snapped
up. I knew that voice. It was as familiar as it was strange for the
fact that I haven’t heard that voice in months. I looked over at
Jasper afraid I was dreaming. He stood there with a smile on his
face. I capped my water bottle and threw it at him. I ran down the
hall and into Jasper’s work area. I blinked several times to make
sure I wasn’t hallucinating. His bright, hazel eyes smiled back at
me. I screamed and threw my arms around him the moment he stood

Jack, what are you doing
here and why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?”

I’m on a small leave and
I wanted to surprise you.” I squeezed him so hard I thought I might
crack a rib. When I finally pulled back, Jack looked down at me,
and then wiped a small tear from my cheek that I didn’t even know
escaped. “Don’t start that.”

I just miss

I miss you guys

Do Jax and Jacob know
you’re back?”

He shook his head no. “I’m going to surprise
Jake at his graduation tonight and don’t go tell Jaxson.” I put my
hands up in surrender. Jaxson was my other half, my twin. We had
the strongest connection and he was the one person I had a hard
time keeping secrets from.

Jasper and Declan joined us in the back
room. Declan yelped, jumping on Jack. She was just as happy to see
him as much as I was. Jack, my eldest brother, was a marine and had
spent the last six months over in Iraq. There wasn’t a day that
went by that I didn’t worry about him. To see him here in front me
made me want to cry, but then I knew my brothers would tease me and
call me a girl so I just smiled, happy to have my brother home.
“How long are you here for?”

Two weeks,” he said,
taking a seat back in the chair. I leaned back against Jasper’s
work station until he glared at me. I rolled my eyes and took a
seat next to Declan in one of the chairs. Jasper got back to work
on Jack’s arm. “What’s with the sweats? Did you just wake

No. D and I went for a
run.” He pulled his forehead up into a wrinkle. “Why is it so hard
to believe that I run?” Declan tried to cover her laugh and I
elbowed her in the ribs.

You trying to get into

Just thought I could lose
a few pounds.” Jack’s face fell into a frown. I knew he thought it
was an image thing and he hated that. He always told me if anyone
didn’t like me for who I was or what I looked
they weren’t worth my time. “Don’t give me that
it’s not
what you think. I gained fifteen pounds my freshman year and none
of my clothes fit. I would prefer to fit in what I have than go out
and buy new stuff.”

Didn’t you just finish
your sophomore year?” Jasper said, looking me up and
down indicating I was holding out on how much
weight I had really gained. I flipped him off.

Jack thought it over for a
minute. I could tell by the look on his face he was trying to
figure out if I was telling the truth or not. He should know better
than anyone how much I hated shopping and tried to avoid it at all
cost. Growing up with four brothers I didn’t have a lot of time for
the girly things
which included shopping. Jack was the one who was forced to
take care of all of us. Our dad died when we were young and our
mom, well, she had to go away for a while. Jack stepped in and took
over the role of both parents
and shopping for a girl was not something he knew
how to do. I learned to get in and get out quickly with only the
minimal basics and if I didn’t move fast enough I would be forced
to wear whatever my brother picked out, which usually consisted of
turtle necks, baggy sweaters and baggy jeans. I won’t even get into
the trauma of bra shopping.

If you want to get in
shape I can help you out.” Jasper laughed, making Jack narrow his
eyes at him. “You too, you could use it.” I stifled my laugh.
“How’s your physical therapy going?”

I’m done next

Good, then I’ll talk to
your doctor and see what your restrictions are and get you
started.” Jasper tried to hide his irritation. Jack smiled, resting
an arm behind his head, and relaxing back in the chair as Jasper
worked the tattoo gun over his forearm.

How about when you’re
done with Jack you can draw me up something.”

Over my dead body,” Jack

Jack, I already have a
tattoo. What’s the big deal? And you guys are covered in them. How
is that fair?”

Jack glared at Jasper. “I already told you I
didn’t do it and she won’t tell me who it was. If I ever find the
guy, he’s dead.”

I’d die before I told any
of them who did my first tattoo. Especially for the fact that it
just happened to be one of Jasper’s best friends who also happened
to be the same guy who took my virginity. Those two things I would
take to the grave with me. It’s not like Colby was a bad guy, he
was actually pretty great, but marking someone’s sister without
permission was a big no-no as they had reminded me several times
and sleeping with a friend’s sister was the ultimate betrayal. All
my brother’s friends were forewarned to keep their hands off of me.
I think the reason I chose Colby – besides the fact that he’s
extremely hot – was because I knew he would never hurt me and the
risk of being caught for doing something you’re not supposed
just made it
all that more appealing.

Knock it off you
and I did
want Jas to do it
but he refused to,” which was probably better, considering
the placement of the tattoo. Although it was Colby’s idea on where
to put it and how big it should be.

You know I can just go
anywhere and get one. I thought you would prefer it if I saved my
money and having Jas do it, you know it won’t get messed up.”
Jasper kept his mouth shut knowing I was right. If Jack wasn’t here
I’m sure I could convince Jasper to do it. “I don’t want to hear
any more
of your
‘you’re too young’
Jas told Jacob he would give him one for a graduation present.”
Jasper gave me the look of death for opening my big mouth, but I
didn’t care, I was trying to make a point. Growing up surrounded by
boys I had to fight to get what I wanted.

Jack barely blinked an eye
at my tattle. I’m sure he already knew about it but was just trying
to play it off and I swear if he pulled the,
‘Jacob’s a guy’
card, I would throw
down right here and now. Jack knew I was stubborn and I would get
my way eventually. Being the only girl Jack always took a little
extra pity on me. A pouty lip and a bat of my lashes I could
usually get him to cave. He gave a slight nod of approval to
Jasper. Jasper sighed and told me he would set something up for my
birthday which was only a few weeks away. I clapped excitedly and
then headed out with Declan to get everyone lunch.

We spent the next two hours catching up with
Jack. He told us he did whatever he could to get home for Jacob’s
graduation. He wouldn’t talk about his time in Iraq, which was
okay. I told him all about this past school year. I left out the
part about my new summer job at the bar. I knew they would find out
eventually. I heard Jasper mention the place a few times, but I
knew that was one place they wouldn’t want me to work and I wasn’t
ready to be forced to quit. I needed the money.

When Jasper was done, he cleaned up, and I
told Jack he could stay with Declan and me at the apartment so he
could still surprise Jacob and Jaxson. He thanked me for the offer
but decided to go surprise Jaxson now. I was surprised Jaxson
wasn’t already here. He and Jasper lived together and their house
was only two blocks away, but then I remember him saying he got a
job for the summer where he worked mostly weekends.

BOOK: 500 Days
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