Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (8 page)

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“Fuck me,” she growled when he still hadn’t moved. “I want you to fuck me hard.”


“With pleasure,” he replied, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.


Anthony pushed off from the bed and settled on his haunches. Prying her thighs further apart, he draped one leg over his shoulder and wrapped the other around his waist, giving him a better angle. He pulled his cock back almost all the way out, leaving just the head in, before thrusting back swiftly, sheathing himself to the hilt within her walls. The alcohol in his system took over his senses, not giving a care whether he hurt her or not as he pounded into her relentlessly.


Cassandra couldn’t care less how loud she was getting, knowing that no one else was in the house to hear her. All she cared about was the delicious torture he was creating between her legs. But even with his huge cock plowing into her in the most delicious of ways, it wasn’t enough for her. One of her hands traveled south to her pussy, her fingers finding her clit and rubbing circles against it in the same pace he had set, adding to her pleasure. He groaned as his gaze followed her every motion, the sight of his cock disappearing into her pussy while she played with herself causing him to be turned on even further.


“You wanna cum so bad, don’t you?” he teased, chuckling when all she managed in reply was a loud moan. “Your husband doesn’t fuck you like this, huh?”


She thrashed her head from side to side. “No,” she ground out. “He never fucks me at all.”


“The old man doesn’t know what he’s missing,” he growled back. “Your pussy is fucking amazing. I’d fuck you every night if I could, in every position imaginable, on every inch of this house. You wouldn’t be able to walk straight for days.”


She moaned at words leaving his mouth, excitement building in the pit of her stomach at the mere thoughts that ran through her mind, wanting nothing more for them to be true. “I’m close,” she gasped out. “Make me cum, Anthony!”


He shrugged her legs away from his body and pushed them up, her knees meeting her chest as he shifted positions. He settled back into a frantic pace, the new angle of him coming down into her making her cry out even louder.


“Keep playing with your pussy,” he commanded. “Don’t stop until you cum.”


Cassandra did as she was told, her fingers rubbing the nub raw as he pounded into her. It took only a few seconds until a scream tore through her, her orgasm sending shocks of electricity all the way to the tips of her toes. Her walls became impossibly tight around him, pulling him into his own climax, jets of creamy liquid spurting into her as he collapsed on top of her.


“When he said to take care of things,” he said after a few minutes of silence. “I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean this.”


“Who cares what he thinks?” she asked, snorting. “What’s important is that I like how you take care of things. Now what was it you were saying earlier about me not walking straight?”

The Welcoming Committee

“Can you get Jordan for me, please?”


Michael Owens sat back in his chair as his new boss talked to his secretary on the phone. He was a project coordinator for a national advertising company that had several satellite offices all over the country and had newly transferred to the Chicago office. It was a huge opportunity for him, considering how it was amongst the top five branches with some of the most notable clients. Anyone would have balked at the change, especially considering how he had grown up in a small town just outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and was now living in a big city where he knew practically no one – but not him. He was ready for a challenge, whether it be from work or from living so far away from home.


He was pulled out of his thoughts when a female voice sounded off from the doorway. “You wanted to see me?”


“Ah yes,” his new boss, Allan Caine, said. He stood up from his desk to greet the newcomer. “Michael, I want you to meet Jordan McCormack. She’s another project coordinator but she’ll be working with a different team than yours. Jordan, this is Michael Owens. He’s our transferee from Milwaukee.”


The slender redhead walked over to him and extended her hand in greeting. “Welcome to Chicago,” she said brightly.


Michael stood up from his seat before taking her hand to shake. “Thanks,” he replied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”


“So what is it that you need me for?” Jordan asked, turning back to her boss with an inquisitive glance.


“I was wondering if you could show him around the office,” Allan began to say. “Introduce him to some of the people he’ll be working with, show him where everything is and whatnot. Maybe even show him around town since he doesn’t know his way around yet. If it’s alright with you, that is.”


“Does that mean I’ll be free of any work today?” she said with a hopeful smile.


“Yes, yes,” their boss waved off dismissively. “You’re ahead of schedule anyway, that’s why it’s was you that I called for.”


“I still don’t know why you keep him around,” she muttered, referring to another coordinator that she wasn’t quite fond of. “He’s more a burden than he is help.”


“That’s why we asked for Michael’s transfer in the first place,” Allan said, bringing his new employee back into the conversation. “Feel free to ask her any questions. She knows what she can divulge and what she can’t, though I doubt that she’ll hold back either way.”


Not knowing what else to say, Michael nodded.


“You’re scaring him Allan,” Jordan teased. “Now he’s gonna be afraid of me.”


“Whatever. You can go.”




Jordan flicked her wrist to check the time on her watch, noting how it was almost lunch time. “Well,” she started. “You’ve met pretty much who you need to meet and I’m pretty sure the setup of this office isn’t that hard to figure out. So how about getting out of here and grabbing lunch? I can tell you all the good places for whatever it is that you have a taste for.”


“That’ll be awesome,” Michael said gratefully. “Though really, point me to a great pizza place and I’ll be your slave for life.”


“A man after my own heart,” she said in a breathy sigh, clutching a hand over her heart dramatically. “We’ll go for the best Chicago has to offer then, or at least it’s the best in my opinion.”


“Hey, you’re the local,” he pointed out. “I’ll take your word for it.”


After quickly popping her head in Allan’s office to tell him that they were headed out for lunch, Jordan led Michael down to the parking garage so they can head out. During the ride down the elevator, she had asked him about what he thought of the office so far, smiling when he seemed to have gotten a good impression.


“Considering how it’s one of the bigger branches, I thought things would be more uptight or something,” he confessed. “But it’s not really that different from where I was. Allan seems to be pretty cool.”


“Yeah, he’s awesome,” she added. “I think he only really gets wound up if too many shitty things happen and no one’s giving him the results he wants. So as long as you know what you’re doing, he’ll keep being easy on you.”


During the car ride, they had taken the time to get to know one another – asking about family, friends, where they had gone to school and some other basic things. In between topics, she had pointed out a couple of landmarks that they were passing, places to eat or shop or just generally hang out at.


“Where do you live anyway?” she asked. “Maybe we can go around for a drive around your area so you’d know where to go from your place to wherever. I can teach you the routes either by walking or whatever other form of transportation you wanna use.”


“I live over at Lincoln Park,” he replied, rattling off the address from his memory.


“Are you serious?” she said with a short laugh. “That’s my apartment building! That’s perfect!”


“Does that mean I can mooch rides off of you?” he joked.


“Hey man, just pay for gas every so often and you’ve got a deal,” she replied, flashing him a grin.


“Cool deal.”




Over lunch, they had made more plans to go around the city once he was more situated, with Jordan insisting that they were going out to a baseball game the first chance they get. Michael happily obliged to anything she had suggested. Even after knowing for just a few hours, he could tell that she was a fun person to hang out with. She made him feel quite comfortable, and when you’re in a new place not knowing anyone, he’d take whatever comforts he could get.


Once they got back to the office, she was hauled off by one of the employees he was introduced to earlier, though the name had escaped him, leaving him to his own devices. Even though it was only his first day, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to look over the projects that were lined up for him, hoping to get ideas started so he could make a good impression. He may have been specifically requested for the transfer, speaking of how well regarded he was by his new boss, but he still wanted to back up his previous accomplishments by continuing with his efforts. Michael had always been a hard worker and he wasn’t going to stop being one just because he was told to take it easy so he could take the time to get acquainted. He was essentially doing the same job after all, just in a different place.


“Hey,” Jordan greeted as she leaned against the entryway to his cubicle. “You ready to go?”


He looked up at her confused, not realizing that hours had gone by. “Uh, yeah sure,” he stammered as he gathered the papers he had been jotting down notes on.


A bemused smile crossed her lips. “Don’t worry about working so hard,” she said. “Trust me, you’re well ahead of the other guy. And maybe at an even playing field with me,” she teased, lightening the mood.


Michael shook his head as he allowed himself a breath to relax. He had been told of another project coordinator that wasn’t exactly pulling his weight, with most of his jobs falling into Jordan’s lap after clients or Allan himself were dissatisfied with his work. After another employee had filed for a study leave, his transfer was requested to help lessen the burden.


“Why doesn’t Allan just fire him?” he asked. It was a completely reasonable move. He doubted anyone would question it if it were to happen.


“Nepotism,” she replied simply. “He’s the son of one of the board members, I think. Totally unfair, right?”


“Let me guess,” he started. “He gets paid the same even though you do more work.”


“Yep,” she said with a slow nod.


“Well that sucks,” he mused.


“Anyway,” Jordan said, putting on a cheery smile. “What do you feel like having for dinner?”


“Best Chinese food in your opinion?” he wondered.


“You truly are after my heart, aren’t you?” she teased. “You and I are gonna get along just fine.”




What Jordan had said on the day they met seemed to ring true as the days passed. The more time they spent together and the more they found out about each other, the closer they became. Friendship came naturally to them, proving to be advantageous with how their relationship at work got on. Michael had been on the receiving end of a lot of helpful advice from her while she was treated to fresh opinions and criticisms for her ideas from him. Even Allan couldn’t help but comment on how impressed he was with their dynamic, commending them both on their work.


He hadn’t really expected to get along so well with her but he was very grateful about it. He may have been out of his element in a new town but having her around made the adjustment easier. She was very considerate towards him, always asking what he felt like eating and offering him rides or letting him borrow her car. And even though he found himself missing his family and friends a lot, her easygoing and cheerful attitude made it easier to be away from home. And of course, it didn’t hurt that he had a beautiful girl hanging around him.


Jordan was quite the looker with her slender build and pretty face. He knew she worked for her body, going on short jogs every morning before work or during the early evening, and for longer runs during weekends. She explained that it allowed her to still indulge in her less healthy cravings. He told her he didn’t care, that he liked a girl with a healthy appetite. She teased him then, saying how that sounded like such a line.


Michael smiled to himself at the thought. At some point during the past few weeks, they had become comfortable enough with each other that playful flirting had ensued. Whether it was just her easygoing attitude or if she was actually interested, it was a mystery to him. He didn’t want to be too forward in pushing the possibilities just yet, seeing how their friendship was still quite new but there was no use in denying that he was attracted to her and definitely interested in seeing if they could be more than friends.


He was pulled out of his reverie when a knock sounded on his front door. Given his current status, he knew that there could only be one person stopping by. “Hey Jordan,” he greeted as he opened the door.


He was almost knocked back by the sight of her as she flashed a breathtaking smile that lit up her features. “Hey,” she replied. “Are you busy tonight?”


“No,” he said. “You wanna come in?”


“No, that’s okay,” she said. “I just wanted to know if you were busy coz I was planning on inviting you out. There’s this new bar that opened up and I’ve heard from a few people that it’s pretty cool. They serve meals so we can go there for dinner and head straight into partying after.”


Michael tried to hide his amusement at how it seemed like she was rambling. Was she nervous? he thought. Maybe the attraction isn’t so one-sided after all. It sounded like an egotistic thought even to him, but with the way she was fidgeting on the balls of her feet as she waited for his reply made it ring as close to the truth as he could figure.


“Sure,” he agreed. “Is 7 okay for you to leave? I’ll stop by your apartment.”


“Yeah, that’s fine,” she said, the bright smile coming back on her lips.


“I’ll see you later then,” he said, flashing a smile of his own.



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